Part 8: Zaim's heavenly beauty

"Let's go, John. We have to go shopping, man."

Then they both left from there.


                    ~Author's pov~

It was 11 PM at night when Alex and John finished their shopping. They decided to go to Zaim's house. As they reached at Zaim's house found him sitting on his terrace with his cat named 'Ellie' under dim lights. Zaim was caressing and kissing her forehead. Alex and John smiled upon seeing him happy while entering the terrace.

John said in a loud maintained voice,

"Hey bro, what are you doing alone in this huge house huh? Where is your dad ?"

Zaim turned his head towards the direction of the voice, he looked at John and Alex coming. he smiled upon seeing them there however he didn't respond to John's question and gestured for them to sit on the couch, they sat down and started talking with each other.

Zaim was still caressing his cat Ellie, right then he asked them.

"Where are you coming from ?"  He asked again as his gaze fell on their shopping,

"Shopping hmm." 

John then grabbed a glass of water from the table and asked Zaim while looking at him with a pleading expression,

"Yeah, Zaim, you should come to the party, bro. Why did you deny? We didn't ask there because we thought it was not appropriate to ask your reason in front of them."

He then gulped down the water. Zaim glared at him, feeling strange at John's statement. Then, he moved back towards his cat and replied in a gentle voice,

"I'm just not in the mood to go."

Alex and John looked at him with worried expressions. Then they glanced at each other. Right then, Alex leaned forward a little, joining his palms together, and said,

"Don't you dare to hide anything from us this time, or you'll see my real face."

Zaim raised his head, looking back and forth between them then he smiled a little and held Alex's hand with his one hand and then he replied,

"There is nothing to  worry about guys I just want to take a rest for a while on the weekend  you know we have been working on a project and serving our days and nights to it so I'm just tired and need to rest , that's all, or If there was anything to worry about, I would definitely tell you but there is nothing to get worry.

Just relax I have told you before I'm okay and you know whenever Mr Ali and his wife are here in Korea my mood automatically changes, don't worry it's normal guys I'm alright."

He stood up from his seat while taking his cat in his arms and asked them in a neutral tone,

"Ok tell me what would you both like to eat ?"

Alex and John also stood up from their seats and grabbed him around his shoulders joining him as they headed to the kitchen then Alex said while looking at Zaim,

"We'll cook together."

Then they cooked for themselves. Zaim made Chinese rice with Jalfrezi, Alex made chow mein, while John, who was not adept at cooking, joking around and made them laugh with his lame jokes.

While eating cucumber, John remarked,

"I don't understand why Helena denied coming to the party at first. I don't think she belongs to a conservative family. I have never seen a girl like her before who stays away from these things.

However, every other girl I have seen is eager to attend such events. Look at Mia, who was so eager to come and finally convinced Helena to join the party."

John was muttering to them. Right then, Zaim turned his head towards John, he got shock. He didn't understand what he had heard. Then John said again, while laughing a little,

"I can't understand girls, bro. That's why I don't flirt. I just made one girlfriend and will spend my whole life with her without even facing any drama, huh.." he smirked,

Right then, Alex said in a flirtatious tone,

"Oh come on, man. Don't say this. I think having women is a lifesaver, but you're right. I've never seen a girl like Helena. I want to know more. Why does she react like that and barely talk with us?

I've noticed many times that she seems lost while talking with us. Don't know why. Like today, she denied at first, but then when Mia insisted, she agreed on the very next moment. I like these types of girls." He laughed while saying,

Zaim kept glaring at him with a stern gaze, then he tried to control himself. He asked while turning his head towards Alex,

"But she denied, didn't she?"

John placed his hand on Zaim's shoulder and replied,

"Yeah, bro, but then she agreed later. She agreed to come tomorrow."

Zaim then lost in his thoughts after listening John's words he didn't realize when a smile appeared on his face.

They all set the table and placed the food on the dining table as they started eating Zaim grabbed a wine bottle and opened it in joy. John and Alex kept glaring at him in confusion then they looked back and forth between zaim and then each other, trying to understand his intention.

After John and Alex headed to their houses, Zaim went to his room with Ellie. He felt happy after hearing that Helena was coming to the party. However, he couldn't manage to sleep due to excitement. He sat up in bed, feeling restless, and then decided to find an attire to wear at the party.

He took out some clothes from his cupboard and inspecting himself in the mirror.

He made a frustrated look because he wanted to look more handsome than anyone else hoping to impress Helena with his appearance, after hanging back his clothes in the cupboard, he grabbed the keys of his car and his wallet from nightstand and headed out for shopping.

He approached in the shopping mall and started searching clothes just then his gaze fell upon a suit that caught his attention he entered the shop and asked staff to let him try it o. Pleased with how he looked in the suit, he decided to purchase it and headed back home. By the time he arrived home, it was already 2 am. Exhausted but content, then he finally fell asleep.

It was Saturday morning, Helena woke up at 5 am to perform her Fajar Salah. She wore a comfy hoodie and loose trousers, with her head tied up in a bun. She went to the bathroom and performed her ablutions as usual, then returned to her room. Taking out her prayer mat, then she spread it on the floor and began her Salah while saying


After completing her Salah, Helena remained seated on the prayer mat and raised both palms to pray.

As she completing her Dua she started her Dikhr;

Astaghfirullah Rabbi Min Kulli Zambiyon Wa Atubu Ilai . ("I seek forgiveness from Allah (God) from all my sins and I repent unto Him".) 7x

After that, she took out the Quran Shareef and a Rail, placing them on the prayer mat, and started reciting with her sweet voice. After completing her recitation, she stood up from the prayer mat and returned them to their rightful places.

Then she went to her backyard to do some morning exercises. After finishing her routine, she headed to the bathroom to take a bath. This was her daily routine to do these things.

It was 7 am in the morning, and since no one else in her family had woken up, Helena decided to lay down on her bed and rest for a while before heading out for breakfast.

Meanwhile, Zaim woke up at 11 am. Half-nude, he scratched his back while yawning, then he headed to his bathroom to freshen up. Turning on the tap, he splashed water on his face, washing away the last remnants of sleep. Then, he brushed his teeth and took a refreshing shower. Each drop of water streaming down his body felt warm and comforting. Pushing his hair back, he felt the sensation of water splashing on his face.

As he finished with his shower he went back to his room while half naked just wearing only his shorts and rubbing his head with a towel. He then went to his terrace to do some exercises to relax himself. As he was done, he headed to the kitchen grabbed an apple from the counter of the kitchen and took a bite.

Right then Mr Ali came from his room and called Zaim to sit with him. He rolled his eyes, scoffing in frustration and made his way towards him.

As zaim settled onto the couch Mr Ali said to him,

"Zaim I want to take you Japan with me, what do you say? he added while interlocking the fingers of his hands then he looked at him and said,

"I know you might be reluctant but I want to take you with me Japan as my parents lives there, I can't leave you alone here anymore nor I can leave my parents alone there. You can find a job and make a new life for yourself in Japan. I'll assist you with job matters, I know you won't be ready to handle my company that's why I said or if you say I'll build a company for you there."

Zaim rolled his eyes towards the other direction, he smirked with a pissed off look then he again turned his gaze to his father, while resting his body on the couch, he placed both arms on the upper part of it, he said,

"Have you cared about me before today, that you care about me now?"

He then leaned down his body a little and said again,

"Listen Dad do whatever you want to do, don't drag me with you, I'm happy here and I can't go with you and your wife anywhere you already know that, so keep it in your mind."

Right then, Zaim stood up from the couch and made his way towards his room. Mr. Ali kept looking at his retreating figure, feeling disappointment that he couldn't convince him. He knew he had to find a way to make things right, to rebuild the bond that had been fractured for far too long.

After that he decided to visit Mr Ahmed's house today, he called his wife while saying,

"Jess come here I want to talk to you about something."

Jessica came over and replied while settling onto the couch,

"Yes, my love."

Mr Ali smiled a little then he gestured for her to sit on the couch , she sat with a smile then she again asked,

"what were you about to say hmm I'm all ears,"

Mr Ali replied,

"Do you remember my friend Mohammad Ahmed, I told you about him that he was my college mate,"

She hummed in response then he added,

"I'm thinking of visiting him today. what do you say hmm? Would you like to go with me to meet him and his family?"

Jessica smiled widely and answered,

"Yes I remember Ali , I'll definitely go with you, just let  me know when we are going there hmm?"

Mr Ali looked at her with a big smile and replied,

"I haven't informed him yet that I'm in Korea but I'm planning to go there at 7 today."

Jessica suggested,

" You should call him right now and let him know about your arrival if he is not busy today,

"You are right, Jess. I must call him and ask."

Mr Ali agreed. He then dialed Ahmed's number, and after a few rings, Ahmed picked up the call while saying,

'Assalamualaikum Ali '

'Walaikum assalam Ahmed my friend how are you."

'ALHAMDULILLAH I'm fine you tell me.'

'I'm good as fresh as apple.'

Ahmed laughed at his statement then they continued to talk randomly,

Then Ali asked,

'Ahmed since I'm in Korea so I was thinking that we should meet."

'Yeah why not Ali , come to my home and meet me and my family , what do you say huh?'

'That's a great idea, I also was thinking that I and Jessica should meet you and your family,

if you are free, could we meet today in the evening?'

'That's good Ali, I'll be waiting for you.'

Mr Ali ended the call and informed Jessica with a bright smile,

"Jess Mr Ali invited us to his house today , just get ready by 7, okay?."

He added,

"Ahh Jess make sure to take some gift for his family,"

She hummed in response ,

Then Mr Ali gently instructed her while placing his hand on her shoulders,

"Jess as you know he is a Muslim like me but he is quite modest compared to me, so try to wear something modest hmm?"

Jessica nodded her head reassuringly and then she replied with a smile,

"Okay my love, I'll wear whatever you choose for me."

Mr Ali smiled at her response.



Helena was performing her Maghrib salah, as she finished her Salah she went to get ready for the party.

"She wore a long, A-line dress reaching her ankles, featuring long sleeves and a modest neckline. The bodice was adorned with subtle embroidery of light pearls and a lighter shade of blue or silver thin lace, adding a touch of glamour without being too flashy. Over the dress, she wore fitted trousers in the same color. Additionally, a hijab made of soft georgette, neatly wrapped around her neck like a dupatta, matching the embroidery on the dress. Also wore a pair of comfortable, low-heeled navy blue pumps that enhanced her dress, along with minimal makeup."

On the other hand, Zaim was getting ready. He hadn't informed Alex and John about his arrival. He was curious and impatient at the same time to see Helena today. As he got dressed, thoughts of meeting Helena filled his mind, driving his anticipation even higher. In his excitement, he forgot to tell them. Additionally, he also wanted to surprise them with his arrival.

"He wore a tailored charcoal grey waistcoat over a crisp white shirt, paired with matching trousers that fit him perfectly.

He chose a minimalist silver watch that added a touch of elegance. Also wore a silver bracelet on his other hand. His hair was neatly styled back with some bangs left on the forehead.and also wore silver earrings on his right ear. As he got all ready, he reached for his bottle of Adidas Victory League perfume, spraying some on his underarms and his wrist."

Right then, Mr Ali went to Zaim's room, he knocked on the door while opening it and entered to his room, he said,


Zaim turned his head towards Mr Ali and replied,

"What do you want dad ? You see I'm busy I don't have time to chat."

He then turned back to the mirror and started adjusting his watch as he was all ready to leave.

Then Mr Ali informed him while stepping further into the room,

"Zaim , I'm going to my friend Mr Ali's house with Jessica, I came here to inform you."

At that moment, Zaim turned his body towards him

Mr Ali paused then Zaim replied with a smirk,

"Dad, you are grown enough , you don't need to tell me where you go and what you do."

Then he grabbed his car keys and his wallet from the nightstand and left from there, Mr Ali kept looking at his retreating figure in disbelief then he also left from there.


Mr. and Mrs. Ali arrived at Mr. Ahmed's house, their faces lit up with joy as they greeted each other warmly. Mr. Ahmed welcomed them and led them inside to the living room, where they sat down on the comfy couch.

The atmosphere was filled with the sound of laughter and giggles as the two long-distance friends caught up on old times. After that they were offered refreshments and started their gossips.

It was about 8 pm Helena was all ready to go to the party, Farris called her and Fatima while checking time on his watch,

"Yah Fatima, Helena, com'on girls we are getting late, come out hurry."

After calling them he muttered to himself,

"Huh these girl are such time takers even turtles go faster than them."

He called again,

"Helena and Fatima I'll leave you both if you don't come out in just five minutes,"

Just then Helena came outside hurriedly while adjusting her wristwatch and said to Farris with an annoyed look, narrowing her eyes,

"Yah Farris can't you just wait for a moment, what's the rush huh?"

Farris looked at her and replied while placing his both palm on her cheeks,

"My beautiful sister you know we have to cover a long distance to reach there it will also take time, and you see it's already 8. The ceremony will start soon or else you will miss your award."

Helena nodded her head and replied,

" As you see I'm all ready Faris , Fatima is just doing her makeup, she is not ready yet."

Then Farris informed her while indicating his hand towards the living room,

"Well Helena baba asked me to tell you that his friend has arrived so he is expecting you to meet Mr and Mrs Ali untill then I'll wait for Fatima."

Helena hummed in response then she left from there and entered in the living room while saying,

"Assalamualaikum uncle and aunty."

She came near them, Mr Ali stood up from his seat and caressing Helena's head with his right hand and replied,

"Walaikum my child, how are you?"

Helena replied with a smile,

"ALHAMDULILLAH uncle I'm good. You tell?"

"I'm also fine dear."

He replied gently.

Then she moved a little towards Jessica , Jessica also stood up from her seat and hugged Helena warmly, the she replied,

"Walaikum assalam, MASHA'ALLAH you are so beautiful Helena, I've never seen such a beautiful girl like you ever in my whole life, your eyes are so attractive and what you are wearing is out of class, I'm impressed hmm."

Everyone chuckled at Jessica's last remark then Helena replied with a smile, holding Jessica's hands,

"Jazak'Allah Aunty for the compliment, You are sweet too."

" Aww my sweet dear."

She replied and smiled at Helena's statement gesturing for her to sit.

Helena settled herself onto the comfy couch beside Jessica.  Right then Mr Ali exclaimed with a gentle smile while looking at Helena,

"Helena you are so lucky to get compliments from Madam Jessica, she rarely gets impressed by anyone, and you are the one who impressed her, am I right Jess?"

Everyone laughed at Mr Ali's remark,

Jessica also laughed but a little.

Then Jessica turned her face towards Helena and asked while caressing her hands,

"You tell Helena what are you doing nowadays?"

Helena replied gently,

"Aunty I'm studying at Seoul National University and my major is finance, I got admission on merit."

Jessica smiled at her and replied,

"MASHA'ALLAH Helena you are so talented,

May Allah grant you success in your studies and bless you with knowledge and understanding."

"Amen aunty and Jazak'aAllah."

She responded with a gentle smile.

Mr Ali said to Helena,

"You know my son Moon is also studying there in finance actually his real name is Zai...."

Right then Faris entered in the room, unintentionally cutting his words and said in a hurry,

"Helena , we are getting late , let's go girl." 

Helena turned her head towards Faris then she again turned back towards Jessica and said,

"Sorry aunty today is the welcome party at my University so I've to go, but promise me you will come again to meet me until you are here hmm??"

Jessica nodded her head with a smile and said assuringly ,

"Yeah why not my pretty child, I'll come, rather you should come to my house."

Helena blinked her eyes reassuringly then she left from there.

                    ~Zaim's POV~

I arrived at the welcome party, however Alex and John already there, engrossed with other girls and friends, each with a drink in hand, thoroughly enjoying themselves..

As i was walking through the decorated hall Alex and John's gaze fell upon me, they both kept looking at me in surprise their mouths wide open as I approached towards them. I hadn't informed them of my arrival because i wanted to surprise them.

As I came near them, John turned completely towards me, holding a wine glass in his hand, he grabbed my shoulder with a broad smile then he said while looking at me,

"Ohh man, look at you huh, what a pleasant surprise dude."

At that moment, Alex lightly punched my left arm and said,

"Finally you came, I knew it that how could you skip the party," he added while looking at me from head to toe then he said,

"Man, are you planning to have every girl drooling over you huhh ? Look at you!"

I turned my head towards Alex then i smiled brightly and replied while placing my hand on Alex's back ,

"Yaah man just stop it huh, don't exaggerate, you both look more slaying than me, I bet half of the girls have already fallen for both of you."

Everyone laughed at my statement then John passed another wine glass to me then he asked,

"Bro, why didn't you tell us about your arrival?"

I smiled, then i replied while grabbing the glass from John,

"If I had told you then how would I have been able to see those surprised faces huh?"

Then I took a sip of wine just then my eyes fell on Helena who was coming towards the hallway, smiling and talking to Mia. I remained frozen as i saw her in that attire , I felt my breath caught in my throat and lost to another world.

I couldn't help and completely captivated by her presence. lost in the moment, I felt a rush of emotions flood over me. I continued staring her from top to bottom with my doe eyes. Moreover, I couldn't believe how stunning Helena looked, and a sense of awe washed over me. It was as if the world around me had faded away, leaving only her standing there, a vision of perfection.

I took in her every detail, from the gentle curve of her smile to the rhythm of her walking that left me momentarily speechless. As she was walking towards me, I felt my chest tightened with an overwhelming admiration and longing. I had never seen her look so captivating, i couldn't imagine ever wanting anything else. With only a few words left in my mouth, I whispered,

"Breathtaking heavenly beauty on Earth."

Helena caught my eyes and offered me a warm smile ,my thoughts were broken and felt my heart swell with a mixture of joy and longing. In that instant, i knew that i was completely and utterly enthralled by her beauty.

As Helena approached me, she greeted us with a smile, bowed a little then she said,

"Assalamualaikum guys."

John bowed a little in return and Alex found himself lost after seeing her however I was already lost in admiring her but I said nothing,

Helena turned her eyes to Mia and shrugged her shoulders then she said again while waving her hand in front of us,


I snapped back to reality after seeing her hand waving in front of me. I shook my head, licked my lips, and with my one hand tucked in my pocket, greeted her with a lost look. Then I cleared my throat and asked,

"H...hey how are you Helena?"

She moved her eyes from the wine glass to my appearance while making a disgusting look, then she rolled her eyes back to my face, then she replied,

"Alhamdulliah I'm fine."

As i heard her honey voice, i felt my heart sink for a moment.Right then, Alex couldn't resist himself and boldly remarked to Helena while glaring at her from top to bottom.

"Helena, you look absolutely majestic tonight."

Suddenly, I twisted my head to Alex with a shocked expression, feeling as if someone had cast a shadow over my heart, a feeling of unease creeping into my mind upon hearing Alex's words for Helena. On the other hand, Helena felt her heart skip a beat for a moment.

She couldn't help but start glaring back and forth into Alex's grey eyes with a lost look. She tried her best to hold herself and suppress her blush. Then with trembling lips she replied while looking at Alex, 'J....jazak'Allah, Alex.' However, in her nervousness, she didn't understand what she should have said to him in reply.

Then I heard Olivia, who was coming towards us while waving her hand, saying,

"Hello guys." She stopped near us and greeted us. Just then, her gaze fell on Helena. She furrowed her eyebrows while looking at her from head to toe in wonder. Then she said after completely turning towards her with her bright, wide-open eyes.

"Oh my goodness, who is this heavenly beauty here?"

I smiled, Then Olivia turned her head towards me and then moved back towards Helena and asked her with full attitude,

"May I get to know your name? Do you know them already ? I guess you are new here."

Helena greeted Ava while smiling gently,

"Assalamualaikum, yes I'm new here." 

Olivia joined her eyebrows in confusion then looked at John Alex and I and turned her head again towards Helena then she asked while laughing a little,

"Girl what do you mean by this ? Would you mind translating this for me huh?" Right then Olivia grabbed a wine glass from Alex's hand and gulped it down.

Everyone looked at her in wonder, Helena made a disgusting look then she replied,

"Its a greeting we Muslim greet like this and it means "peace be upon you."

Olivia licked her lips and made an ohh face while avoiding eye contact from Helena and turned towards me , then she said, "oh my goodness. Are you real huh ? Look at you man. Got plans to make every girl here fall head over heels, huh?"

I chuckled a little then i glanced at Helena with my innocent eyes.

Olivia remarked while admiring my attire,

"You're dressed like you're out to steal every girl's breath away!"

I replied while still looking at Helena's hazel green orbs,

"Not every girl, but just wanting to catch someone special attention but unfortunately, I'm just here to dazzle myself, if they can't handle it, that's on them."

I completed my sentence while moving my eyes to Olivia.

Everyone looked at me with shock expressions at my statement, I turned my gaze again towards Helena right then Olivia smiled romantically, she misunderstood my words then she said,

" Zaim, Are you planning to drive me crazy with those looks of yours, or what huh? I'm all ready to serve you for the whole night." She winked me seductively.

Suddenly i shifted my gaze from Helena to Olivia , narrowing my eyes in anger , then i shot her a stern gaze and said ,

"Mind your language Olivia."

Helena made a disgusting look while observing the whole scene she kept looking at me with a pissed off look then she excused herself while saying,

"I need to go to my friends , bye everyone," she then grabbed Mia's arm and left.

I kept looking at her retreating figure with a displeased look, as i turned to leave,right then Olivia grabbed my hand and said in wonder,

"Where are you going Zaim, we all are here."

I jerked my hand away and held up my index finger in front of her face while warning her angrily,

"Don't ever dare to touch me again Olivia or you will regret it for life for this, consider this your final warning."

I took a step forward then abruptly stopped in my tracks, turning my body towards Olivia, closing the distance between them, I narrowed my eyes into slits and clenched my jaw thightly then i said in anger, but i made sure to maintain a controlled voice.", i warned her,

"I'm warning you Olivia if you ever try to speak to me like that again I'll not go easy on you next time, I'll make you know your limits girl, you had better to stay away from me understand?"

Right then John and Alex came near me, Alex stopped me while placing his hand over my chest and said,

"Bro calm down It's not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. Anyone might see you Zaim, hold yourself man, we are at a party don't make a scene here."

I turned my gaze towards Alex and responded in anger,

"Huh, seriously ? I'm making it big ??

Then I rolled my eyes to another direction while scoffing then I said again, " Woah , I didn't expect this from you Alex."

Then I went from there.

                  ~Author's POV~

Alex wanted to go after Zaim but John stopped Alex and said, "let him go Alex, he will be fine soon you know his nature, let him cool his nerve we will check on him later."

After that John came near Olivia and tried to make her understand gently,

"Listen Olivia, since you know him well that he doesn't let anyone come closer to him ever so why you always stick to him. Let him be girl, he doesn't like to take an interest in any girl . Try to understand ava and don't make thing difficult for yourself and him."

After that John and Alex left there.

As the party began everyone settled into their places, Alex John and Zaim stood together while Helena, Mia and other classmates were grouped together. Sir Kim Taehyung, the Dean of the University began his announcement.

Young Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good evening and welcome to our annual welcome party! It gives me great pleasure to stand before you today as we celebrate the arrival of our new freshmen and the reunion of our seniors. I extend a warm welcome to our university family and freshers. Make the most of your time here, and never hesitate to seek guidance and support from your peers and faculty members.

As you all know I have the honor of announcing an award for academic excellence. This award recognizes the hard work and dedication of outstanding students who have reached this point based on Merit .

Now It is my pleasure to announce that the award goes to Miss Helena Ahmed from finance C1. Please come on the stage and receive you award for you remarkable achievement!"

Helena's face brightened with joy as she went up the stairs. Then she approached near the Dean and bowed a little to him while greeting him, then she accepted the award from him and posed for a picture

Everyone's gaze fell on Helena. Applause and cheers fill the room as the dean presented the award to the deserving student.

The Award ceremony continued for a while.

As everyone free with this, Helena and Mia started taking pictures with their classmates to keep it as the memory . However Zaim's gaze remained fixed on Helena, unwavering.

On the other hand, some boys from the university kept glaring at Helena, trying to find an opportunity to get closer to her.

After that, every student who had found a dance partner started to dance on the floor and enjoying their night, but Helena and Zaim were standing alone but opposite to each other; for Helena, such activities were Haram, and for Zaim, He had no interest in them whatsoever. Helena was just moving her eyes, observing everyone.

Then she looked at her wrist watch and realized that the time of her Isha Salah had started from a while ago, she thought to herself,

"I should pray here upstairs, I might be free late from here as I don't know where is Farris and Fatima so I should perform my Salah here since the sound of music will not reach upstairs."

She attempted to find Mia to inform her but she couldn't find her then she decided to go without telling her.

As she went upstairs, she entered a room, took a piece of cloth from her bag, spread it on the floor, then she began her Salah while saying Allahuakhbar.

After some time as the music stopped Mia started to search for Helena but she couldn't find her then she approached Zaim and asked

"Zaim, do you know where Helena is? "

Zaim joined his eyebrows in confusion,rolling his eyes everywhere then moved his eyes back towards Mia and asked,

"Where did she go, she was here just a moment ago."

Then he said in his heart while moving his eyes everywhere to search her,

"If I'm not near you , will you disappear like this rose huh? That means I have to be near you 24/7 to keep you Infront of my eyes."

" What are you thinking Zaim, she isn't answering her phone damn it"

Zaim's thoughts were interrupted as he heard Mia speaking, then he reassured Mia while looking at her,

"Don't worry, I'll find her. She must be nearby. Where could she possibly go without informing you?" Zaim asked, his expression were thoughtful. Then he reassured Mia, "Well, just relax.

You stay here and wait for her. Maybe she'll come, so one of us must be here. I'm going to search for her, hmm."

Mia hummed in response then suddenly she remembered where Helena might be,

She informed Zaim about her suspicions and said,

"Zaim as I know this is her Salah time, she might be performing her Salah upstairs."

Zaim's mind clicked and he raised his eyebrows in realization, then he looked at Mia and reassured her,

"Mia Wait here I'll check on her."

Mia shook her head and replied,

" No I'll go with you."

"Ok fine, then let's go."

Zaim agreed at her insistence."

They both left from there together.

As Helena finished her Salah she sensed some bad boys standing there and watching her presence from head to toe, she felt her hands getting sweaty as Fear lingered over her body something strange was signaling her then she tried to leave from there while reciting 'Audubillah minashaitan nirajeem' (O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the accursed Satan) but one of the boys stopped her, spreading his hand in front of her to block her way.

She tried her best to control her weak emotions in front of them then she said in a loud voice to make him afraid while placing her index finger in front of them,

"Don't dare to come near me or you will all regret for your Haram intention let me go I'll not complain anyone about this."

Right then one of the boys smirked at her statement and came closer to her and grabbed her wrist harder, she tried her best to escape his grip but failed. Another boy started to unpin her hijab while laughing and threw it on the floor, her light brown hair were left open she tried to defend herself but failed again because two other boys also grabbed her other hand and one held her from behind, she felt a sense of hellish dread inside her.

At that moment Zaim and Mia approached there, Zaim's eyes widened in shock after seeing the whole scene he quickly ran towards them without wasting any single second and punched on the boy's face as hard as he could, then he hit another and another, the boys ran from there while holding their mouths in pain.

Zaim reached near Helena tried to cup her face. as he moved his hands towards Helena's cheeks , tears streamed down from her eyes she said with heavy cry and angry voice while placing her index finger in front of him,

"Don't dare to touch me Zaim, my Islam doesn't allow any na mehram to touch me."

She sniffed then she said again while crying, "you are one of them for me you are no different from them."

Zaim kept looking at her cry face with wide open eyes, wanting to hug her to heal her, to cure her pain with his embrace but he failed and tried to understand the words he received from Helena,

Helena grabbed her hijab from the floor, wore it and went from there with trembling legs while wiping her tears.

Zaim kept looking at her retreating figure and her light brown hair which was left open.

He gritted his teeth, trying to calm his nerves, But he failed because he couldn't do anything for her,

He made a tight fist and hit on the wall as hard as he could, Mia stood there in shock, trying to make sense of the situation she had witnessed, suddenly she snapped back to reality and noticed blood was streaming down from Zaim's fist she came near him to tell him but he abruptly left from there and followed Helena.

Helena reached downstairs and tried to find Farris, after a little while Farris approached her and noticed Helena's puffy eyes he asked Helena,

"What happened to you Hel..."

Before Farris could finish his sentence, Helena lost consciousness and fell down on the floor.

Zaim arrived at the hall and saw Helena's unconscious figure, he went near her as everyone gathered around trying to figure out what had happened there.

As Farris started to hold Helena in his arm, Zaim suddenly stopped him with his hand as he was in shocked then he said,

"Don't touch her man, she is a Muslim."

Farris turned his head towards Zaim, looking him from head to toe then he made a disgusted look and moved his head towards Helena's unconscious figure, then he gently lifted her into his arm and walked away from there, with Fatima and Mia following him.

Zaim stood there in a daze, his mind swirling with emotions and thoughts, unable to move or comprehend what had just unfolded.

Alex and John looked at Zaim's hand in wonder then Alex asked,

"What the hell is this Zaim?"

Alex's mind hit the realization as he realized zaim had caused  a scene, he looked at Zaim and asked with a surprised look on his face,

"What did you do to her Zaim?"

Zaim didn't answer then Alex persisted again angrily,

'What the hell happened, spill the beans man.'

Zaim kept staring at the random spot lost in thoughts of Helena's unconscious figure and the incident that had happened upstairs that he couldn't do anything to save Helena, then he grabbed his back of the neck with his both hands while rubbing his hair in frustration then he moved his eyes towards Alex and replied to him in shout.

"I did nothing man I did nothing wrong."

He left from there, unable to tell the truth in front of so many people. As everyone started to speculate and gossip, they formed their own ideas, believing that something must have happened between Zaim and Helena.



"She unintentionally mesmerizes, while he finds himself drawn to her."

Love form Ann

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