Ava: Shopping With Ivy

For someone who doesn't want children, he could have fooled me last week, Selene says, yawning in amusement.

Shut up, I hiss at her, smiling at Ivy. "I'm sorry for startling you."

"It's fine." She waves a hand, looking me over with some caution. "As long as you're okay."

I continue eating, trying to keep my composure after that awkward moment. Ivy hesitates, seeming unsure if she should continue eating as well. The silence between us grows thick and uncomfortable. I rack my brain for something to say, but the tension is stifling.

Finally, Ivy clears her plate and stands. "Well, I should get going. Thank you for having me over."

I stand as well, unsure of the protocol. "Of course. Thanks for the gifts."

She steps forward and kisses both my cheeks, catching me off guard. "I'll see you around, Ava."