Magic And Mischief

Lyra's POV

I turned back to see that it was Alpha Alexander. "Don't do that. You may lose something dear to you" he said.

I suddenly remembered the words of the moon goddess when she had bestowed upon me her power. I needed to be true to myself. Killing unnecessarily was not me and I could lose my powers if I did that. But how did Alexander know about this? I had never told him about the words of the prophecy.

I slowly removed my hand from Greta's neck as I began to cry. Why was it that I could not find my parents and even the ones with the information were hellbent on not telling me? What did I ever do wrong to deserve this?

Alexander pulled me close to him and I sobbed in his hands. After a while, I regained my composure and he led me out of Greta's room to mine. As I entered my room, I noticed his gaze turned sharp and his muscles were tense.