Ava: A Subtle Switch

"Ava, I don't think this is a good idea." Lucas' voice is strained, and despite not knowing him well, I can imagine him pacing, his hands clenched in frustration.

"It doesn't matter, because I'm going." Thankful he can't see me, I cringe a little at how childish I sound. Standing up to myself is new, and every time I do, I feel like a rebellious teenager.

I never had a rebellious teenage stage, but I imagine this is how they sound. It reminds me of Jessa's whining, anyway. She always complained that Mom and Dad were ruining her life with their strict rules and demands that she stop dating whatever boy was the flavor of her week, saying she needed to be mindful of her future mate pairing.

Obviously she'd grown out of it at some point. Maybe it's my turn to sound like one.
