Cat And Mouse

Sebastian Haven! Sebastian Haven!

Sebastian Haven!...

Unable to scream since that would give away her location. Emily had mentally screeched the name for a good few seconds.

Somewhere in between all of that internal screaming she had managed to fire off a few texts to Derek. But after that inspired act. Emily's brain had decided that, it was the perfect time to go on vacation.

Had it not been for Derek texting back and asking her about soy milk of all things, Emily was certain that she would have gone down quickly. Her mind grasping at random thoughts in an effort to try and get her to think of anything but

the situation that she was in at the moment.

But Derek's soy milk trick had worked and she had found herself being too angry, to be panicked. The man had also gone on to call her a staff sergeant, something that she had not expected. And that title, had instantly grabbed Emily's attention.