Chapter 376: Know yourself and know the enemy.

Seeing Gu Fei's frustrated face, Su Chen comforted her softly, "Miss Gu, don't be discouraged. Miss Qin lost worse than you in the second game."

  Gu Fei felt that these words did not comfort her. She then heard Su Chen say again: "Actually, you are on the same level as her, and it is not difficult to defeat her."

  Gu Fei raised her chin and looked at him, "Do you have any idea?"

  Su Chen said brightly to Gu Fei His eyes, his heart beating heavily, he lowered his eyes and did not dare to look again, "I have played chess with Miss Qin. Her chess was taught by her grandfather. Shan Chang plays chess steadily and is good at long-term layout."

  "But Qin " Girl, although her chess skills are similar to those of Shan Chang, Miss Qin is different from Shan Chang in terms of age and personality."

  "This makes her chess skills look sophisticated at first glance, but in fact she is impetuous and careless. Regardless of the tail, there are many flaws. "

  "The first time, I was fooled by her. I dealt with her the same way as the mountain leader, hoping to win safely, but I lost in

  the second game . Her method easily defeated her!"

  He looked at Gu Fei tenderly, "And your problem is that you were not careful enough, and you were a little reckless, which led to you focusing on one thing and not the other."

  Gu Fei nodded. She also knew her own shortcomings. She was born this way, so it was difficult to change.

  Su Chen stood up and said, "Don't worry, girl. When I return to the academy, I will recall the games Miss Qin played with me and review them. You can think about it carefully." Gu

  Fei's eyes widened and she lost her voice: "Can you still review it?"

  Oh my god, this memory, is this the most powerful brain?

  Su Chen smiled slightly, "It may take some effort, but you should be able to remember that we are inseparable."

  Gu Fei felt admiration and gave a thumbs up, "Young master is really a great talent."

  Su Chen heard that Gu Fei With such praise, his face turned slightly red and the corners of his lips turned up involuntarily, "I have to rush back to the academy now. I will write a letter to the girl after I review it."

  Gu Fei waved her hand with a crooked eyebrow, "Young Master, hurry up Go, be careful when traveling at night."

  Su Chen looked at Gu Fei's smile, and his heart turned into a puddle of spring water, "I'm going, see you at the Lotus Festival on June 16th."

  Farewell Su Chen, the next few days. On that day, Gu Fei stopped caring about business. Every day he either went to the old man across the street to play chess, or went next door to compete with Old Man Huang.

  Unexpectedly, Old Man Huang is a master, and the old man across the street is no less willing to give in. Otherwise, they would not be able to play chess together often. Both of them are old and cunning, and the style of chess is treacherous and changeable. Gu Fei can play chess with them very well. My head is going bald.

  A few days later, Su Chen actually wrote a letter. In the letter, not only did he review two games of chess, but Su Chen also explained in detail the intention and method of solving each step.

  Gu Fei took this letter to discuss with Old Man Huang. Old Man Huang and the old man across the street gave Gu Fei a lot of advice on Qin Ying's chess moves.

  Gu Fei spent almost all his time studying these two chess games, and had a general understanding of Qin Ying's chess moves.

  She doesn't expect to become a master in a short time. Her goal is to target Qin Ying's chess moves and defeat her.

  There is a saying that goes well: Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

  That day, when Gu Fei came back from playing chess with Old Man Huang, he saw Tieniu frowning at the door.

  Normally Tieniu is a silly guy who likes silly fun. Suddenly his face became sad. Gu Fei couldn't help but ask: "Tieniu, what's wrong with you these past two days?"