Chapter 31

We sat in boring meditation for only a few minutes; that was before we heard the large crash from outside.

As we walk out to see what happened, we come up on a large crater freshly made into the field behind the old building.

I walk up the crater and see a small metallic pod deep in its center. As I get closer, preparing to enter the crater, a man, draped in a large cloth cape, stumbles out of the pod. Seeing this, I pause my descent and fearfully jump back.

"Yuri Sadisuto…"

I don't want to immediately acknowledge that I was indeed Yuri Sadisuto; I had no idea what the man would do to the person he was looking for.

Then, he points at me, and again says "Yuri Sadisuto."


"Can I help you?"

"Yuri Sadisuto, me and my people need your help."

Suddenly, Damian interrupts by yelling "Oh, no, we ain't starting this shit already."

The cloaked man walks out of the crater and gets in Damian's face.

"Excuse you, I was talking to the great and powerful Yuri Sadisuto."

The man turns to me.

"Yuri, I come from a planet many many light years-"

I can barely focus as I'm distracted by Damian mockingly making a talking gesture with his hand.

"Unfortunately, we were the next target of the Theromancers and now they threaten to destroy our entire-"

"Oh would you stop it already! Yuri won't be helping you, so get the hell out of here."

Damian really snapped on the poor guy there.

"Damian, this guy's whole planet is under attack and-"

"Yuri, do you not get what this is?"

"No, not really."

"This is plot. This is your random adventure of the week coming to ease your boredom."

"Wait, really? 

"Yes. Remember that you broke reality; did you think that the only change was gonna be the cracked open sky?"

"Well, no, I did it intentionally to get something like this."

"Exactly. This kind of guy is just the fictional world you started, slowly leaking into everyday reality. This is gonna keep happening, these things are gonna keep showing up. Pretty much everything unrealistic you encounter since opening that rift will be the fictional plot taking over."

"Yeah, but he needs help; and I wanted to live in a fictional world anyways, so there's nothing wrong with it taking over."

"I understand that, but right now you need to focus. You can do these monster of the week adventures after we defeat whatever's coming."

"This is literally what I worked for. Am I not allowed to finally enjoy the fruit of my effort?"

"No. Not right now. I'm sorry, Yuri. You're needed here, now, right now. Plus, isn't fighting the evil villain and learning to fly, wasn't that exiting to you?"

"It was until I had to do all this meditation crap. I don't even know how long I have to wait to get my first real taste of fun, yet I can easily take this weird-ass spaceman up on his offer and have fun now."

"You can't just live in the pursuit of instant gratification."

"And if I win against whatever this thing you warn me about, you can promise some other thing isn't gonna come and pull me away from my dream?"

"No, I can't but you have to be responsible-"

"I'm not responsible. Stop fucking telling me to be responsible. Responsible means you do things for the sake of others. Why should I hang up my dreams and happiness because it doesn't satisfy what other people want from me? I burned down the world that was holding me back, and you just want to be a new source of control, right?"

"Yuri, you're manic."

"I'm not manic, Terri. This isn't manic. Manic is enjoyable, it's a better high than anything you've ever felt in your pathetic life. You wouldn't know how I feel because you already sold your freedom away. Straight into some uptight job right out of college. You and I are too different to understand each other. I'm not manic, I'm just plain old depressed."