Chapter 217 Please do something

 Gu Fei said without hesitation: "No."

  "I'm recruiting people, not troubles. With your mother's temperament, I wish I would never have to deal with her in my life.

  " Embarrassed, Gu Fei said again: "If you don't want to get married and want to follow your own path, then you have to fight for it yourself. You can't wait for others to arrange everything for you."

  "God will help those who help themselves. Xing'er's face changed a little, "

  Okay, I'll tell my mother."

  Gu Fei looked at her and said calmly: "Since you want to work at my place, you will do whatever I say in the store from now on. " , don't just rely on you being my cousin. If you just plan to take refuge in my store, I advise you to stop thinking about it as soon as possible."

  "Also, remember to make it clear to your mother that if she goes to the store to cause trouble. "You don't have to go anymore."

  Xing'er looked at Gu Fei blankly. She was indeed a man who could kill wolves. She was a little scared after seeing this aura. After a while, she nodded, "Okay."

  She turned and walked out. Walk, faster and faster, and my back becomes straighter and straighter.

  Mrs. Chen sighed and was about to say something when her aunt dragged Tieniu in again and said that she wanted Tieniu to work as a waiter in the store. Tieniu was sixteen years old, tall and very strong. He could also drive a car. Gu Fei thought it would be useful and agreed.

  The next day, Gu Fei hired a cook.

  The cook is a woman, in her thirties.

  Gu Fei tried her skill at noon, and it was very good. Moreover, this woman had a lot of strength in her hands. When she flipped such a heavy iron pot, she seemed to have no effort at all. It seemed that she had practiced it since she was a child.

  Gu Fei called her Sister Hua and said that the salary was two taels of silver a month.

  Sister Hua also introduced Mrs. Chen who was doing laundry next door to her house. When Gu Fei met someone, Mrs. Chen cleaned up neatly and was very nice.

  Then he hired two young workers, both of whom looked strong.

  A few days passed in the blink of an eye, and Qian and Gu Zhong came to the door with Xing'er.

  Qian seemed to have received Gu Zhong's advice at home, as she smiled apologetically as soon as she entered the door.

  "Hey, I haven't seen you in the past few days. Little Fei is beautiful again."

  Gu Fei forced a smile and said, "It's a rare visit from my uncle."

  She saluted Gu Zhong, "Uncle, please take a seat."

  Gu Zhong sat down. At first he was still a little bit reluctant to let go of his elders' airs. Seeing that Gu Fei was just sitting there without speaking, he had to take the initiative, "Well, little Fei, uncle is here to ask you for something today."

  Gu Zhong sat down. Fei nodded, "You tell me, I'll listen."

  "Xing'er, this girl, is a left-minded girl now and refuses to get married. I thought, if that's the case, why not let her help in your shop, she can earn a lot of money." If you save some money, you can make a dowry for her in the future."

  Gu Fei nodded with a smile, "That's okay, Xing'er is my cousin after all, so I'll naturally give her a hand."

  "I can't do anything else. Don't worry, it's just auntie. If you have nothing to do and go to the store to find Xing'er or something, then—"

  Gu Zhong said quickly: "No, no, no, don't worry, Xiao Fei, if she dares to go, I'll break her legs." ."

  Mr. Qian's face twitched beside him.

  Gu Fei smiled and said, "Okay, then Xing'er, let's go to my store and try it out. As for what to do, we'll make arrangements later, maybe as a helper in the kitchen or as a waiter."

  "The salary is four hundred cents a piece. "Moon, food and accommodation are included."

  Qian shouted, "Why are there only four hundred coins? Aren't Aunt Liu and Tieniu both entitled to five hundred coins?"