"Where did I put it?" I rummage through the dresser drawers, tossing clothes onto the floor. "I swear I had my phone when we got here." I pause. "Didn't I?"
The details are a little fuzzy, considering. Between months passing and the insanity of our escape from the Fae Ward…
You've never been good at keeping track of your belongings.
"That's not true." But even as I say it, doubt creeps in. When was the last time I saw my phone? Is it still in the Fae Ward? The idea that someone might have access to my texts leaves me a little sick to my stomach.
Oh? Remember that time you lost your house keys three times in about five minutes?
"That was different. I was distracted."
And your favorite shirt? The blue one?
"It probably got mixed up in the laundry." I move to the nightstand, rifling through the drawer. Nothing but a few hair ties. A luxury item, and I try my best not to lose them.