A Goddess's Decreed

Lyra's POV

I was startled and took a step back. Athena was someone I'd never liked. She had put me through all kinds of pain and torture right from the days of our childhood.

I bowed my head, not out of respect but because I was trying to avoid anything that would ruin my special day.

"Lyra, dear, I wonder how you got that dress. Weak wolfless omegas aren't supposed to wear the same quality of fabric as me, let alone the same design." She smirked irritably as she spewed her rubbish.

"I don't have time for this; I don't have time for any of this today. Get out of my way," I said, trying to put on a tough expression. This was the one day where I wasn't going to let anybody mess up things for me.

"Are you… perhaps talking to me? You must have been beaten really hard this time. I think you've forgotten who you're talking to."She responded, standing in an intimidating posture with both her hands crossed.

"It's quite simple to understand; this is the palace, not your house. You have no right to lay a finger on me here." I struck her with words I knew she'd find offensive.

Before proceeding to leave the door and allowing me through, she snickered and said, "For your sake, Lyra, I hope that you get picked as someone's mate. Oh, wait, who, in their right senses, would pick a weak wold like you? Have fun dreaming, dear cousin," she said a she walked away, laughing maniacally.

"Also, before I forget, don't talk to me in public. I can't have people know I'm related to something like you. I honestly wish we could pick our own family members. I wouldn't have had anything to do with you," she added.

I felt tears leaving my eyes, but I had to hold them back. I wasn't going to give her what she wanted. The joy of seeing me cry wasn't going to be hers to enjoy today. My life was finally going to change, and I had to be in high spirits for the moment. I took a deep breath and smiled.

Holding the edges of my overflowing dress in my hands, I tried to find the main ballroom, where everyone else was gathered. The palace was huge. "I've worked here for so long, but I still manage to get lost a few times. No matter what I do, I can't get lost today. It's the most important day of my life after all."

As I navigated the palace, I spotted a few girls dressed in a similar fashion as me. I knew they were also in the palace for the mate match ceremony, so I followed quietly behind them without asking questions. They'd never let someone like me follow behind them or even be seen walking in the same direction as me.

I wasn't the only omega in the pack, but I felt like I was the most despised. The black sheep of the pack is quite ironic, isn't it?

I followed until we got to the throne room. It makes sense now why I couldn't find the main venue earlier. Abominations like me weren't allowed to come close to this place; hence, I didn't know what it looked like on the inside.

There was a pedestal above the wide hall-like ball room where the elders in the pack sat. Next to the alpha, who sat on a throne in their midst.

How the selection usually worked was that they would bring someone called a vessel, someone that the moon goddess herself would speak through. The first couple to get selected was usually the Alpha and his Luna, after which other less important matches were made.

I was prepared to stay there the whole night, seeing as I was the weakest member of the pack. I was the most unimportant person; it was obvious that mine was going to be the very last match.

There was socialization between the maidens and their potential male counterparts. I stood in the corner and rubbed my left elbow nervously. I always did this when I was anxious.

Suddenly, a voice echoed throughout the noisy royal hall. "There will be enough time for pleasantries; let's get down to the reason why we're gathered here immediately," the oldest elder out of them spoke, and the once rowdy room went silent almost immediately.

"Please, join us," he added before taking his seat.

"As you wish," a woman covered almost entirely in a cloak came into the room and headed for the pedestal.

She must have been the vessel for this year's communication.

The vessels every year never talked much; all they did was call two names and say, "You have been matched." I felt anxious, but my turn wasn't going to be anytime soon.

"We shall commence the ceremony," the woman in a cloak said before unveiling her cloak.

The whole room gasped. She was beautiful. More beautiful than any maiden in the room. The alpha glared at her. She couldn't get her even if he tried; the vessels were always virgin maidens, and they stayed without a mate for life.

The lights were turned off, and they were placed all around the room. Each time a couple got paired, two candles went off. If the candles didn't go off, then it was believed that the vessel didn't fully understand the moon goddess.

"Alexander," she called out the Alpha's name without adding the title, but she was allowed to do that. She was the moon goddess' vessel after all.

"Yes, I'm ready," the alpha responded, getting on his feet immediately.

I wondered who he'd be matched with—one of the popular girls in my pack?

Who he was mated with held no importance to me in any way, so I wonder why I was overthinking it.

I closed my eyes and folded my hands together, praying hard.

"Lyra Daxton. You have been selected."

"What?!" I exclaimed.

My heart thumped at the sound of her voice, the whole crowd had their eyes on me, the center of attention