Night Talk

In the past when Derek had heard of couples staying awake well into the night just to talk. He had often had to hide a scoff of disbelief at that. 

Staying awake for hours on end just to talk. Who did that?! Did they not know that sleep was precious?

That it should not be wasted. That if somebody had the chance to close their eyes and rest. They should take it and use it well. Not wasting it on something as trivial as talking, which could be done during the day. 

That had been Derek's view on the whole thing. For the longest time he had often held no small amount of contempt towards people who did that. He had always felt as though they were showing off. Making fun of people like him who had to fight tooth and nail for every little bit of sleep that they managed to get. 

But now things were different.

Derek had a girlfriend now. A real one, unlike all the others in his past whom he'd had to keep up a facade for.