Rewrite Notice from Chapter 10 to Chapter 30

Hello, everyone. I'm back from hiatus.

Thank you so much for the love and support you've given to this novel of mine. I truly appreciate that you all enjoy it, and I hope to continue the story for a long time.

As the title suggests, I will be rewriting chapters 10 to 30.

After careful consideration, I've realized that while the plot itself is more or less okay-ish at best, my writing in those chapters has been lacking, be it like the structure or the flow of the story.

These chapters form what I dub as the "Obstacle Course" arc, which is a pivotal starting point that showcases the capability and willpower of my protagonist, Grunt No. 703.

Initially, I considered rewriting the entire novel altogether so I could move quickly to having my protagonist battle against the heroes as the villains' grunt. However, I've come to believe it would be better for him to have more motivation behind his drive and get to familiarized himself with his newfound reality. Thus, the Obstacle Course arc stays on.

If you're wondering about the new story or plot itself, and worry that it would be different from the new chapters, don't worry. The story of those chapters will remain the same as before, but this time, I want to ensure it is better written overall.

So, the story itself will remain unchanged, and I will continue to upload new chapters daily as usual.

If you enjoyed the writing of those chapters, don't worry too. I will provide a backup link where anyone can read them and compare the differences. Though I hope the newly rewritten story will be better received, of course.

This will be a lengthy process, so it will be ready when it's ready, and I will replace the old chapters with the new ones in a single update.

That's all from me. I hope all of you will continue to support this novel of mine.

Thank you.

Stay tuned for more~.