Ava: Selene's Return

Panic seizes me as I pat frantically at my neck, searching for the familiar weight of my necklace and finding only smooth skin.

Where is it? How could I have lost it?

Hurriedly, I retrace my steps, dripping water across the tile as I scour the bathroom. I get down on my hands and knees, peering under the sink and toilet, my heart pounding with rising dread. Nothing. It's not here.

Wrapping myself in a towel, I venture back into the main room, my gaze darting frantically about as I search for any sign of the missing crystal. I rifle through the sheets on the bed, tossing pillows aside as my desperation grows.

Not there.

I get the bright idea to check my pockets, but it isn't there either.



I have no idea how big of a problem this is, but Selene had made it seem very important that it stay on me at all times.