Going Where?

Being with Derek often left Emily feeling as though she was losing touch with reality for a bit. The way that she was used to things working, becoming untrue simply because she happened to be in the presence of one Derek Haven. 

At first, Emily could not sleep. Then one day she shared a bed with Derek and voilà! She was suddenly able to sleep through the night without a single nightmare. Then of course there was that whole thing where she had gone to bed single, and had woken him up in the middle of the night. The two of them talking things out, until she felt ready to accept. Meaning that come morning she had a boyfriend.

And the whole Derek is my boyfriend, and I am his girlfriend thing. Had led to the situation that Emily was in now. 

In a car with Derek on a Saturday morning, instead of being in bed with him back at the penthouse. They were headed somewhere that only Derek knew.