25, Wu Dian came to the news

After lunch.

The students walked out of the canteen in twos and threes and walked in on the boulevard, all in the direction of Wudaolou.

The study and life in senior three is very tiring, but in the rare leisure time at noon, most of the students are still smiling, full of youth and have unlimited expectations for the future.

There is a sharp contrast with the off-duty workers.

Ethan and Wan Xiao are on their way to the Elite Building.

Zhou Qi and Yanzhou? Different roads, so we parted after dinner.

"Is that Ethan?"

"It seems."

"Wan Xiao was in a class with Ethan before, and they stayed together. The other one must be Ethan."

"Is he the one who defeated Lin Lanyue?"

"I heard that he likes Lin Lanyue, but he is not merciful." Many students of Grade Three (Grade One) passing by along the way noticed Ethan and Wan Xiao.

Have turned to look over.

"Ethan, after this war, you are completely famous." Wan Xiao smiled in a low voice: "There were many people watching you in the canteen just now."

"The whole grade, even senior one and senior two, is spreading your fame." Wan Xiao pretended to exaggerate.

"Envy? Don't you spread the news indiscriminately? " Ethan glanced at each other: "Want to practice again?"

Take a breath.

Yesterday in the starry sky fighting network, he was caught by Ethan as a sparring partner for three times.

It was a nightmare.

"Said it wasn't me, it was Zhou Qi ..." Wan Xiaolian shook his head.

"You are the initiator, and he is carrying forward." Ethan has a clear mind.

Wan Xiao suddenly turned around and said, "By the way, Ethan, are you really bored with Lin Lanyue? I think there are many boys in the elite class who are interested in her, but few dare to confess. Is it because she is not good-looking? "

"Lin Yuyue looks good." Ethan casually, he didn't notice behind him.

After all, there are many people coming and going from school, so how can we always pay attention?


Two girls walked past Ethan and Wan Xiao. One of them was wearing a training uniform, tall and with her hair set high. At Ethan, Yu Guang took a look.

It's Lin Lanyue.

"Be heard? Wan Xiao, this boy deliberately. " Ethan instantly understood.

"Ethan, don't be timid. Say it out loud if you like it." Wan Xiao loudly way.

One side has run to the back with laughter.

Ethan helpless shook his head, too lazy to chase the clouds, but waved, consumedly square square and Lin Lan month dozen hello.

This scene, let Lin Lan month leng.

Just now, she did hear Ethan's words, but I didn't expect Li Yuan to take the initiative to say hello to herself.

Look at Ethan's smiling face.

Lin Lan month can't help but think of yesterday's virtual battle, subconsciously touched his chest.

"Lan Yue, he greets you." Next to the girl with waist-length hair, winking, deliberately bumped into Lin Lan month's waist.

"Sophia Kao, let's go." Lin Lan month whispered a sentence, like a lush finger to sort out the next sideburns hair, to speed up the pace.

No response, Ethan.

I never saw Ethan again.

"This Lin Lanyue was quite polite when we met for the first time. Today I said hello and ignored me." Ethan smiled.

He is not the kind of person who is afraid of beautiful girls.

Watched Lin Lan month they entered the elite building.

"Ethan, how about my assist?" Wan Xiao appeared out of nowhere.

"Well done."

"To thank you, go to my budo room first, and I'll give you free practice." Ethan put her arms around Wan Xiao's shoulder, and the strong palm made him unable to break free.

"Ethan, let me go, I'm not interested in you."


It's almost two o'clock.

In the 4011 budo room, Ethan is standing at the window, his eyes falling in the distance.

A layer of sweat seeped through his body.

Li Yuan has just completed the basic practice method for half an hour, and his physical fitness has improved slightly.


"Drop-"the voice of the intelligent ring watch sounded.

Ethan went to the side and took a look at the ring watch. His face lit up: "Uncle?"

Put through.

Hum ~ A light curtain is projected in front of Li Yuan.

The opposite screen is Li Changzhou, wearing a helmet.

"Uncle." Ethan smile, in the heart a little worry down.

"Xiao Yuan."

"Your aunt called and told me." Li Changzhou was sitting in the chair, smiling: "Good boy, you did a good job. Your uncle and I haven't scored 500 points in the golden section on the Star Fighting Network for decades."

Ethan's heart is warm.

Not because of surpassing my uncle, but because of my uncle's approval.

"Uncle, how are things over there?" Ethan asked a sentence.

"Nothing, don't worry." Li Changzhou said with a smile: "There are a large number of people coming to the martial arts hall in the starry sky again. I guess there will be a big counterattack in a few days ... I'll call you on video, and there is one more thing that has something to do with you."

"Uncle, you said." Ethan Liandao.

"It's your uncle Zhong. He called me specially." Li Changzhou looked at Ethan: "Look at his meaning, it should be to recruit you into the starry martial arts hall."

"Into the starry sky Wu Dian?" Ethan was slightly surprised.

There are three halls of martial arts in human civilization-starry sky hall, black stone hall and spark hall.

Spark Wu Dian was opened by the Oriental Pole, the strongest human civilization.

Blackstone Wudian was founded by Rand, the second strongest man in human civilization.

The starry sky Wu Dian is no less than the other two Wu Dian.

The three martial arts halls represent the three most horrible forces in the fighters' group and are also the main force against the astral creatures.

The branches of the three martial arts halls are spread all over seven planets.

According to the information obtained by Ethan from virtual networks and books, in the summit meeting of the Seven Star Alliance, the discourse power of the three martial arts halls is still faintly above the great powers of each planet.

In Xia Guo, there are only branches of Starry Sky Wudian and Spark Wudian, which are extremely powerful.

"Isn't it only the fighters who can join the three martial arts halls?" Ethan wondered.

"Be a reserve member first." Li Changzhou said, "Uncle Zhong, I don't know from which channel you know that you have become a member of the Blue Star Junior List ... This kind of thing is very common."

Ethan listened.

Uncle Li Changzhou is a fighter, and as far as Li Yuan knows, uncle seems to be a member of the starry sky martial arts hall in his early years, and he is very familiar with this aspect.

"There are three kinds of joining Wudian."

"One is a registered member, which is equivalent to registration. There is no benefit and no rights." Li Changzhou smiled and said, "Like me, I have been a registered member of the Starry Sky Martial Arts Hall until now."

"Nominally, all fighters of the whole human civilization will join a Wudian, but most fighters and Wudian are in this relationship."

"Registered members do not prevent fighters from joining other big groups, or some fighters' organizations, or joining the military and special state departments."

Ethan couldn't help nodding, registered?

It's useless.

"The second is internal members." Li Changzhou said, "Just like employees of the company, they must sign a contract with Wudian, get Wudian's salary, get Wudian's resources, and have to listen to Wudian's orders at critical moments."

"Uncle Zhong, like you, is an internal member of the Star Temple." Li Changzhou Road.

Ethan nodded slightly.

Uncle Zhong has a good relationship with his uncle Li Changzhou.

Every time I buy the basic qi and blood liquid medicine, I go through Uncle Zhong, because the other party has an internal price and can get a 95% discount.

"Internal members are also divided into three or six grades. If the strength is too weak, like level 15 or below, the assessment is often very strict." Li Changzhou said, "You can enter if you want to."

Ethan can understand.

Just like some large groups recruit employees, they must first have a high degree of education, work experience and interview ... It is normal for members of Wudian to have high requirements.

"The third is to prepare members."

"Before you become a martial artist, you can sign a contract in advance, which is often a martial genius." Li Changzhou smiled and said, "Your uncle Zhong is willing to find you, which shows that he is very optimistic about you."

"The advantage of preparing members is that they can get a lot of cultivation resources in advance, and the guidance of famous teachers, qi and blood medicines, etc. are all free."

"Free?" Ethan eyes a bright.

"Hear me out." Li Changzhou said, "There is no such thing as a free lunch. You have to pay for what you get."

"Once you sign up as a preparatory member of the Wudian, then when you become a warrior, you must join the Star Wudian and become an internal member."


"Ordinary fighters join Wu Diancheng's internal members and can cancel the contract at some cost."

"But if you sign the contract in advance, the conditions will be much more demanding if you want to cancel the contract in the future." Li Changzhou solemnly said, "So, be careful."