Getting Rid of Kranus

As Sierra woke up, she started to scream. 'What's wrong Sweetie?' asked her mother. 'Dad, is dad back?' 'I am afraid not.' 'I-I miss dad.' 'Me too, also your siblings.' 'I better be getting up, or else I won't get to school.' 'Sure, don't forget you have to go to the therapist.' 'Yes, mom.' said Sierra as she headed to shower. As she tried to open the tap, nothing came up. She kept on twisting and twisting as hard as she could until she heard a noise. As she sat her eye closer to the tap, instantly blood came gushing out of the showerhead and blew her away leaving her to crash against the wall. As her mom entered the room, blood went gushing out leaving them looking like they murdered someone. 'I think we have to move.' 'Mom, I don't want to go to school, I'm gonna go to the therapist.' 'Ok, if that's what you want, I'll call her now.' 'Thank you.'

Depressed is what Sierra felt, all she could remember was her father lying in a coffin. She soon stood up, feeling weird. And as she took a step forward, she fainted. It seems Kranus was making her weak to prepare for their meeting. As she got carried into the room, the therapist held her and told the mother to leave. The therapist had poured some water on Sierra when she woke up. 'Huh, What happened?' 'Kranus, one of our people told you we'll meet again.' said the therapist. As Sierra blinked, her eyes turned red and her makeup looked terrible. 'Hello Felicia, how have you been.' greeted Kranus. 'You have to leave this child right now.' 'How can I when she summoned me.' 'Lies.' 'She did, Felicia, by the way, did you know she killed her father.' 'Enough, you have caused enough harm in this young lady's life.' 'Are you sure?' said Kranus as he went into the therapist's body. This was the first time Kranus exchanged bodies. 'Huh, what?' said Sierra. 'Sierra, it's nice to finally meet you.' 'Huh, what are you talking about?' 'Sierra, it's me Kranus.' 'So you're my therapist.' 'No, I'm you're de-.' 'Yeah therapist, I have been feeling this weird feeling lately.' 'For the freaking last time, I'm not a therapist I'm a de-.' 'Lemme stop you right there, how much are they paying you?' 'THAT'S IT!' Yelled Kranus as the door shut locked and Sierra started to float. 'I AM KRANUS, THE MOST DANGEROUS DEMON TO EVER LIVE, I AM THE REASON WHY PEOPLE LIKE YOU SIERRA, YOU WERE NOTHING BUT A SLUT AND PIECE OF SHIT WHO WAS ALWAYS BULLIED.' 'I-I don't understand?' 'OF COURSE YOU DON'T, I AM THE REASON WHY EVERYONE YOU HATE IS DEAD!' 'What?' 'THERE'S NOT ALOT TO SAY BUT, I AM THE REASON WHY YOU HAD SUPERPOWERS, WHY YOU COULD FLY FROM PLACE TO PLACE, IT WAS ALL ME, I JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE YOU FINALLY MET ME.' 'NO!, NO!, NOOO!' Yelled Sierra as Kranus went back into her. 'Sierra, you have to get rid of him this instant.' 'Yeah, but how.' 'It seems to cast spells won't work, so you'll have to go to a Red tree, once you a there, you will sing a hymn that will summon the tree, And instantly the tree will absorb Kranus.' 'Thank you, Dr Piper.' 'Here is a map, and the hymn to the spell, you got this Sierra.' 'Thanks.' said Sierra as she left.

Sierra quickly bought the equipment she needed, to go on the quest, but a furious Kranus fought with her. 'You're making a mistake.' 'How are you talking to me, but I can't see you.' 'I'm in your mind Sierra, remember I'm a part of you.' 'Urgh! Well, could you shut up?' 'If I don't want.' 'Urgh! I'll just not listen to you.' said Sierra. When it was time to pay, Kranus had a little plan. When Sierra was about to swipe her card, the electricity cut off and she was unable to pay. 'I'm sorry madam, you can come tomorrow when the lights are back.' 'No please, I need this today, can't I owe you credit.' 'Um, I'm sorry ma'am we don't do credit.' 'Urgh! Fine!' said Sierra. She soon remembered how she could control people's brains. 'Hey Kranus, I bet you can't control that dude's brain.' 'Of course, I can.' said Kranus as he went into the dude's body. 'You see.' 'Great, I'll take these, I suggest you get back in my body.' 'Hey, you tricked me.' 'Guess I did.' said Sierra as Kranus went back into her body. 

While she was driving, Sierra felt nervous. 'Ha! You're scared.' 'Wha? No, I'm not.' 'Uh, yes you are, I can feel it.' 'I am a bit, I've never left home for so long.' 'I told you, with me, you always get into mixed-up shit.' 'Urgh? Fine.' said Sierra. As soon as Sierra went off-road the car had a few problems and started stopping. 'Urgh, you've got to be kidding me, wait, did you do this?' 'Of course, I can't let you get there so easily.' 'Kranus I have to, I already killed a lot of people and I want it to stop.' 'Whatever.' said Kranus furiously. While Sierra was walking through a forest, something started to move swiftly past her. 'Kranus, stop what're you doing now.' 'I'm doing nothing.' said Kranus. 'Ssss' Something hissed. When Sierra turned around, she saw a humongous snake hissing at her. 'Uh Kranus, a little help here.' 'No can do.' 'Ahhhhh!' yelled Sierra as she ran. The boa was catching up so Sierra started to beg for Kranus's help. 'Please, I beg you.' 'Nope.' 'Fine, I'll sacrifice myself.' 'No you can't do that.' said Kranus as he applied himself onto Sierra. As soon her eye's turned red, she soon floated and she looked at the Snake with fire in her eyes, and in a second, the snake was burning on fire until it turned to dust. When Kranus released her, her eyes turned blue and she fell. 'Ouch!' 'Could've been worse.' 'You little piece of shit.' 'Love that Saying.' 'Urgh!' said Sierra as she stormed off. 

It was dark and time for Sierra to take rest. As soon as she saw a small cave that could at least keep her comfortable for the night, she went and prepared to sleep. In Anger, Kranus went to the demon realm to get little guests. Sierra soon had a nightmare, where she saw herself and her dad face to face. 'Dad, what are you doing there?' 'Sweetie, you have to let that demon go.' 'I am trying that.' 'Sweetie, No!' her father yelled for help. She soon saw herself lifting her hands as the branches of the tree started surrounding her father's neck. When she closed her hand into a fist, her father started to choke and died. When she looked at her hands, she saw how bloody they were and started screaming. She soon woke up breathing heavily, as Kranus was next to her. 'Scary huh?' 'Did I really do that?' 'I don't know, I was just amazed.' 'At what?' 'Pfft, forget it, you sleep now.' said Kranus.

'Sierra...' Someone whispered. 'Did you hear that?' 'Nope.' said Kranus as he went into Sierra and turned her eyes red. 'Hey, why'd you turn my eyes red.' she asked worriedly. Out of nowhere, she saw spirits coming out of the ground that looked like her siblings. 'Jenna, Joseph, is that you guys.' 'We're going to kill you.' said Jenna as she threw Sierra across the cave's wall. 'Ahh!' yelled Sierra. 'Let's do this Kranus.' said Sierra as she charged at them. She somehow punched Jenna and sent fire on Jo. Before Jenna could attack, Sierra gave it thought and tried to sing that hymn. 'No, Sierra we're not at the tree.' 'I know you made them come here, so it's a little punishment for you.' 'No, please.' begged Kranus but Sierra refused. She sang the first part and Jenna and Jo when crazy and in a blink of an eye, they exploded into sparkles. 'That was awesome.' 'Just continue the trip.' said Kranus. 

While Sierra was walking, She saw the cave holes. 'Awe man, which is the right way.' 'I do not know.' 'Well, we're doomed.' 'Hey, says here, that we have to choose wisely.' 'Good luck.' said Kranus. And when Sierra finally decided, something scary happened.