Chapter 347 Whoever marries her will be unlucky.

Xiao Yu looked coldly, "I didn't say we couldn't get married."

  "It's just that the girl from the Protector's family is ugly, arrogant and willful, and has a vicious mind. I won't marry someone like that." !"

  The princess opened her mouth, "Is that girl Qingluan still ugly? "

  Oh my god, is there something wrong with my son's eyes! "

  Xiao Yu sneered, "It's just ugly. Anyway, I don't want it."

  The princess and Aunt Xu looked at each other, and the princess said carefully: "Then Miss Shen offended you?"

  Xiao Yu said impatiently: "I just saw her. I hate it, don't mention this person to me!"

  The princess sighed helplessly, "Then tell me which girl you like. I'll find someone to propose marriage to you."

  Xiao Yu stood up and said, "I don't want any girl from any family ." , mother and concubine don't have to worry about this for the time being."

  The princess said anxiously, "The one in front of your eldest brother has been gone for almost a year. I heard that they are planning to marry him recently. If you don't worry, you will be married. He snatched   it away."

  Xiao Yu was amused, "What's good?"

  "Mom, let me tell you, that woman Shen Qingluan is definitely not a good person. You will have to wait and see whoever marries her."

Finally, the princess heard Xiao Yu call her mother, and she became happy for a moment, and followed her son's wishes and said: "You don't like Qingluan, and mother doesn't force you. She is not the only good one in the world, but There aren't many people in Ping'an City who are worthy of our family. It's better to find someone from a famous family in the capital."

  "If you are willing, I will write to your grandmother and ask her to inquire about it for you."

  Xiao Yu frowned. Just when she was about to say no, she suddenly changed her mind, "Then let grandma inquire first. However, this choice must be approved by me."

  Seeing Xiao Yu relax, the princess nodded repeatedly, "That's natural, don't worry. , our family is going to get married, and no one would be unwilling to do so. I will ask someone to draw portraits of the noble girls in the capital, and choose them for you."

  Xiao Yu nodded, turned around and went out.

  The princess repeatedly called the maid, "Bring me some pen and ink, I want to write a letter to my mother."

  Xiao Yu walked out of the yard and let out a sigh of relief.

  He doesn't know how to marry Shen Qingluan, and he doesn't know how to marry any lady from the capital.

  It will take a lot of time for the mother and concubine to write a letter to the capital.

  We'll postpone this until the girl's poisonous oath is resolved.

  Just after returning to the courtyard, the boy beside the prince came over, "Your Majesty, the prince asked you to come over and ask questions."

  Xiao Yu did not ask why the prince was looking for him, and followed the boy to the outer study.

  The prince was cleaning his sword with a piece of cotton cloth. When he saw Xiao Yu coming over, he kept moving his hands and said casually: "I heard that you went to the Municipal Shipping Department to apply for a certificate and planned to form a fleet to go to sea. Is there anything wrong with this?

  " Yu stood a few meters away and said lazily: "That's what happened. A few friends wanted to go out to sea to earn some money. They invited me to join them. I accepted."

  King Qi frowned slightly, "Why bother? What do you want? Don't you want me at home?" Is it for you? Or did you lose your money? You'd better focus on the army."

  Xiao Yu said casually: "It doesn't take much energy, anyway, I won't do it myself . , let the steward below do it."

  "Besides, I didn't want to do this, but my son is really poor."

  "Now, even a steward in the house has much more wealth than my son . I am also a heir, and I am not even as good as a housekeeper, let alone compared with my elder brother. If this spreads, wouldn't it be a joke?"