Ava: Confronting Ivy

Snow crunches under my boots as I pace, each step carving deeper tracks into the pristine cover of snow that swept in overnight.

Three steps left. Three steps right. My breath clouds in front of my face.

"Just knock already," I mutter to myself.

You've been out here twenty minutes, Selene points out.

"Not helping."

How do you tell someone they might be corrupted by dark magic? 'Hey, noticed you've been acting weird lately, mind if I check for evil taint?' Yeah, that'll go over well.

The door flies open with a bang that makes me jump. Ivy stands in the doorway, her usual perfect appearance nowhere to be found. Dark circles ring her eyes, and her chestnut hair hangs limp around her face.

"What do you want?" Her voice comes out raspy, like she's been gargling glass.

"I..." All my carefully planned words evaporate. "Are you okay?"

She leans against the doorframe. "Fine. Just tired."