Everybody Knows

When Emily had left Derek and his uncle behind in the store. She had not realized just how terrified she had been, until she had looked down at her hands and had realized that they were shaking.

When the shaking had stopped, Emily had taken it to mean that her fear was gone. That she was no longer terrified. Come Friday, she had been too busy making sure that they had not been caught to focus on anything else. And over the weekend when it had been just her and her mother. It had been easy to believe that she was no longer scared.

But it was Monday now, and being in the presence of people who were not her mother, was showing Emily that she was not over the incident.

She was terrified. And a huge percentage of that terror did not come from an external source. Instead, it came from Emily herself. She was the one who was grabbing things that were insignificant, unimportant, and turning them into huge monstrous shadows,