The Weight Of Knowledge

Alexander's POV:

Without giving it a thought I transformed and ran to my mother's quarters. I knew that disobeying the law of not transforming in public would raise concerns from the elders but I didn't care. All I wanted was to see my mother hearty and well.

I changed into a new set of clothing as I arrived and went in to see my mother. She was conscious and looked healthy. It was as if Lyra's blood had returned her vitality and youth.

She was having a meal of bran and oats - her favorite. My Beta Jasper was doing a great job of taking care of her. I was happy that I could have someone to trust to take care of my mother.

"I'll have you know that my nose is working perfectly well," she said turning to look at me. Her eyes shone brightly like the stars and I could tell she was happy from being released from the curse.