Chapter 282 Proposal for marriage

 It's normal to propose marriage in one or two days, but it's been so long and there's never been more than Saburo in one day?

  Chen didn't believe it.

  This son is very thoughtful.

  Gu Fei didn't know what her mother was thinking, so she smiled at Erlang, "Second brother, don't be anxious. I think it's like this. From now on in the morning, you can buy vegetables, marinate meat, and skewer meat, and then start selling them around noon."

  "It's early in the morning, and no one is eating this." "

  I still have some bamboo sticks here. You can use them first. Then you can go find someone to order them yourself. I can tell you the place and you can order them yourself."

  "When it comes to buying meat and vegetables, it's best to order from a fixed number of companies. If you buy every day, if you buy more, you can negotiate with others on the price. There are many ways to do this business. You can slowly explore it yourself. "

  If you help him with everything, it will be harmful to him. The second brother is considered an adult and it is time to take care of things by himself.

  At this time, Mrs. Chen pulled Gu Fei, and the mother and daughter were lagging behind. Mrs. Chen whispered: "I thought that since Lanzhi agreed, I should settle the matter as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams."

  "I'll do it tomorrow. " Do you think it's okay to ask someone to come to your place to propose marriage to her?"

  Gu Fei smiled and said, "Of course."

  "Who are you going to propose to?"

  Chen said, "I've decided on the person, so I'll ask Liu. Zhuangtou's daughter-in-law, she sometimes works as a matchmaker for others."

  "That's good." Gu Fei nodded, "By the way, have you told your second brother?"

  Mrs. Chen glanced at Gu Erlang, who was walking in front. Tell him, I'm afraid he will be too happy to find out."

  She paused, "Let's wait until Lanzhi receives the betrothal gift."

  Gu Fei has no objection.

  Early the next morning, Gu Fei took Gu Erlang's car and headed into the city early.

  Gu Fei held it in for a long time and refused to tell her second brother.

  When we arrived at the store, Sanlang had already opened the door, and Lanzhi was sitting at the counter.

  Gu Erlang gave Lanzhi a silly smile and rushed to the market to buy vegetables. On the way, Gu Fei told him in detail what things could be used for barbecue.

  After Gu Erlang left, Gu Fei entered the counter and said softly to Lanzhi: "My mother will send someone to propose marriage to you and my second brother today. If you don't want to, you can tell me now."

  Lanzhi's face immediately turned red and she turned away silently.

  Gu Fei turned her face towards her, "You don't have any parents. I can only tell you, no matter how shy you are, the matchmaker will come soon, and you still have to nod your head."

  Lanzhi's face turned red, "I , I didn't say I wasn't willing, I told you last time."

  Gu Fei said funny, "I'm afraid you will change your mind."

  "Well, after today, I will call you second sister-in-law. "


  Lanzhi was so embarrassed that she punched Gu Fei and ran to the backyard.

  At about six o'clock, Liu Zhuangtou's wife, Aunt Chen, came as expected.

  As soon as he entered the door, he smiled at Gu Fei: "Hey, this store is really luxurious. This is my first time here."

  Gu Fei smiled and stood up to greet her, "Excuse me."

  "She is in the backyard, I will take you there "

  The two walked to the house where Lanzhi lived and knocked on the door. Aunt Chen smiled when she came in: "Congratulations to Miss Lanzhi."

  Lanzhi's face turned red, but she still suppressed her shyness and greeted Aunt Chen.

  Although everything was well known, Aunt Chen still followed the procedure, made a lot of remarks, and praised Erlang to the heavens and the earth.

  Gu Fei felt embarrassed listening to her. Is her second brother so good?