19, the gold segment master

"Wan Xiao and Zhou Qi are all big mouths." Ethan felt helpless in my heart.

On the day of his engagement with Lin Lan, the news spread throughout the third year of high school before the next evening's self-study.

Lin Lanyue is a celebrity, and Ethan is also famous.

There are all kinds of rumors.

The most important reason is that Lin Lanyue has never fought with other students in recent years, and Ethan was the first.

At first, Ethan was too lazy to pay attention to the idea of "the Qing Dynasty is self-cleaning", and later he realized that he was naive.

Today, more than 300 people, mostly classmates, came to the Star Fighting Network to watch their battle.

And keep approaching 400 people.

This is an amazing number. After all, it's just a personal engagement, and no one is broadcasting it live.

"Brother Yuan, don't think I'm awesome. I pulled the whole class to cheer for you!" Zhou Qi's yellow explosive head, wearing leather pants, waved and shouted in the audience.

The 70% authenticity of the virtual network makes the whole ring and reality almost the same, and hundreds of people gather around the ring, which is very lively.

"Come on."

"Brother Yuan, your big gun must be thirsty."

Noisy voice, many people also took out banners and light sticks, which are free props given by the system.

Many people support Ethan.

However, most of the audience still supported Lin Lanyue. She was very popular because of her good grades and beautiful appearance ... mainly by boys.

Most of the boys are single-minded, and they only like beautiful eighteen girls.

What's more, Lin Lan is only seventeen months old.

..... In the ring.

"get ready." Ethan thought.

I saw a ring with a diameter of about 30 meters, and the surrounding lights instantly changed from red to green.

Ethan and Lin Lan's virtual body disappeared instantly.

At the same time, there was a huge countdown display above the ring: 30, 29, 28 ...

"Both sides of the contract are not as good as the meteorite, and the system ruled that the physical fitness of the battle was 8.0."

"You still have 24 seconds. Please select a weapon. If it is out of date, it will be automatically selected according to your habits."

In the preparation space, Ethan's ears echoed with the system sound.

"8.0 physical fitness." Ethan is used to feeling the change of physical strength.

"Weapon number one." Ethan direct way.

As an' old bird' who has mixed thousands of battles in the Star Fighting Network, he chooses different weapon schemes in the face of different types of battles and different opponents.

There are five kinds of weapons programs set by Ethan.

"Selected weapon: No.9 standard pike, length 2.3m, weight ..."

"Protective gear: No.4 light armor, weight ..." A lot of data flashed in front of Ethan.

The 2.3-meter pike belongs to the shorter pike. If Ethan confronts other pike masters, it will be very disadvantageous.

An inch long and an inch strong.

The weapon used by Lin Lanyue is a sword, so the gun body is too long and not flexible enough, which may not be dominant ... The weapon is a little longer.

"The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. Besides, there are two thousand blue star coins." Ethan andao.

Ethan never wastes.


There are crowds around the arena, and the number of spectators has exceeded 400, not all students, but also a few outsiders.

For example, teacher Xu Bo and principal Tan Zhenlong.

"Very lively."

President Tan stood in the corner with a hat on his head. His appearance was different from his real appearance, so no students could recognize him.

"It's lively." Xu Bo smiled and said, "Look, it's about to start."

President Tan nodded. He was sent by Xu Bora, and he was mainly idle.

Lin Lanyue, as the number one seed in the third year of high school, President Tan will naturally pay attention to it.

In the ring.

Countdown to 3, 2, 1 ... Swish! Hey!

Ethan and Lin Lan month reappeared on both sides of the ring, wearing militant armor and holding weapons.

The most striking thing is the golden logo on their heads.

"Golden segment?"

"Gold master?"

"Both of them are prime positions?" In a flash, there was a burst of screaming around the ring.

"The elder brother of the source to the golden section? The last time we escaped together, he was still in the silver position. " Zhou Qi and Wan Xiao all stare big eyes.

"Secretly score points behind our backs?" Yan Zhou said, "Next time, Brother Yuan must take us to escape."

"Gold master? All gold? " Li Tianyou stood in the corner and looked at the signs of the two men in the ring: "Is Lan Yue also in the golden position?"

Lin Lanyue doesn't know Li Tianyou.

However, it does not prevent Li Tianyou from falling in love with Lin Lanyue at first sight.

There are not a few high school boys like him who have a crush on Lin Lanyue, but few dare to really confess.

"I depend, Ethan is also a golden period?" Gu Qiangli stared at the sign on Li Yuantou: "No wonder Teacher Xu praised Ethan so much."

Both sides of the duel are golden positions, which instantly fills the atmosphere.

"oh? Are all golden segments? " President Tan was also slightly surprised: "I don't know if they got 500 points. If they did, they would be qualified for special recruitment."

"Lao Tan, as I said, these two students are not ordinary." Xu Bo smiled and said, "Why else would I drag you here?"

Don't say senior three students.

Even the students of budo university, many of them can't reach the golden position.


"Are you in the prime position?" Ethan holding a pike, staring at the macro hair Lin Lan month, by surprise.

The Star Fighting Network is divided into nine stages: bronze, silver, gold, meteorite, bright moon, eclipse, extraordinary, legend and warrior sage.

It is extremely rare for minors to reach the golden position.

Even for many big anchors who are known as martial arts masters, most of them are the bright moon positions, and few of them reach the eclipse positions.

Extraordinary position and above? What can be achieved, in reality, is already the top martial arts strong, so it is impossible to broadcast live.

At least, when Ethan brushed the live broadcast, he had never seen an extraordinary player.

I have seen it in some battle videos at most.

"Only you can break through?" Looking at Ethan Lin Lan month, her voice is cold.

For Ethan to reach the golden position, Lin Lan month is not surprised, she had expected.

"Hostile to me?" Ethan vaguely aware.

The next moment.

"Boom!" Lin Lan moved on.

Her light armor is also lux, and the whole person is like a flame, and lightning rushes to Ethan.

8.0 physical fitness, the explosive speed is 18 meters per second, and the standard boxing force is 800 kilograms.

And the ring is only 30 meters in diameter.

From startup to melee, Lin Lan can kill Ethan in 2.2 seconds at most.

"Before ~" a fiery sword, lightning attack to Ethan.

"tear ~"

Ethan grinned, clenched the pike, teleported, and suddenly stabbed him.

Flat style!

"Hey!" The fiery long sword collided with the pike, and the pike turned out to be a quiver and directly deviated to one side. The long sword looked back in the air like a poisonous snake, and a turn stabbed again.

"This swordsmanship."

"It's a little weird. The explosive power is so strong, even stronger than my marksmanship. Is it a trick attached to the higher practice method?" Ethan surprised in my heart.

He had long heard that Lin Lanyue practiced the "Flame Burning Heaven Practice Method" among the seven high-order practice methods.

Each practice method is divided into Gong Zhuang practice method, breathing method, boxing method and many other parts.

Ethan has never been exposed to advanced practice.

However, he knew that this was the advanced stage of "Flame Practice", one of the seven basic practices.

"The Flame Practice Method is good at attacking, so should this advanced practice method. Head-on attack is not my strong point, and her swordsmanship level is also three stages." Ethan's marksmanship changed instantly: "Be careful."

Pike suddenly back, no longer take the initiative to attack, but into a gun to resist.

At the same time, Ethan began to move his body, unloading his strength by posture.

"Hey!" "Hey!" Sword light and gun shadow change collision, blink of an eye is more than ten strokes.

"How can his footwork and foundation be so stable?" Lin Lanyue was also surprised: "I used the trick of sinking a boat in a sea of fire, but he took advantage of it with one shot."

In Lin Lan's feeling, Ethan, who is bent on defense, is like a turtle.

There's no way to get in


"so fast!"

"This kind of confrontation, Lin Lan's sword is attached to a sword. How did Ethan block it?"


"His footwork is so exquisite."

"Ethan's marksmanship is so steady." Most of the students watching the war watched in surprise.

Most of them have seen higher-level live duels and video battles.

But in their subconscious, those are martial arts masters, and the students around them should not be so strong.

"Do you know what is the first grade in martial arts?"

"I told you, Lin Lanyue is no match for Brother Yuan."

"Brother Yuan, hurry up and fuck her."

"Brother Yuan's big gun has always been lasting!"

"Even Xu Ban's attack, Brother Yuan can block several moves, not to mention Lin Lanyue?"

The students in Class Two of Senior Three are excited.

Their skills are not high, but they also know that a martial art is simple, and the one who can't attack for a long time often consumes more physical strength.

"The defense is really good."

"This swordsmanship should be a change from' sinking a boat in a sea of fire', and the attack is just fierce." President Tan also commented, slightly amazed: "Li Yuan actually blocked it, and his marksmanship was indeed stable. It should be that he realized the defensive killing."

"Xu Bo, you have taught a good disciple." President Tan laughed.

"Old Tan, you said that, so you quickly approved his first-class grant." Xu Bo laughed.

President Tan immediately shut up.

"Huh?" Xu Bo smiled and said nothing more, and continued to watch the battle. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he even shook his head and said, "Lin Lanyue was careless."


In the ring, Lin Lan-yueh continued to use swordsmanship, which was like a raging flame.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

Ethan's pike, or sweeping, or pick split, or footwork flash back, and occasionally thrust to force it to flash back.

Lin Lan month always unable to close.

After practicing the trick of "rock-based mainstay", Ethan defended himself wholeheartedly, and already had a rock-solid charm.

"Fifty-seventh sword."

Ethan silently counted: "She has been attacking, and her physical strength is very high, and her sword is weakening."

"She is in a hurry."

"Fight for life and death, as long as you are in a hurry, you will easily make mistakes and wait."

The 59th sword, Ethan keenly captured the weak change of the opponent's sword power.

The sixty-third sword.

"wow!" The sword is as light as fire, and it is extremely fast.

Lin Lan month is still in the onslaught, bent on breaking Ethan's defense. Her swordsmanship is sharp, but she has somewhat relaxed her defense unconsciously.

After all, from beginning to end, Ethan has never attacked, and has been defending.

"That's it!" Ethan eyes suddenly a bright,


Ethan completely ignored the sword of Lin Lan month, and the pike in his hand suddenly shook, like a dragon hidden in thousands of ravines, and suddenly generate stabbed it out.

The marksmanship kills the trick-Yanhe Hidden Dragon!

"Not good!" Lin Lan month instantly detect wrong, only feel Ethan momentum instantly changed, as if a sleeping beast with fangs.

The power is amazing

"It's too late to retire." Lin Lan month aware of this, eyes generate cold mountain, without any hesitation.

Instead of retreating, he stabbed more fiercely with his sword.

"Burst! !"

The pike, like a dragon, pierced the armor and directly penetrated Lin Lanyue's chest, bleeding profusely, and her body instantly turned into nothingness.

Light armour can't stop Ethan's big gun.


The next moment, violent sword also stabbed Ethan's shoulder, and blood spattered.

"Bang ~" sword fell to the ground.

In the ring, only the injured Ethan was left.

"The gun is longer than the sword, and my reaction time is 0.1 second longer." Ethan shook his head, then gave me a smile.

"One minute, two thousand blue star coins are available."

"How cool!"