Chapter 322 Huge Property

Xiao Yu seemed not to have heard, but remained silent. Aunt Xu did not dare to say anything more and silently retreated behind the princess.

  The atmosphere in the room seemed to be stagnant. Except for the princess who twisted her body from time to time, the rest of the people did not dare to express their anger.

  He was afraid that he would offend the prince and end up like Ruyu.

  More than an hour passed, and it was completely dark. Several girls turned on the lamps cautiously, and the stone finally came back to life.

  He bowed and stood at the door, "To tell you what the princess and the prince said, nothing was found in Butler Wu's house."

  Butler Wu on the ground felt relieved when he heard this. He might still be able to escape today.

  Unexpectedly, Shitou glanced at him and said slowly: "I asked the boy who often followed Butler Wu. I learned that Butler Wu had another house, so I went to check it." The

  so-called question was naturally asked with a stick. , after a meal, a few boys did everything.

  "In that house, one thousand taels of gold and a total of 86,000 taels of silver were found. There were also properties, shops, antiques, pearls, jade, calligraphy and paintings, equivalent to more than 100,000 taels of silver."

  "Steward Wu's total wealth is approximately The total amount of silver is more than 200,000 taels."

  The princess stood up from the beauty and said in a voice: "That much?"

  Xiao Yu sneered, "My mother-in-law has a good family."

  "I'm afraid that this house will be moved. I don't know if it's empty!"

  The princess's face turned purple, and her tone changed with anger, "What a piece of shit, how dare you deceive the superiors and inferiors, enrich your own pockets, and you, a slave, actually—"

  The princess could not continue. , she wanted to say, you, a slave, have more money than I have in my private house. Is this justified?

  I have been saving for more than 20 years, and I have only saved hundreds of thousands of silver!

  Butler Wu kowtowed desperately on the ground, "Princess, dearest prince, this money is not from the greedy prince's palace. It is from some officials and wealthy businessmen who came to me for help. The villain collected their money and returned it to me." Princess, please watch this old slave serve his master and spare his life."

  Xiao Yu snorted, "This will make it even worse for you. Who knows how many corrupt and illegal things you have done outside in the name of Prince Qi's Palace?"

  "In the end, everyone in the world will only blame Prince Qi's Mansion!"

  "Come here, drag me out and beat you until you run out of energy!"

  Steward Wu suddenly lost all hope. He could no longer even say anything to beg for mercy, and only had thoughts passing through his mind. A vague thought, why should I provoke that girl Gu? If he had found out clearly about her relationship with the prince from the beginning, he would definitely not take action.

  What's more wrong, he despised that girl and instigated Ruyu to gossip in front of the princess. Who knows, but he lost his life instead.

  He was dragged out by the two boys with his eyes closed, a sad smile appeared on his lips. It's good that I can finally see Furong. She should still be waiting for me on the Naihe Bridge.

  The muffled sound of the outer panel hitting the skin reached the room. Xiao Yu lowered his eyes and ordered Shitou, "Go, take the antique calligraphy and paintings, pearls and jade that you just copied out, and some good ones from the farm shop and give them to Miss Gu." , take another thousand taels of gold and send it over, saying that the palace is apologizing to Miss Gu for what happened last time."

  "Put the rest in my private treasury,"

  Shitou replied and hurried out.

  The princess looked at Xiao Yu cautiously, "Yu'er, this matter has been dealt with. How about having dinner with your mother?"