He Has To Wake Up


When I reach Sasha's room, the guards are grinning at each other, faces still weary. But there is something in their eyes that I haven't seen for a long time. Hope.

I burst right through them and fling the door open.

Standing over my husband is someone with an imposing figure and blonde hair. Marco. Lucia's brother. He looks up when I throw myself towards him then turns awkwardly so that he can take me in. He only just has time before I'm on top of him.

"Marco," I sob into his neck.

I hadn't thought that I'd be this vulnerable. If anything, I should be strong for my alpha. I should do better than be a pathetic ball of emotions but I can't seem to help it. No matter how hard I try, I somehow find a reason to crumble. I don't want this. Sasha definitely wouldn't want this, but I can't help myself, so I let go.

He gathers me up and holds me close. "Tyler, it's been a while. I missed you."