No Regrets

The last time that Jane had come home to find Emily on the carpet. It had been because of Derek Haven. Now she had come home, and found her once again on the very same carpet. And guess whose fault it was? 

Derek Haven...again. Throughout her life, Jane had tried her best not to actively dislike anyone but she had to hand it to him. Derek Haven was making it very difficult for Jane to stick to that belief. What was it about that young man that just set Emily off? Sure he came from a rich family and was well connected, but that gave him no right to toy with Emily's heart. 

He could have any girl out there that he wanted. Supermodels, celebrities, artists, fashion designers, you name them he could have them. So why on earth did he seem to take great joy in tormenting Jane's daughter? Given that Emily had already been well past drunk by the time that Jane had come home from work. There was really no getting a straight answer from her.