Chapter 13

Si xu said why are not you resting?

Ji chi replied I was not getting any sleep .

Si xu said oh!oh!oh!

Ji chi said at what level your spirit root are?si xu said I am at the spirit root of heaven aptitude with the good grade golden spiritual root .

Ji chi said then you have also gotten the heaven aptitude spirit root?

Ji chi said then why are not you resting up at this moment?si xu said I also was not getting any sleep so I came to your room.

Ji chi said then why do not we celebrate for getting heaven aptitude spirit root by drinking for whole night?

Si xu said okay.

Ji chi sad you wait at the backyard in the xu said sure.

Ji chi called jing chen who was hiding in the roof of the house.

Jing chen said master why do you call me?

Jing chen said master do you need something?

Ji chi said jing chen bring out the finest wine in the zu city and make it faster.

Jing chen said sure.

Jing chen went out from the room of ji chi and went to the different wine shop.

Jing chen check all the wine and soon reached at the finest wine store.

After reaching to that famous wine store,jing chen order the man who was In charge of the shop to bring out the finest wine.

The man soon bring the finest wine in his shop.jing chen drinks a little and smell it to check the wine is the finest or not.

Jing chen order the man to bring out the two or three jar of this wine. The man bring the wine In front of jing chen.

Jing chen took the wine from the seller and give him money .jing chen use his martial art to reach faster to the lingfeng academy.

Ji chi was waiting in his room.jing chen brought the wine to ji chi .

Jing chen said master this wine is the most finest wine in the zu city.

Ji chi order jing chen to go and find out the location of the red phoenix sword. Jing chen went from the room of ji chi.

When jing chen went from the room of ji chi,ji chi went at the backyard of his room where si xu was waiting for him.

Ji chi went to the su xu and tell look here i have bring the wine then why do not we try it?

Si xu said i will brought the cup and you will pour wine in them.

Ji chi said okay.

Ji chi pour the wine at the cup brought by si xu.

Both ji chi and si xu drink the xu said this wine is really good than the other wine.

Both si xu and ji chi drink the whole wine.

After some minutes ji chi saw si xu finish his wine and was sleeping.

Both si xu and ji chi were drunk.

Ji chi grab the waist of si xu and carried si xu to his room because si xu room was locked.

Ji chi put down si xu in the bed .