Chapter 367 The Pearl Resurrected from the Dead

The clerk smiled and said, "The person you were talking about just now is the owner of our bank, Miss Gu."

  The woman lost her voice and said: "The owner?"

  Then she concealed her smile and said, "I really can't tell. This girl doesn't look very young, and she actually became the owner of Yinlou!"

  The waiter said with a bit of pride, "This is nothing, our owner still has a few shops, and the inn not far ahead is also owned by our owner. "Business is so good."

  The woman was in a panic, so she bought a gold hairpin, paid the money, and left in a hurry with her maid.

  After walking not far, I saw an inn on the street. It had a big front with three rooms. There were a row of lanterns hanging on the corridor. Several waiters at the door were wearing clean and neat muslin clothes, smiling at passers-by.

  The woman looked up at the plaque, raised her fan to cover half of her face, and walked over quickly.

  The woman walked for a while and asked the maid to call a car.

  She just got into the car and lowered the curtain. Her face couldn't help but twist, and the handkerchief in her hand was twisted into a twist.

  This woman is none other than Pearl, the maid of Pingyang Hou Mansion.

  She couldn't figure out how that bitch Jade had ended up in Ping'an City, and now he was actually the owner of Yinlou!

  When the Pingyang Hou Mansion was raided that day, she originally wanted to kill Gu Fei, but unexpectedly she almost got herself killed instead.

  Twenty boards down, Pearl fainted and only breathed.

  After the officers and soldiers ransacked the house, they put the seal on the door and left. No one bothered to care about the dead people on the ground.

  At night, Pearl woke up after being blown by the night wind, but she was seriously injured and couldn't move at all.

  It was also her fate that was not deserved.

  That night, a group of thieves broke into the Pingyang Hou Mansion.

  In the past, they would not have dared to come in.

  There are guards patrolling the house at night. If you are caught, you will die.

  But now, the entire Pingyang Marquis Mansion is deserted, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

  This group of thieves thought that although the house was ransacked and the gold, silver and jewelry were taken away, there would always be leftover bedding, curtains, clothes, shoes, pots, bowls, and even furniture.

  Many officers and soldiers would not want these things, but if they take them out and put them in a pawn shop, they will still be worth money.

  These people went back and forth several times. When a thief passed by Pearl, Pearl grabbed his feet.

  "Please, help me -"

  The quilt in the thief's hand was frightened. When he looked carefully, he saw a little lady lying on the ground.

  Under the moonlight, you can still see that although this little lady's hair is disheveled, her features are pretty.

  The thief thought about it, and after moving a few more things, he also got the pearl out.

  Pearl is not a heartless girl. As early as when she peeked at Gu Fei and Lanzhi hiding things, she took away the silver bracelet on her body, the gold hairpin on her head that Lanzhi had given her in the past, and the agate earrings on her ears. He took it off and hid it somewhere close to his body.

  When she arrived at the thief's residence, Pearl first took out a silver bracelet and begged the thief to exchange it for silver to buy her medicine.

  The thief originally planned to pick up the pearls and come back to warm the bed. Now she was willing to use the money to recuperate her injuries. How could she not? The next day, she picked up the medicine and came back to take it internally and externally.

  Pearl lay on the kang for a full month before getting out of bed.

  The day I got out of bed, I was exposed by the thief.

  Seeing that she was still a young girl, the thief thought of becoming a real couple with her.