
Azure Feather City, Great Xia Empire, Heavenly Desolate Continent, Profound Sky Realm. 14 years later.

In the Gu family mansion, a 14-year old teenager sat and meditated in a desolate room, with the scent of incense assaulting his nose from time to time.

"Finally! I have transformed my poor meridians to become suitable for cultivating!"

This teenager is now Gu Aoyao. He was reborn in the Gu family branch of Azure Feather City. This was a branch of the Hidden Gu family of the Great Xia empire capital, who were also the family he was originally born into.

"Aoyao, come and have dinner with us." A woman with pale countenance smiled wryly.

"Mother, I will be there in a minute." Gu Aoyao looked at the woman who was his mother this life.

"Alright but do not make us wait, okay?" His mother, Gu Qinglan smiled at him. She departed at once upon saying this.

Gu Aoyao looked at his mother's back as she walked away from his room. He had genuine joy from the look of his face.

"Mother…" Gu Aoyao couldn't but smile thinking of his life now. Coupled with his suffering in the Saint Realm before getting reborn, he was happy to receive love and care from another person in a while.

He thought of the Saint Realm and the Shangguan Ancient Family, and he couldn't help but be angry, but then he recovered and reminded himself.

"The Shangguan Ancient Family is too strong." He muttered to himself. He originally thought of getting revenge, but then this dissipated when he thought of the strength of the Shangguan Family. Any core person has the strength to destroy the entire lower realm!

The lower realm he is in now is only one of the myriad smaller realms, all of which are insignificant. This was also his reliance in escaping the Shangguan Family, there were just too many.

He recouped himself and reminded himself of his goal. Become strong enough to be unparalelled and invincible in the entire lower realm, live a good life and be the overlord of the entire realm!

Aside from his previous life's experiences, he also had the ultimate foundation building cultivation technique, the Nine Exquisite Profound Sutra. It will be too easy to subdue this entire realm.

He went back to his current practice. The only misfortune of this life was that he was born lacking in aptitude for cultivation. As such he had become sidelined by many and treated insignificantly. Regardless, he was respected and feared just because he was the Gu Patriarch's son. At the same time, it was in line with his plan of laying low in order to move more freely and improve his strength more quickly.

Despite this slow start, he had long surpassed the strength of his peers, arriving at the 1st layer of Qi-Sea Realm, an unprecedented feat at 14 years old. This fact has been hidden from everyone.

"I would have had a faster cultivation if my meridians weren't poor, now I will be cultivating much faster!" Gu Aoyao assured himself. But then he reminded himself of the Saint Realm juniors who were already in the Profound Palace Realm at the age of 12. He couldn't but frown about this fact but then forced himself to forget about this fact.

"That's right. I'm still too far! I can't slack off in cultivation!" He was about to continue his cultivation when his mother's irritated voice sounded from the dining area.

"Aoyao come here now!"

"Ah! Coming mother!" Gu Aoyao hurried himself. He immediately went to the dining room. Sitting in the table, he saw his father, the current Gu Patriarch Gu Aoming, his mother Gu Qinglan, and his younger sister Gu Fei.

"Mother, father." He greeted his parents.

"Don't rush your cultivation son, no need to push yourself." Gu Aoming said with a stern look, which was followed by a doting smile.

"Don't worry father, I'm just excited with having improved my realm again!" Gu Aoyao revealed to them.

"You're now in the 9th layer of the Body Tempering realm?" Exclaimed everybody.

"Congratulations brother!" Gu Fei was the first to greet Gu Aoyao.

"Thank you Fei'Er, sorry your brother isn't a genius like you!" Gu Aoyao cupped his hand.

"What! You're also a genius among your peers brother, I'm just… different." Gu Fei smiled bitterly.

"Don't worry brother I'll protect you when we grow up!" Gu Fei assured her brother.

"I'll wait for that time. Hahaha…" Gu Aoyao acted and smiled wryly. His sister was truly a genius, at least in this lower realm. At the age of 8 and already in the 1st layer of Qi-Gathering realm! This was even faster than his previous life. Of course, it couldn't be compared with his current progress.

As a young girl she has surpassed her brother's generation and stands above her peers. This also has caught the attention of the Hidden Gu branch and she enjoys the resources and training from them, this has also made the Azure Feather Gu family rich and powerful.

His father was a peak Qi-Sea Realm powerhouse. In Azure Feather City, Qi-Sea realm cultivators were already powerful and could decide wind and rain. At the age of 14, being able to stand with the older generation and now he could improve faster! One can see his achievements at once. Some older generation couldn't even break through to Qi-Sea realm, forever stuck in the peak of Qi-Gathering.

"Congratulations Aoyao, but you have to take care of yourself, don't miss meals!" Gu Qinglan lectured him with a stern look with hands on her hips.

Gu Aoyao could only reply affirmatively and smile bitterly.

After dinner, Gu Aoyao asked for gold coins from his father. They were rich, and as his father doted on him, he easily received enough money.

"I am now in the Qi-Sea realm, I'm able to draw the internal talismans required by the Nine Exquisite Profound Sutra that will further increase my strength and allow me fight across levels easier!" Truth be told, despite just being in the first layer of Qi-Sea realm, he had the strength to go toe to toe against the peak of Qi-Sea realm, he already possesses enough strength to rival his father!

Once he successfully integrates with the internal talisman, his strength increases further, and he will able to swat a peak Qi-Sea realm expert like a fly! He will have become unparalleled in the Azure Feather City. The patriarchs of the top families of the Azure Feather City were at most at the peak of Qi-Sea realm, like his father. He only had to worry about the ancestors and former family heads that have long retreated to preserve life and protect the realm in seclusion - they are confirmed to at least be at the first layer of Primal Core realm.

He immediately went out to the nearby Thousand Flowers Pavillion to buy what he needed to draw the talisman.

One of the pecularities of the Nine Exquisite Profound Sutra is that it requires the cultivator to integrate various materials to strengthen himself. Apart from the internal talisman, he previously needed to concoct a specific pill to finish Body Tempering Realm - the Nine Revolutions Profound Pill. Using his memories from his past life, he was capable of concocting pills and writing talismans, albeit to a limit - it was at least enough for the purposes of the Nine Exquisite Profound Sutra. In the future, after building the Immortal Palace in the Martial Emperor realm, he will be able to build exquisite formations in his body that will allow him to become even stronger! These are the benefits of the ultimate foundation building technique, the Nine Exquisite Profound Sutra.

He had to note that the art of talismans was obscure in the Heavenly Desolate Continent, with only some dabblers and practictioners at a low-level in the Great Xia Imperial Court.

He had to be careful in purchasing materials, lest an opportunist notices him. While he's confident in tidying over threats now, it would be faster if he didn't have to deal with every little ant that comes his way.

Arriving at the Thousand Flowers Pavilion, he was immediately welcomed hy the steward at the door.

As he entered the pavilion, a familiar voice resounded with a tone of mockery.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the prodigal Gu son."