A New Beginning: Apex Intellect Advanced University

After years of longing, I finally achieved my ideal appearance from childhood. I dyed my hair white and started wearing circle-shaped glasses, embodying the image I had always dreamed of. However, I soon realized that my new look wasn't allowed at Apex Intellect Advanced University. Thankfully, Zoren stepped in and paid the mayor for a permit, allowing me to express myself freely without fear of repercussions. As I looked in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that I could finally be true to myself in this new chapter of my life.

As i stepped in, the Apex Intellect Advanced University was a marvel of modern technology. Everywhere I looked, state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge equipment were at my disposal. From advanced laboratories to interactive classrooms, the university spared no expense in providing its students with the tools they needed to excel in their studies. As I wandered through the halls, I marveled at the innovative designs and futuristic amenities, eager to dive into the world of high technology education that awaited me.

"I can't believe my eyes, this is an unusual University."

As I soaked in the marvels of the university, I couldn't help but notice the way the other students' eyes lingered on me, their gazes filled with judgment and curiosity. I realized that my unusual appearance had caught their attention, and I couldn't blame them. After all, it wasn't allowed here, especially for a Filipino student like myself. I knew that if I were in their shoes, I might feel the same seeing someone who stood out so starkly from the crowd. Despite the scrutiny, I remained undeterred, determined to stay true to myself even in the face of adversity.

As I stepped into the classroom, I greeted my classmates with a friendly smile and a confident demeanor.

"Hey everyone, my name is Clever, I'm 19 years old and I'm new to this university. I'm looking forward to working with all of you and getting to know each other better."

As I finished my introduction, I couldn't help but notice a shift in the atmosphere of the room. The once-judgmental gazes of my classmates seemed to soften, replaced by a newfound curiosity and interest. It appeared that my friendly demeanor and confident introduction had made an impression, just as planned. I felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that I had successfully changed their perspective of me, even if only slightly. With a renewed sense of confidence, I eagerly awaited the interactions and opportunities that lay ahead in this new chapter of my academic journey.

As I made the first move by introducing myself, one by one, my classmates followed suit, sharing their names, backgrounds, and aspirations. With each introduction, I listened attentively, eager to learn more about my new classmates and the diverse perspectives they brought to the table. As the last student finished speaking, a sense of camaraderie filled the room, and I knew that we were embarking on this journey together, united by our shared goals and aspirations.

Our homeroom teacher stepped into the room, commanding our attention with his presence. He introduced himself with a warm smile, his voice firm yet welcoming. As he began to outline the rules and expectations of the university, I listened attentively, eager to understand what was expected of me in this new academic environment. With each guideline he presented, I made a mental note to adhere to them diligently, determined to uphold the standards of excellence that the university demanded.

Despite my determination to keep a low profile, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that I was meant for more than just being an average student. As I sat quietly in class, I observed my classmates diligently, taking note of their strengths and weaknesses. Deep down, I knew that I was capable of reaching the top, but I was hesitant to give it my all, fearing the attention and scrutiny that success might bring. Nevertheless, a spark of ambition flickered within me, and I couldn't help but wonder if perhaps it was time to step out of the shadows and embrace my full potential.

It was finally Lunch break. As I sat down in the canteen to enjoy my lunch, I was interrupted by a girl who approached me with a friendly smile. Her circle-shaped glasses mirrored my own, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with her.

"Hi, my name is Cailee!" she exclaimed, her voice bubbly with enthusiasm.

"I'm 19 years old. You're new to this university, correct? You look interesting!"

Her genuine interest in me took me by surprise, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth at her friendly demeanor. With a smile, I replied,

"Yes, I'm new here. My name is Clever. It's nice to meet you, Cailee."

She sat down beside me with her lunch. I guess I wouldn't mind eating my lunch with a cute lady. She has the perfect size of breasts and an hourglass-shaped body. She's kind of short, but that's just about my type of girl.

Cailee's revealed her status as the Student Council President.

"Oh, by the way! i'm the Student Council President"

I couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and intrigue at her sudden interest in me.

"Wait, what? I wasn't expecting that, what would a Student Council President want with me?"

With a smile, Cailee replied "You're an interesting guy. I say you should join the Student Council as well!"

Her suggestion caught me off guard, but I couldn't deny the appeal of getting more involved in university activities. I pondered her offer, intrigued by the possibility of contributing to the campus community in a meaningful way.

Taking on the role of Public Information Officer in the Student Council felt like the perfect fit for me. It was an opportunity to utilize my communication skills and passion for keeping others informed. As I embraced my new responsibilities, I looked forward to making a positive impact on campus by ensuring transparency and effective communication between the student body and the council. With determination and enthusiasm, I was ready to excel in my new role and contribute to the vibrant community of Apex Intellect Advanced University.

"I'm looking forward to working with you, Clever!" Cailee exclaimed, her eyes bright with enthusiasm.


As I settled into life at Apex Intellect Advanced University, I couldn't shake the nagging question of how I would continue my research into the assassin organization. Surrounded by the cutting-edge technology and innovative minds of the university, I couldn't help but wonder if there were clues hidden within its walls. Perhaps there were resources or connections that could lead me closer to unraveling the mysteries that had plagued me for so long. With determination burning in my heart, I resolved to keep my eyes and ears open, ready to seize any opportunity that might come my way. After all, in a place as extraordinary as this, anything was possible.