Inventors Of Dating

If one were to ask Jane Molson about the youth, then she would have this to say. 

"The youth today are very smart people. After all, look at all of the gadgets that they got used to in a short period of time, and technology is always evolving, but you never see them struggling. Whatever new hinky-dink comes through, they're always ready. They always manage to use it without any struggle," But Jane Molson would not have ended it there. Instead, she would have continued after that. 

"But smart as they are, the youth are also very dumb. Do you know what their biggest problem is?

Their biggest problem is that they think they invented everything in the world, including dating," 


"But dating is one of those things that us old folk know for sure. After all, the older generation was there when love letters were not just a thing that was done on occasion.They were something that was quite regular,"