Chapter 309: Revealed to Face

Princess Qi said calmly: "Miss Gu, to tell you the truth, my Yu'er, because he has practiced kung fu, is not allowed to approach women before he is twenty years old."

  "Although you haven't—"

  Before she finished speaking, Gu Fei raised her head, her face flushed, and said word by word: "I, Gu Fei, swear that I have no wrong thoughts about the prince other than to express gratitude for his kindness. If one day, I will be jealous of the prince." I had sores on the top of my head and pus on the soles of my feet because of my inappropriate thoughts."

  Princess Qi was startled. She could tell how sincere Gu Fei's vow was, which made her heartbroken. Shiver.

  It's obvious that what this girl said is true.

  Princess Qi covered her forehead. She suddenly felt that she had done something wrong today. If Yu'er was really interested in this girl and made such a poisonous oath, she would not enter the house even if she died.

  When the time comes, will Yuer make trouble with her?

  Princess Qi was scared just thinking about it. Looking at Gu Fei, she felt that it was difficult to get off the tiger. She waved her hand, "Okay, okay, why make such an oath? I believe you are."

  "Mother Xu, please send them out, I have a headache . ."

  Gu Fei pulled Lanzhi up with a cold face and backed out of the door.

  Aunt Xu walked beside the two of them and saw that Gu Fei was still very angry and clenched her little fists tightly.

  Aunt Xu secretly praised this girl. The oath just now shocked her.

  Such a poisonous oath is not made casually, there is a god in mind.

  This girl has such an appearance and such a spirit, which makes people like her.

  It didn't take long for the group of people to go out of the second door, and met Butler Wu head-on.

  Butler Wu was a little surprised when he saw Gu Fei and Lanzhi.

  These two girls actually came out with their tails intact?

  The princess actually let them go like that?

  Gu Fei saw Butler Wu from afar, and when she saw his expression, she knew something about it.

  What happened yesterday was not a big deal. She didn't hear any nonsense in a place like an inn where people and animals were mixed. The princess heard some rumors so quickly in the courtyard of the deep house.

  Where did the rumor come from? This could only mean that someone deliberately made something up in front of her.

  If this person doesn't do what he thinks, it must be Butler Wu. If it's not him, it's someone he instigated who did it!

  In Prince Qi's palace, he was the only one who had a grudge against him.

  Gu Fei glanced at Nanny Xu next to her and sneered at Butler Wu, "Butler Wu is very capable. Not only did you smash up my shop last time, but I didn't expect you to take revenge for personal gain and actually stir up trouble in front of the princess. Not only is it slanderous, I'm still slandering the prince!"

  "I've been on the street all day long, and I haven't heard any rumors. How come there are some dirty words in this deep mansion that have reached the ears of the princess?"

  "I'm afraid that someone has spread it. "

  Haha, you dare to deceive even the princess, you are very brave."

  Butler Wu was shocked.

  He never expected to meet Gu Fei here. After all, he had just called the two of them in not long ago, so he knew it.

  He just thought that these two girls would definitely have a hard time today, and they might have to go out sideways, but he never expected that they would be fine.

  He didn't even expect that this girl Gu Fei would dare to accuse him face to face!

  Butler Wu glanced at Nanny Xu in panic, raised his eyebrows and scolded Gu Fei, "You girl, what are you talking about? I don't even recognize you, so how can I slander you and the Crown Prince!"

  "I didn't deceive the princess!"