Bloom of Love

Part 3

he kept looking her performing abulation..

~Zaim's POV~

As Helena began performing ablution, I couldn't help but admire her from outside the gate as her reflection was showing from the mirror so I could seeing her actions.

Helena turned on the tap and washed her hands three times, ensuring that every part was thoroughly cleansed. I noticed and stared her with innocent look that how gently the way her fingers moved then she rinsed her mouth three times, swishing the water around gently before spitting it out. I admired the serenity on her face as she focused on this simple act of purification.

Helena carefully rinsed her nose by sniffing water in and out with her fingers..

After that, she washed her face, beginning at her forehead and moving down to her chin, making sure every part was touched by the cleansing water.

Then, she rolled up her sleeves to her elbows, leaving her arms bare. She washed them carefully and followed by wiping her head and ears.

I kept staring at her hands, my jaw dropped in amazement then I felt a strong desire to hold her hands for a moment. I then Lost in imagination in which i was performing ablution for Helena, following each step as if i were doing it for her.

And finally she washed her feet.

My thoughts were interrupted then I watched her whole standing figure from outside the room, completely lost by her actions.

I fell for her even more, i then realized my heart racing faster than ever before, overwhelmed by my emotions I turned around and leaned against the wall with closed eyes while reviewing her actions that how she performed whole action peacefully and beautifully. It was as if i had never seen anyone perform ablution so meticulously and beautifully before.

I then opened my eyes and heard my phone was ringing i put out my phone from mu pocket pant and saw Alex was calling, I declined the call and walked away from there, when i reached downstairs i saw Alex was standing in the corridor with John. John glanced at me and told Alex while indicating his index finger towards me,

"there is that moron."

Alex looked up his head from his phone while narrowing his eyes and went near me, i was going fastly with lost look. John shouted while following me and tried to resist me from going.

I then stopped in my tracks and turned my body towards the direction of the voice, i saw Alex and John coming towards me then i moved my head down towards my phone and heard John saying in anger. John asked me angrily wjile looking at me with joined eyebrows,

"Where the hell have you been man? We've been searching for you for a long time."

Then John took a deep breath hold his anger while rolling his eyes towards another direction then he again looked at me and informed me gently.

"We got an assignment to complete before the due date,. Sir Soejin wants us to work on it as a group with first-semester students because he wants to give them a chance to grow their ideas with seniors. So He has given them a task to work with seniors.

He added, "What's the plan, and when do we start? We need to form a group of five people. Since we are three, we need to find two more from the first semester. Moreover, it's marks-based and will be added to the final term exams." I didn't notice that Helena is from semester one.

I replied with a low tone,

"Let's start now."

I was about to head to the library then Alex stopped me while grabbing my right arm and asked in concern.

"Hey Zaim, you've been a bit off today, everything okay? Don't dare to lie to us we can read your face. I can swear you don't seem fine. Is there something we don't know about? Just open up to us Man."

With that John chimed in, " Come on, man. You know you can tell us anything. We've been through worse together."

As I saw my friends concerned about me, I placed my hand on John's shoulder then i replied while trying to netrualize my tone,

"It's nothing, bro. I'm just a bit tired, I didn't sleep well last night. Ignore it hmm, Let's head to the library for the assignment. I need to check out some books too."

John trusted my words then he said while grabbing my back of the neck,

" Well, if you keep zoning out like that, we might have to take you at our secret place forcefully. what do you say huhh?" He winked me while saying this with a sarcastic smile on his face.

John, always the one to lighten the mood and as he sensed something off with me and was not telling my worries so he tried to lighten up my mood a little.

Having been best friends since childhood, Alex and John knew me better than anyone. They were well aware of my gentle nature, how i always managed to avoid negative influences , how i suffered alone, and never allowed myself to get stuck in situations that could disturb my peace. So, their concern grew seeing my mood swings, as my emotions were clearly reflected on my face.

I smiled a little, i looked back and forth between Alex and John and tried to ignore the topic by changing the subject.

"Let's not waste time bros we've got an assignment to crush,"

Alex said assuringly.

" Alright, if you say so. But remember, we're here for you, no matter what. "

John teased me again while laughing.

" I guess you will make sure to get more sleep then, or else I know how to give you a good sleep hmm."

I laughed at his statement as i had understood John's intentions behind his laugh and said, "oh really ? Is there any need of it hmm?"


Author's POV

On the other hand, Helena was performing her Salah. She finished her prayer and stood up from her prayer mat, folding it and placing it in her bag, which was a small piece of cloth she used as a prayer mat when outside. Mia watched her affectionately, then approached her and gently placed her palm on her chin and said while admiring her with bright eyes.

"My dear bestiee, I wish all your prayers will be answered, and you will find a handsome gentleman who fulfills all your desires. You deserve the whole world, and I'm sure your prayers will be heard soon."

Helena smiled faintly then asked with stern gaze, "Why are you so desperate about my love life huh? Then Helena stepped out from the room with Mia and again said,

"First, you wanted to set me up as your girlfriend, Astaghfirullah tauba, and now you're praying for a handsome partner for me?"

Mia burst into laughter at Helena's words , Astaghfirullah and tauba ! She followed her then she added in a serious tone,

"What's wrong with that huhh? Don't you want me as your best friend and a handsome husband?"

Helena made a frustrated expression and said, "huhh, Whatever."

Mia grinned mischievously and said while grabbing Helena's arm . "Oh, come on, you know I only want the best for you. And besides, you who wouldn't want a charming prince. "

Helena said with a smirk, her eyes twinkling with humor.

"Well, I'd prefer someone who's not just charming but also has depth and sincerity," Mia nudged her playfully and winked. " Don't worry, I'll ensure he meets all your criteria."

Helena couldn't help but smile at her friend's persistence while looking at Mia's light brown orbs. "Alright, fine, I'll trust your judgment. But if this 'handsome prince' turns out to be a frog, what will you do, huh? You're the one who's so desperate to set me up."

Mia paused and made a thinking pout then she said. "Ahhh, umm, let me think what I can do for you if he doesn't meet your requirements ."

Helena laughed so hard at Mia's lost-in-thought expression and said, "Come on girl stop it. And let's go"

Mia laughed again at her response, and they both left the place.

As they entered the classroom, they heard from one of their classmates that they had an assignment, and they needed to form a group with five people including students from the third semester.

Mia looking worried while muttering to herself slowly, "the fuck, Why so sudden man."

But Helena heard her words then she said while narrowing her eyes towards her,

"hey don't curse, it's totally forbidden in Islam. Then she again said, reassured her gently,

"Don't worry Mia, let me get to know what's the matter."

Mia looked at her while joining her eyebrows in worries look then she asked,

"Should we go and ask the seniors about forming a group? Or have the groups already been made by the professor? What do you think? I don't have any idea about this Helena."

Helena again reassured Mia with a calming voice while places her both palms on her shoulder, "Don't rush Mia. Don't get worried we'll work in a team, and we will divide each topic among everyone in the group.

First Let me confirm the requirements of assignment then we can approach the seniors or wait for the next announcement, we have two weeks to complete it hmm so take it easy., Insha'Allah, we will make it better than others"


Zaim's pov

Meanwhile I, Alex and John were sitting in the library, I stood up and went to the bookshelf then i grabbed some books i needed. As my gaze fell on a book named "His Delicate Rose" which was a novel then i grabbed that book from the shelf , i didn't know why i chose it then i returned back to my seat and settled on it where Alex and John were already sitting. I placed all the books on table and also put that novel down while opening it.

Alex and John were staring on that book and then they moved their eyes towards me and kept staring at me in confusion as i had never read these types of books, nor were they my taste. I always preferred informative and subject-related books.

Then i noticed their stare and asked in a neutral tone while looking up at them, "What?" After asking i again looked down towards the book and kept turning its starting pages.

I heard Alex saying, "Bro, if you don't mind, we are gathered here to make a plan for our assignment." I started looking back and forth between Alex and John, the i took a sigh and said, "Bro, as you know we haven't formed a group yet. Without completing the first step, how could we reach another step, huh? First, find mates, form a group, then we'll work on it. Until then let me read this book in peace."

John and Alex were listening to me with a lost look. Then alex scoffed and drifted into thoughts while John looked back and forth at me in wonder and they both thought that i was the one who always pursued and forced them to study, and now i seemed to have no worries regarding the assignment. They both knew well that this assignment carried important marks which would be added to the exams.

Alex shrugged his shoulder, then he moved his eyes away from me and got busy with his phone while resting his back on the chair. Meanwhile, i stsrted flipping through the pages of the book. As i read a chapter titled "I Belong To You And You Belong To Me," i caressed my palm over the title slowly.

I then started reading the novel. As i reached on a drawing page, i saw a girl with tall height and hazel green eyes with a milky white complexion that enhanced her eyes and features even more.

I caressed the whole page gently with my palm as I saw Helena's face suddenly appear on the page, that causing me to lose myself for a moment.

I felt my heart getting heavier and i then whispered 'Rose' unknowingly as my thoughts were interrupted by John's voice,

"let's go, our class is about to start."

I raised up my head and looked up at John then again i bowed my head towards the book in wonder, i then joined my eyebrows and was frantically flipping through the pages forward to backward quickly while muttering to myself, "where did you go 'Rose' you were here a while ago I saw you here girl."

John and Alex were again staring at me while noticing my each and every action then John asked in confusion while leaning his body a little towards me,

"Man, what has gotten into you? What are you finding in this book desperately ? Will you spill it out or not? Stop making us worry and let us know what's wrong with you man."

Then i stopped flipping pages and looked back and forth between John and Alex. I gulped down my saliva as i realized the situation, then i said, "Huh, what happened?

Then i cleared my throat and tried to hold my emotions then i replied, "Ahh nothing," then i moved down my head towards the book then i sensed Alex and John's stare, i asked without looking at them ,

"Why are you staring at me like that? stop staring at me like that. I was just reading a novel."

Alex looked at me while narrowing his eyebrows and asked in a straight tone, "You're the one who's answerable. Don't make things worse, share with us what's going on in your mind , you seem different today. Just spill it bro. Is there something that we are not aware of? Don't behave like this."

John looked at me while placing his both arms on the table and asked, "Come on Zaim, you cannot make us fool. We can tell something is bothering you. Just let it out. We're here for you Man."

I sighed a little, feeling their concern and tried to explain things calmly and simply, using friendly words and a caring tone to help them understand my point of view, then i said,

"I appreciate it guys that you are concerned about me, but really I'm fine. Just had a lot on my mind lately that's all."

Alex leaned forward while looking back and forth into my light brown orbs and his expression was serious then he said. "We're not buying it Zaim. You've been acting strange all day. If something is bothering you, then just open up to us."

I shook my head, trying to deflect their attention and then i said. "Honestly, there is nothing to worry about. Let's just focus on the assignment, okay?"

Then John said,

" Zaim we're not mind readers. If something's bothering you, you gotta let us know.

He paused then he remarked while making an observing look,

Are you falling for someone? Is that a thing?"

Alex raised his eyebrows in shock and looked at John with a blank expression.

I looked back and forth at John's face in shock and felt flustered at his statement then i tried my best to hold my emotions, i chuckled awkwardly and said. "The heck. huh? I scoffed while moving my eyes towards another direction then i again looked back at John and said, Ahh really Man, ohh God huhh."

Then i added but in a neutral tone making sure not to let them know about anything that i was feeling something since i was not sure about my emotions myself, i leaned my body a little towards John while placing my both arms on the table then i said.

"Bro you both are exaggerating. It's nothing like you think. Nothing has wrong with me, I'm okay. You know me well that I'm not into these things, this has nothing to do with me ever. Everything is going well, there's nothing to worry about. Okay?"

After that, i placed all the books inside mu bag except for that specific novel. I closed the novel and held it in one hand. Just as i was about to leave, Alex stopped me and said, "Bro Professor Soejin canceled his class. I just received a text in our class group on WeChat. Now we have time to find group mates from semester 1."

I replied in a neutral tone, " Bro, why the rush? Let's start from tomorrow. We have plenty of time,for now I'm going as I have to do some work, will see you later. "

Alex nodded his head because he knew that i could cover the whole subject in one night alone, and since we have a group assignment there's no need to worry. Right then, John stopped me and said to Alex and Zaim, "Bro, let's plan to go racing tonight. What do you say, huh?"

I was about to deny it but right then Alex said to me, I know you are not gonna refuse this one as racing is your favorite activity to do hmmm?. Let's go out tonight together and have some fun.

I gestured towards John and Alex with the book in hand, indicating agreement and left from there.

As i was walking away from the corridor i spotted Helena standing in the garden. she engaged in conversation with a boy from the 3rd semester. I recognized him that he was one of my classmates. I was curious about their conversation then i moved towards them but before i could reach them, John appeared beside me grabbed my shoulder and said, "Bro you are here, I was searching you I need you for a moment. Come with me without making any excuse. It's urgent."

I kept looking on her standing figure then John again said, "Man where have you been lost, let's go."

My thoughts were interrupted as i heard John's voice then i went from there with John.

I and John reached in the classroom, Alex was already there , as they were discussing about something meanwhile Olivia entered in the room while clutching her notebook and looking around the classroom for a group to join.

She spotted me, alex and John. She approached our table with a hopeful smile and settled on the chair beside me then moved her eyes towards me and greeted us joyfully while licking her lower lip, " hey guys."

She placed her notebook on the table while asking again, "have you guys formed a group yet ? I think Zaim and I should team up with students from semester 1, and John and Alex can find their partners because I need Zaim in a group as a leader since he know about the requirements well. It would really help us to create something outstanding, you two have brains as well so you don't really need him.. what do you say Zaim?"

John glanced at me while raising an eyebrow, however i was resting my body on the chair head, then looked back at Olivia and said, "yah girl it's not about needing him or not. It's about whether Zaim wants to work in the group you're proposing or not. It's his decision.

Did you even ask Zaim if he is willing to let you join ?"

Olivia scoffed while moving her eyes away from me then she looked at John and replied straightforwardly to his statement.

"Oh come on John, who would deny an intellectual girl like me, huh? We make a great team, remember our last project? Plus, more heads are better, right?"

Meanwhile, i was leaning back in my chair almost lying down, with my hands behind my back of the neck and my eyes were closed. However, i had been observing the conversation. Then i opened my eyes and sat up straight while adjusting myself. I then placed my hands on the table and looked back and forth at Olivia's eyes before saying while joining my eyebrows then i licked my lips and said.

"Olivia, it's not about who is intellectual or who did well on the last project. It's about working dynamics and comfort. I appreciate your confidence, but I think our working styles are quite different."

I didn't say much but i said enough to make her understand but Olivia, not easily agreed, she leaned in closer to me while looking back and forth in my light brown orbs and replied while gesturing by her hand, "But Zaim think about it. Together we could easily ace this assignment. You know how well I organize and research. I also hold position in the class after you. We complement each other's skills perfectly. Just think about it for once."

I sighed, made an annoyed look but making sure to maintain my patience and then i said. "Olivia, it's not just about skills. Not about position. Yes, you're organized, and yes, you research well. You have a brain too but I've already discussed forming a group with John and Alex."

Olivia kept looking slightly deflated but still hopeful she then tried a different angle. "Okay if not as a leader, could I at least join your group? I promise I'll adapt to whatever approach you guys decide on."

I scoffed in frustration but tried my best to hold my frustration Infront of her because i didn't want to let her join in the group as she was annoying and always wanting to stick with me in everything then i said straightforwardly.



"He didn't realize that his love for her grows stronger with each passing moment."