Preparation Is Key

"Oh my goodness, Der-bear! I cannot believe we get to spend time together. The last time we talked, I thought that I would never see you again. Well, not see you, see you.. We see each other around a lot. I just thought you would be too busy to talk to me, like you were last time. Oh my goodness this is so exciting, Der-bear," Only years of practice kept Cassandra Haven from outwardly flinching at the girl's too loud voice. 

How could anything sound so shrill and annoying?

She definitely understood why her son was not romantically interested in the girl.

Not only was Penelope's voice far too loud for anyone to be able to endure on a regular basis. She also did not seem to have much thought going on upstairs. She would make an awful girlfriend. There was no way she was even in consideration for the running as the next Mrs Haven.