Chapter 255: Get out of here

 Xing'er was shocked. She glanced at Xiaolu and Hezi who were still in the lobby. She was angry and anxious, and her eyes filled with tears. This person always made it difficult for her to get off the stage. !

  Never do things for the sake of others.

  Before, she was only embarrassed in that small village. Those people were either her relatives or fellow villagers. After that, no one said much, and there were no bad rumors.

  Even so, she didn't dare to raise her head when she walked out.

  Right now, this is a safe city!

  Even if there are no customers at this time, there are still these workers. What will they think of her in the future?

  She really regrets it now!

  Gu Fei looked at her coldly. She didn't intend to be troublesome at first, and there were no guests at this time. It would be better for the two of them to explain clearly what they should say.

  But when he saw Shanzi looking like he was forcing marriage and Xing'er looking like she was about to cry, Gu Fei raised her chin and said to Pingzi on the path, "You two go to the backyard and chop the firewood."

  Pingzi was about to say that the firewood was already gone. After splitting, the path pulled him away.

  When the two of them were out of sight, Gu Fei waved, "Xing'er, come here."

  Xing'er held back tears and walked to the counter. Gu Fei asked in a moderate voice: "What kind of charter do you have now? Are you going to marry him or not?"

  Xing'er gritted her teeth and shook her head, "No!"

  Gu Fei said calmly: "You must think clearly and don't say anything angry."

  Xing'er looked at Gu Fei firmly, "I understand. "This man can't marry!"

  "He only has himself in mind. Doesn't he know that what he said that day will ruin my reputation and make me

  unable to hold my head high?" "Doesn't he know that he is here to force me? It doesn't do any good to have people point fingers at me?"

  "How has he ever thought about me in the slightest? If I really marry such a man, I will have hard times ahead!"

  Gu Fei nodded, "It seems like you are. I really want to understand."

  Gu Fei looked at Shanzi and said coldly: "Understand it. If you understand it, leave as soon as possible. You will not be welcome here from now on."

  Shanzi stood up from the ground and stared with a gloomy expression. Gu Fei said, "Who wants you to be meddlesome? This is my and Xing'er's business, you have nothing to do with it!"

  Now he hates Gu Fei more and more, and she even interferes with him!

  Gu Fei laughed angrily, "I can't control it."

  "But you're standing in my shop and affecting my business!"

  "Get out of here like you are. If you don't, I'll get a broom!" "

  Lanzhi raised her head and glanced at Shanzi, curling her lips. She had also heard about what happened that day. This was because Xing'er was destined to die. If her aunt hadn't given her a hand, Xing'er's life might have been lost.

  This person actually dares to pester me!

  Pooh! Scumbag!

  I learned this term from Xiao Fei.

  Shanzi still stood still, Gu Fei got up and went behind the door, took a broom in his hand, and looked at Shanzi coldly.

  Shan Zi gritted his teeth. He had seen Gu Fei's cruelty before. If he didn't leave, she would really hit him with a broom. Then he would be the one who would be embarrassed. He glanced at Xing'er unwillingly and turned around to go out.

  When he reached the door, Shanzi turned around and glanced at Gu Fei fiercely before getting into the mule cart and driving away.

  Gu Fei stared at Shanzi walking away. She could tell that this man would not give up.

  She put down the broom and turned to look at Myolie, "Are you sure you won't regret it?"

  Myolie nodded vigorously, "If you don't regret it, I won't regret it even if I never get married!"