Ava: Going to Sister Miriam Again (II)

"What do you mean, consume her?" Jericho demands, his eyes narrowed.

Sister Miriam sighs, flicking ash from the end of her cigarette. "Magic is a living thing, wolf. It has a will of its own. And right now, Ava's magic is wild, untamed. If she doesn't learn to control it, it will control her."

When they still stand there, waiting for more, she rolls her eyes, making even that seem almost elegant, even if the rest of her face is too blank to make it seem natural. "Your girl will go boom, wolf. And everything around her will pay the price."

"What's the difference between now and before?"

Sister Miriam's brows draw together slowly, just a little out of sync. Sometimes, she acts so naturally. Other times, it's like she can't control her entire face. This is one of those times, and the wrongness of it causes shudders of repulsion. "Before?"