
The next morning after getting out of bed, I walked out of the room to see Mom who was preparing food in the kitchen, "Where's Dad?" I asked because I didn't see father sitting in his chair. Usually before going to the garden, father always sat in his chair, waiting for mother to prepare breakfast while reading the newspaper that had just been delivered in the morning.

"Dad went to town, delivering orders."

"Why?" I was surprised because usually my father hired someone to do it. "Does dad usually like to hire someone to deliver his orders?"

"Mom doesn't really know either, dear, maybe there's something important to do."

Not bothering too much, I had breakfast together with Mom. Because my father left, I was forced to help my mom with her work. Even though mom did almost all the work, I only helped with small tasks such as feeding the livestock and massaging mom body when we rested.

After work, if my friends don't invite me to play, I usually spend time under a big tree not far from my house, reading a novel that I previously bought at the market. But now this novel can't attract my attention, it doesn't mean because the story is bad, it's just that what attracts my attention now is which waves are in the sky.

What kind of magic could make a god's house look like that? is that a human act? uh ... impossible, it seems impossible that a human could do such a presumptuous thing to a god's house.

"What are you doing now?" Selena asked. The ruffle-sleeved dress she wore looked so cute, it's no wonder many kids my age fell in love with her.

"Are you alone?" She sat next to me. "Where are the other children?"

"Michael had to help his parents trade and Marco said he wanted to practice swinging a sword with his father."

Yes, Marco's father is a member of the state knights, he will definitely get good training from his father. Michael also seems quite serious about his ambitions. They are both really great because they can have dreams that they want to achieve, in contrast to me who still doesn't know what I want to do.

Even though I actually told Dad yesterday that I wanted to become an adventurer. But hearing him say I had to tell Mom made me give up my thoughts. I already know what kind of face mom will make if I say I want to be an adventurer.

"Great!" praised Selena who saw me emitting fire at my fingertips.

I did it subconsciously, "This is normal," I said covering my embarrassment, being praised by a cute girl seemed to make my heart beat.

"That's great Isaac!" with sparkling eyes she brought his face closer to me. "My parents said, usually people learn magic at the age of ten, if there is someone who can learn magic under the age of ten it is a sign that he is a genius."

Argh, her face was too close, I turned my face away because I couldn't bear to see his cuteness, I was also too embarrassed to show my red face.

"Did someone teach you?"

"There is." It would be even more troublesome if he found out that no one taught me how to use magic. "Who?"

"The adventurers we met yesterday. My father knows them and I was taught a little by them how to use magic." Before Selena asked again, I immediately changed the topic. "Don't you help your parents at the restaurant?"

"Today the restaurant is quiet, so they allowed me to go play." But it seems quite useless, Selena keeps asking me the same questions in succession. "They taught you? How is that possible? Oh yes it's because of your father, but how did your father know them? What kind of relationship did your father have with them? Were they your father's friends? Or was your father also an adventurer? But as far as I remember, everyone in this area didn't there was once someone who worked as an adventurer."

I really gave up. I don't have the strength to face it anymore. If you are curious about something, Selena really looks like a very scary monster boss. I hope that in the future, Selena directs her curiosity towards positive things, and doesn't use it like the mothers in the village.

Today I used up all my stamina to answer all his curiosity. Luckily, as night approached, her mother came and told Selena to go home immediately, so I could finally breathe a sigh of relief again. When compared to the work I did before, answering all of Selena's questions was more tiring than having to work to help mother.

"By the Goddess Ankhofiya, I am very grateful for answering my prayer for Selena to go home soon." I said that while making a posture like someone was praying, and as a form of gratitude, I do it repeatedly.

In front of the house I saw Einar again, but because of father's absence, this time he was talking to mother. He came here to order the same thing, meat and wine too along with fresh fruit. And because the father who usually delivers was not there, Einar was happy to help us carry the items he bought. Of course I also helped, it was impossible for me to let mother do the heavy work.

"Don't take too long Isaac, mom will make dinner for you!"

"Yes ma'am!" I said.

Even though yesterday I looked normal, this time walking alone with Einar felt a little awkward. I don't know what to say in a situation like this.

"Hey!" called Einar who was walking behind me. "When is your father coming home?"

"I don't know, maybe tomorrow or the day after."

Thanks to Einar's help I was able to transport all the goods onto the train faster. The muscles of an adventurer are different from those of us who only work in the rice fields. And actually almost all the items were picked up by Einar himself, all I did was tell Einar which items to pick up.

"Great, you are still small but can already do work like this."

"Just normal." I climbed into the horse-drawn carriage which was in the front position as the road leader, usually my father had to lead the way but because of his absence I had to replace his role. "If children my age can't do anything, then in the future he will be useless."

"I see... I was also the son of a farmer. And when I was the same age as you, all I could do was go play with my friends."

"In the past? What do you mean by in the past?" There weren't any torches lit along the road we were on, it seemed like the security had forgotten to light the torches around my road. Therefore, I couldn't help but have to make a small fire from my hand so that it could illuminate my vision. I deliberately only made a small fire, because I'm sure Einar can do it too.

"Can you use magic?"

"Yeah, a little."

I already knew he would ask like that.

"How do you do it?"

If asked how I did it, I actually don't really know, it just happened. "I don't know, I just felt something flowing out from all over my arm and as soon as I thought of fire, fire suddenly came out of my hand." Yes, I'll just say what I feel.

"That's mana!"


"You can feel the flow of mana in your body? crazy, I'm sure Margaret will be shocked if she hears it..."

After that Einar just muttered to himself, I couldn't hear him, did I say something again that I shouldn't have said?

When we arrived at the adventurers' tent, Einar called two of his men to unload the goods on the carriage, meanwhile I, who had just gotten off the carriage, was suddenly pulled by Einar to where the adventurers were sitting in a circle, in front of the campfire. He explained what just happened (about me being able to feel mana) is it that great to be able to feel mana? to have to tell it to others? I'm sure this is not something rare.

"Einar, can you cast your magic again?" Margaretha asked, her face looked serious and I couldn't help but obey her words.

"Looks great, right? He's only eight years old."

Einar looked very enthusiastic while Margaretha was busy with her thoughts, and Donovan, as usual, was busy getting drunk with other adventurers.

"What kind of magic can you do?" Margaretha asked again.

"I can only cast a little fire magic," I said while showing them fire magic. And I think there's no harm in telling them the truth, because maybe they are the right person, and also I've always been curious about one thing. "May I ask?"

"What do you ask?"

"What kind of magic can make waves like that in the sky?" Einar and Margaretha were silent, I don't know why they suddenly looked at me with very strange looks. Am I asking the wrong thing again? but what's wrong? I felt confused, wondering what was wrong, until I finally realized that not only Einar and Margaretha were looking at me strangely, but Donovan and the other adventurers were also giving me the same look.

Have I asked something that shouldn't be asked?