Chapter 14

Emma looked at her father and smiled a bit before he shook his head a little hearing his apology and offered a smile but then she said. "Just.. there were times I wasn't alone so I figured that would give you two a little.. reassurance or something." She shrugged as she nodded hearing about getting some sleep, she slowly laid down once he left and laid down, just laying ontop of the covers as she closed her eyes but she had soon just drifted off to sleep, one hand under her head.

Snow looked at Killian and gave a nod but just watched him for a few moments before she turned hearing her husband and gave a nod. "Sleeping in a proper bed sounds good right about now." She agreed. "We can just let it sail while we sleep but I want to be sleeping in something other than the hard ground." She said knowing in the cell all they could do was sit or sleep on the floor.


David woke up the next morning with a little jump, he expected to feel the cold hard floor beneath him, the constant draft that pushed it's way through the cracks of the stone walls of their cells, or the unrelenting coldness of the stone floor they slept on, but instead he was wrapped up in a natural warmth, some would say that it was the mattress beneath him, or the thick covers on top of the bed, but he smiled a little and he knew that it was his wife's arm draped across him that calmed him down and brought a wave of peace over him, glad that for once, in many years, he hadn't woken up to the sight of the cell bars that kept him and his wife imprisoned, trapped them from seeing his daughter.

He let out a soft groan and he rolled his head along his shoulders slightly and he placed his hand over his wife's, despite the conditions they'd had to survive in, he was still in good shape, the six pack adorned his stomach and his arms were as muscly as ever, the only thing that had really changed since last being here was the deep wide scar on his chest, just beneath his left collarbone, he sighed as he saw it and traced a finger over it. He'd gained it the night that they'd been taken from the ship, they were no match against Midas' guards, and as he'd fought, however brief it may have been, a soldier's sword has sliced him across the chest, he would have died if not for the king wanting to capture them alive. That didn't mean that he didn't remember the days when he was sick from fever and chills and malnourishment, like him and his wife had both been in the first couple of months in being captured, he liked to believe that it was their strong pirate blood that had allowed them to adapt and survive. He turned on his side and laid down, his fingers gently tracing down the curve of his wife's face and he leaned down pressing a kiss to her temple.

Killian had been asleep all night, despite every night in his own chambers in a castle and having his own fire lit for him, he'd managed to cope rather well with just his royals coat over him. He sat up rubbing his eyes and winced, met with the orange glow of the sun as it began to rise, it wasn't then he realised that he had actually fallen asleep on the top deck of the ship. He sighed and stood up, running his hands through his hair though it was still a mess and leaned his elbows on the side of the ship, just grateful that they hadn't crashed during the night or been attacked, though in the distance he could see a town appearing on the horizon and hoped that's where they were going. Being awake now he was afraid that he'd be overcome with the motion of sea sickness and he'd rather not embarrass himself in front of Emma and her parents.


Snow felt her husband next to her but when her eyes slowly fluttered open to see her husband there and feeling his kiss to her temple which made her smile though she still felt tired, maybe it was because of finally being able to sleep somewhere familiar and comfortable and where it was warm and she didn't have to worry about feeling cold. She hummed a bit and moved slowly before she moved her arm that was draped over him to rest her fingers against his cheek gently. "Morning." She murmured.

Emma felt her body jolt awake from a bad dream, or it was more of a memory. The night her parents had left and she had been abandoned, or what she thought had been abandoned, but she didn't know why she was dreaming of that memory. Maybe it was because her parents were back and she had told her father about how she had felt. She sighed softly before she slowly got up, pulling her boots on before she left her cabin and headed up onto deck but paused slightly seeing the prince there, her eyes for a moment just took him in seeing how his hair looked messy and she had to admit he did look attractive with his hair like that and leaning his elbows on the ship but she silently scolded herself for thinking those thoughts.

Emma walked over but once she knew she could speak said a "Good morning." Though she kept some distance between them. She was beginning to feel something she had never felt better and didn't want to feel those and was worried if she was near him then she would say or do something she may regret.


David smiled a little and he bent down pressing a soft kiss to her lips, his head leaning into her hand for a moment. "Morning." He replied softly and turned his head to press a kiss to the palm of her hand. "I think I heard Emma moving about, but I'm just going to see whereabouts we are." He said knowing that they should be pretty close to the town. "Emma told me last night that this town we're going to, it has a woman in it who took her in...after we were taken, someone who was like a mother to her. So perhaps we'll meet her. I just, thought you should know. She, also thought that we abandoned her." He said softly and pressed a kiss to the corner of her eyebrow and smiled down at her before standing up and fastening his belt to his trousers and made sure his sword was at his side. "Feel free to stay in bed a little bit longer. I can come back and wake you once we get to the town and have a plan?" He offered softly.

Killian's head turned slightly and he gave a wide smile to Emma, his hand still hurt but thankfully the bandaged had stayed on during the night and it was irritating but he knew that meant that it was healing. He turned around, placing his elbows behind him on the side of the ship, feet shoulder width apart, one slightly bent at the knee, with how his arms were behind him, hands dangling over the edge of the wood by his ribs his shirt was pulled open slightly revealing some dark curly chest hair that mated the stubble that was starting to come through as he hadn't shaved and the messy hair on his head.

"Morning." He said. He grinned a little bit and chuckled but saw how she kept her distance and nodded. "Wise girl. We don't want your parents thinking we're friendly now, do we?" He teased, almost in a bullying way but not quite, or at least it didn't reach his eyes. He nodded his head beside him, thankfully having gotten over being sea sick for the moment and raised a dark brow. "Is that the town we're heading too?" He asked curiosly.


Emma looked at the prince, her eyes taking him in despite trying to keep to herself but she pulled her gaze away, not wanting to be seen staring at him as she leaned her elbows against the side of the ship before she reached down just enough to let her fingers brush against a small wave of water. "No, we don't want them thinking that." She said, she was also wanting to avoid her feelings she felt and seen how he was leaned back like that with his messy hair and how attractive he looked wasn't exactly helping that.

Thankfully she was pulled from her thoughts when she heard what he said and gave a nod. "It is." She agreed. "I've only been to the town a few times or so.." she said which was a lie since she'd know this town better than any other one. But she kept that to herself. "There's someone here.. who is always finding out some type of information and if he's heard anything of your brother then he should know.. or he may not know anything and we'll have to keep searching." Emma said with a shrug as she leaned over the side a little more, chest against the side of the ship but she's done this so many times, she wasn't worried about falling in as she let her fingers run along the ocean as she ship moved and made its way to the docs.

Snow gave her husband a smile and listened before she frowned a bit. "At.. least she wasn't fully alone." She said softly but knew that even if someone did look after her, that her daughter still probably felt so alone and lost not having her parents with her. She watched him a few minutes, though she didn't make any move to get up when she heard what he said. "Then let's make sure she won't ever have to feel that way again." She told him but nodded. "I might try and get a little more sleep before we actually get there." She said.


Killian nodded a little bit hearing about the town. "Well....then let's hope that they have the information that I need." He said with a small chuckle but sighed a little bit running his hands through his hair trying to sort out how messy his was, if Liam saw it he'd tease him to no end about it. He watched her for a moment, eyes scanning over Emma's body as she leaned over the side of the ship a little and he cleared his throat diverting his eyes, he could not let himself just after a pirate. He smiled and walked over to her a little bit so he was a little closer. "We can keep searching until we find something, I won't keep you forever though, and when we do find something I'd be more than happy to part ways." He said, though that last statement sounded slightly false to him though he couldn't pinpoint why.

David nodded a little bit, he was just glad that someone had managed to look after her and raise her when they hadn't been able to, especially after seeing how the people in the Enchanted Forest could be. "True." He nodded and he kissed her cheek. "I'll make sure we get there, get some rest." He said softly and he pulled the covers up to her shoulders and gave her a small smile. He left the cabin and he went up to the decks and his eyes narrowed a little seeing Emma and Killian talking and standing so close together but he didn't say anything about it, instead he went over to the wheel of the ship and placed his hand on it readying to steer them into the harbour when they got a little closer.

Killian cleared his throat softly, from where he stood he could see David come out of the door that lead to their quarters and he took a small step back from Emma wanting to just put a little distance between them, he wondered if he could ever get close to her with her parents in the way and now he realised that he had much enjoyed the journey more when it was just him and Emma.


Emma listened to him before she slowly straightened up, leaning against the ship slightly but realized hie close they were now although for some odd reason, she didn't want the prince to move away. She found it oddly nice to have him so near. She frowned to herself for a split second like she wasn't happy with herself but then she gave a small smile as she listened.

"I did tell you I'd help you find your brother. You helped me so I'm going to help you." Emma told him. "No matter how long it takes." She added with a nod, wanting him to know she was serious. She saw him step back just as she heard footsteps and turned slightly to see her father. "Morning." She said but didn't see her mother and figured she was probably downstairs sleeping still.


Killian nodded a little bit and gave her a small smile, he couldn't help but appreciate her willingness to help him out and that she still wanted to especially after her parents had been locked away for years in a castle that his father had sworn an allegiance with, he just hoped that if she ever got angry she wouldn't misplace that on him, though he'd hate to see her angry, he thought she was already quite demanding and fierce, though he supposed that she got her reputation from somewhere. "Thank you." He said softly and he squeezed her arm a little bit as he made sure David wasn't looking but then took a few steps back and he leaned against the side of the ship and watched as they got closer to their destination.

David nodded and gave a strained small smile to his daughter, though that was mostly because of the presence of the pirate, something about it still made him feel uneasy and he doubted that the pirate was going to be going catching more whips for them, he may have been their get out of jail free card, but now they were on their own and he knew that. "We'll be there shortly." He nodded and took the wheel, though when he got closer began to steer his ship towards the harbour, leaving the wheel just for a moment to drop the anchor to slow the ship down so they didn't crash, though as he got closer he looked at his daughter to watch her facial expressions and wondered just how much of her childhood she had spent here.