Ava: A Familiar Scent

Selene growls, pacing as she sniffs every corner of the room. Her hackles are stiff. Even though she's just a dog right now, it's still intimidating.

That bastard was here, Selene confirms, after sniffing around the bedroom. He won't harm you. Her lip curls back into a soft snarl. I can smell his regret with every step he took.

I collapse, my legs too weak to hold me up. That refreshed, revitalized feeling is gone. Only fear remains.

"What am I going to do? I can't stay here. If he found me, that means Dad can find me."

Perhaps. Selene stretches with a large yawn. I would not worry yet, cub. You are not as defenseless as you once were, and you cannot run forever.


You cannot run forever, Selene repeats forcefully, and I fall silent, struggling against the panic fluttering against my ribcage. One day, you might have to fight back.

Fight back?