16,Independent martial arts training room

This half a month.

In addition to practicing hard, Ethan has been paying attention to the war in northern Xinjiang province.

After all, uncle Li Changzhou is building defense facilities in northern Xinjiang province.

From the news point of view, it is natural that the human Coalition forces have won one after another, and every time they win a big victory, which has caused great damage to the astral creatures.

Ethan was keenly aware that something was wrong.

"The battle report can deceive people, but the front will not." Ethan ate and scanned the news on the electronic screen.

"According to past experience, if my human Wen Mingzhen is dominant, then after the first wave of attacks, we will soon organize an army and fighters to enter the astral hinterland ..." Ethan's science scores are average, but his liberal arts scores are good.

I'm good at history and geography.

Especially in modern history.

"This time, the battle of Rob starfish world lasted for half a month, and the front line seemed to be at several major entrances of the astral world." Ethan's eyes are full of worries.

Explain what?

The human Coalition forces have been unable to push back!

The war, I'm afraid, is very tragic.

"I hope that my uncle can come back safely." Ethan andao, these days, my uncle occasionally calls himself to tell him not to worry.


"Lao Zhou and Yan Zhou, after eating, go first." Ethan picked up the lunch box and was ready to walk to the reception desk.

"Brother Yuan, let's go to the budo classroom later." Zhou Qi shouted, "We're almost finished."

"I'm going to the elite building, not all the way." Ethan whispered.

The first high school in Guanshan District covers a large area, and the teaching building is divided into four types: cultural building, martial art building, office building and elite building.

The so-called elite building consists of three oversized martial arts classrooms and dozens of independent martial arts rooms.

It is specially designed for students in three elite classes from Grade One to Grade Three.

There are less than 200 students in it.

"Go to the elite building?" Zhou Qi and Yan Zhou didn't react at all.

"Looking for who? Wan Hao? " Yanzhou wondered.

"I will train there in the future." Ethan thought for a moment: "The school approved an independent martial arts room for me, and I will study there after self-study."

The martial arts class will only come once every two days.

Grants, schools don't promote no one knows, Ethan naturally won't speak out.

But independent budo room? Is there, sooner or later, it will spread, Ethan just talk early.

"Independent budo room? Lying in the trough! "

"Brother Yuan is yours?"

"Absolutely approved by the class!"

"Li Yuange is awesome!" Yanzhou and Zhou Qi, more than a dozen boys, suddenly exploded and shouted excitedly.

Suddenly, many students came around to see it.

"Keep a low profile, and I will tell you, don't preach." Ethan whispered.

"I understand."

"Brother Yuan, we want to see it. I haven't been into the independent budo room yet."

"Independent budo room! I dare not think about it. " The boys' voices dropped, but they were curious.

They are not jealous of Ethan, and even if some people do, they will not be stupid enough to show it.

After all, their small team of more than a dozen boys are all headed by Ethan.

Besides, they know that Ethan's martial arts scores are extremely high, and his naked scores are already in the top ten of the grade.

"I haven't been there either." More people shouted.

"OK, I'll have a chance to take you later." Ethan smiled and said, "But I can't today. It's my first time."

They all nodded.


The elite building and the martial art building in the third year of high school are relatively independent, separated by a small playground and across the office building.

So, this area is very quiet.

The road is lined with trees, and the breeze is blowing on people, which is quite cool.

"elite building." Ethan soon arrived under the building, his eyes swept away, and the decoration was rather quaint.

In front of the building, stands a portrait.

"Oriental pole." Ethan recognized the statue.

The first strong man in human civilization, the first strong man in Xia Guo, the founder of Spark Wudian ... was also the first peerless fighter who walked out of the nuclear explosion center alive.

He is also Ethan's most admired idol.

"The martial way is me." Ethan approached the statue, the bottom of which was engraved with each other's famous words.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, it was time to go back to the martial arts classroom for self-study, so there were too few students coming in and out.

However, no one paid much attention to Ethan.

Senior one thinks that Ethan is a senior two or a senior three, while senior three thinks that Ethan is a senior two.

Perhaps, Ethan is famous in the third grade of senior high school, but it is only limited to' famous name'.

Students in other classes seldom know him except his classmates.


"Ethan." A slightly surprised voice, Ethan turned to look.

Like a burly figure like a big bear, he came over in a martial arts suit.

"Wan Xiao, long time no see." Ethan laughed.

It was after awakening the spirituality of martial arts that Ethan transferred to the elite class to study.

"It's been a long time." Wan Xiao laughed.

It seems to be the same school, but it is difficult to meet once in different classes.

"How about in the elite class?" Ethan smiles to say.

"Not bad." Wan Xiao nodded: "The advanced practice method is really unusual. The students in the class have a high level, and the effect of learning from each other is very good ..."

"You must work hard and don't be overtaken by me in the next exam." Wan Xiao half joked.

"Ok, I'll wait." Ethan laughed, the relationship between the two sides is good, he doesn't think this is a provocation.

"By the way, I haven't asked you, what are you doing in the elite building?" Wan Xiao wondered, "Looking for someone?"

"looking for a classroom." Ethan smiled and said, "How can I get to the martial arts room 4011?"

"No.4011 budo room?" Wan Xiao was stupefied: "The fourth floor? That is the independent budo room in the third year of high school, but the budo room on the 11 th is not open, no one. "

"No one yet." Ethan smiled and said, "When I come, there will be someone."

Wan Xiao's pupil is miniature, and he is not stupid. He can't help but say, "Your independent martial arts room?"

Ethan smiled and nodded: "It's my first time here. Please show me the way."


Fourth floor, in front of independent budo room 4011.

Looking at Ethan through "face recognition", directly opened the door of the budo room, Wan Xiaocai completely believe what Ethan said is true.

There is still a shock on his face that he can't hide.

"Awesome, Xu Ban approved it?" Wan Xiao stood at the door of the budo room and said with emotion.

Ethan nodded with a smile.

"too." Wan Xiao nodded and smiled: "You are qualified to come here except that you have not awakened the spirit of martial arts."

In his bones, Wan Xiao admired Ethan very much.

Ethan stood in the budo room and looked around. The budo room was about 150 square meters, and it was very clean.

Open the curtains.

The sun shone in and it was bright.

Boxing testing ground, vital qi and blood detector, projector, video camera … and even virtual network cabin.

Except for the venue problem, there is no speed measuring runway, and the rest of the scientific and technological equipment is available.

"From today, this is my independent budo room?" Ethan eyes deep with a trace of joy.

With an independent budo room, no one will disturb you, and the cultivation efficiency will naturally be higher.

Wan Xiao stood at the door of the budo room, and there was a trace of envy in his eyes.

Independent budo room? He doesn't really care!

The budo room in his home is not worse than the independent budo room in the school.

What Wan Xiao cares about is this honor.


"Wan Xiao, what are you doing? Who told you to open the 4011 budo room? " A cold sound came from the end of the corridor.