Chapter 214 Each has a guilty conscience

Gu Fei and Gu Qing went back to the next door. Gu Qing continued to sweep the yard. Seeing that no one was there, Gu Fei took out an old piece of clothing from the space and wrapped it around his head and face. He tied a bamboo pennant to the broom and started to stir up dust. Ash.

  The brother and sister worked for a whole day before almost cleaning up the building and the yard in front of them. Seeing that the city gate was about to close, the two hurried home.

  Have dinner when you get home.

  At the dinner table, Mrs. Chen couldn't help but talk about the gossip in Zhuangzi over there.

  "Well, I also went to see Xing'er this afternoon. I heard that she's doing better. She has woken up a long time ago and hasn't vomited much."

  "Now Xing'er insists that she is still a young girl, no? I'm willing to marry Shanzi."

  "Shanzi knelt on the ground and begged her this afternoon, but she refused."

  Gu Fei picked up a chopstick and said, "What did the uncle say?"

  Mrs. Chen snorted, "She wants Shanzi now. The family paid ten taels of silver and went around looking for suitable people, hoping to marry Xing'er as soon as possible. "

  Li Chunhua said quietly, "Auntie, I'm afraid that Xing'er will fall into her hands."

  "No!" Mrs. Chen said . She agreed, "I'm not saying that my sister-in-law only has money in her eyes. How can I find a good family in such a hurry."

  Mrs. Chen glanced at the girls on the table and said meaningfully: "So, this A girl's family must never make a mistake. Sometimes, if you make a wrong step, your whole life will be ruined."

  Gu Fei felt her mother's eyes sweeping over her body, and her whole body tensed up. What did I do? I didn't do anything.

  I just showed a lantern to someone on the Lantern Festival, and I didn't even hold his little hand.

  This is not about me, right?

  Lanzhi was very nervous, she must be teasing me!

  Erlang always likes to talk to her, so stay away from Erlang in the future.

  Lian'er calmly picked up the rice. Well, from now on, she would try to avoid the male owners of the family.

  Chen glanced around and saw people lowering their heads and dodging. Knowing that the move of Knocking on the Mountain and Zhenhu was somewhat effective, she nodded with satisfaction.

  In the next few days, Gu Fei was busy like a spinning top.

  First, I cleaned it up, then went to a furniture store to customize some furniture I needed, and bought some ready-made furniture, as well as tables, chairs, and benches, and then asked the painter to apply black paint.

  She planned to paint the furniture herself. Hiring a craftsman who could paint was too expensive, so Gu Fei couldn't bear it. She still had some painting skills and could handle simple flowers.

  I went to the cloth store and ordered a batch of fine cotton bed sheets, quilt covers, pillowcases, and bed curtains. They were all in light colors and looked clean.

  The silk ones were too expensive, so Gu Fei only ordered a few sets for the guests in the high-end rooms.

  Repairs were made everywhere in the shop, and Gu Fei asked the bricklayer to renovate the entire toilet. They created a few more seats, separated men and women, paved the floor with stone slabs, and put buckets inside for easy flushing later. It was cleaner than before. Much more.

  Seeing that everything was on track, Gu Fei asked Gu Zhang to write her a recruitment notice on big red paper and post it outside the door early in the morning. She wanted to hire a cook, a helper, a number of waiters, and laundry. The mother-in-law who makes quilts, the mother-in-law who washes dishes and sweeps.

  After posting the recruitment notice, Gu Fei stood at the door and tilted her head to look, feeling that she was about to become CEO and reach the pinnacle of her life.

  As he watched, a shadow fell over him. When Gu Fei turned around, he saw Xiao Yu riding on a horse. Today he was wearing a sable cloak. The black jacquard brocade cover made his handsome face look good. There is momentum again.