Ava: A Stronger Bond Than Before

Soon, Grimoire assures me.


Selene sets her paw on the golden wolf's head, shoving it down while she rubs her head against my hand.

"Jealous?" I ask her in amusement.

Why would I be jealous? she asks, even as she wiggles her way between us.

Unlike with Lucas, she isn't trying to share affection with the golden wolf. It's me she wants to snuggle against.

I guess she still doesn't have a full connection with his wolf.

No, she agrees shortly.

As Kellan and Lisa approach, the golden wolf lets out a low, menacing growl in warning. Selene, ever protective, sits up abruptly and snarls back. He immediately cowers in response.

Kellan's voice cuts through the tension. "It might be best to keep him in here. Not everyone's seen their Alpha's new form."