When The Time Comes


Luigi looks as nervous as I suppose should be expected, given the way we left things just before I got filled with lead. He stands at the foot of my bed, his hands clasped behind his back, and bows his head.

"Don Sasha," he greets me, standing at the foot of my bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like hot shit, but don't tell Tyler."

That raises only the faintest of smiles, but at least he looks me in the eye.

"Get over here. Let me see my ring; make sure you haven't scratched it." He sits in the chair that Tyler pulled up to the side of the bed and holds out his hand so I can see it. I rub my thumb over the stone and sniff.

"Doesn't suit you."

"That's for sure."

"But I'll need you to wear it a while longer. I'm sorry."

He gives a slow nod. He really doesn't want it.

"Thank you," I add. "I know what a burden it is."

"That's putting it lightly. But of course I'll do it."