41. I'm only at Grade C. Why is he at Grade B?

Half an hour later.

Li Yuancai felt that the thick and overbearing hot energy in the escaping body gradually disappeared.

"Every time you take Yuanlijingdan, your body will change significantly." Ethan secretly felt: "Today, the life level has actually increased by 0.1."

It's really refreshing to feel the amazing transformation of your body step by step.

"In more than half an hour, my maximum boxing power has gone further and increased to 732 kilograms?" Ethan glanced at the palace panel and gave me a strange smile.

The efficacy of Yuanlijingdan is not completely digested, but hidden.

In the next ten days, Ethan has to practice hard, so as to make the body muscles and bones full of absorption and not waste a bit.

"Before the exam in January, I don't know if my physical fitness can be upgraded to 7.9." Ethan andao.

From mid-October to now, more than two months.

It seems that the physical quality has only improved by 0.9, which seems to be similar to the speed before taking Yuanlijingdan.

However, the improvement of life level is not linear, and the later, the more amazing the gap at each level.

The boxing standard of level 6 physical fitness is 300 kg.

The standard of boxing strength for level 7 physical fitness is 450 kg.

And the standard of boxing strength of grade 8 physical quality is 800 kilograms.

In other words, in just over two months, Ethan's boxing power has increased by nearly 300 kilograms.

"The top 10 levels of physical fitness, physical fitness from 7 to 8, is the biggest gap, and all data indicators have almost doubled." Ethan andao: "If students of Wudao University fail to awaken the spirit of Wudao, many people may not reach Grade 8 when they graduate from university."

Communicate with many fighters in Wudian, and let Ethan know more.

More than 80% of the fighters who entered the order awakened the spirit of budo.

"I can improve so fast."

"The source power is refined, and it has the greatest effect." Ethan pondered: "My body's ability to withstand digestion ... is not as strong as two in a month as Teacher Xu Bo said, but it is amazing that I can digest one in 20 days."

After more than two months.

Ethan has swallowed four Yuan Li Jing Dan.

The cost is huge, but the effect is outstanding.

Without Yuanli Jingdan, only taking basic qi and blood medicine, Ethan estimated his physical fitness now, which would be 7.3 and 7.4.

"Teacher Xu is right."

"After the physical fitness is strong to a certain extent, let alone continue to improve, it is difficult to maintain it." Ethan suddenly waved.


Palm like a knife, tearing the air.

Since the life level broke through level 7.5, Ethan obviously felt that the effect of Yuanli Jingdan was weakening.

Eat nutritious meals? Take basic qi and blood medicine? The effect is much weaker.

Ethan can foresee.

When you become a fighter, if you only eat nutritious meals and basic qi and blood medicines, your physical fitness will probably be difficult to continue to improve.

At that time, the auxiliary cultivation effect of Yuanli Jingdan will be weakened by more than half ... The stronger your body, the more energy you consume when you practice and fight.

To keep improving rapidly? On the one hand, you should use more advanced treasures, and on the other hand, your body should be able to bear them.

"martial spirit!"

"If you can practice higher practice, you can directly absorb the source force in the universe." There was a light in Ethan's eyes: "No wonder, the indicator of martial spirit is so important to the Seven Star Alliance."

Cultivating advanced practice can greatly save resources.

Not only for individuals, but also for the whole human civilization.

Think of this.

Ethan couldn't help but lift the smart ring watch and check the account balance of the National Bank and Wudian.

Bank balance: 1,120,5124 blue star currency.

Wudian points: 1.94 million 6880

Wudian practice score: 750,000


At nine o'clock in the evening, Ethan changed his clothes and walked out of the budo room, heading for the elevator.

"Ethan, are you leaving now?"

"Uncle Wang."

"Brother Liu."

From time to time, fighters greeted Ethan with enthusiasm, and Ethan responded one by one.

"Ethan, go back? Your brother and sister have just come downstairs. " A buzz cut young man in instructor's uniform just came over and greeted Ethan with a smile.

"Ok, Xie Liuge." Ethan laughed.

This young man has just graduated from Wudao University and has just become a fighter. He is in charge of public free martial arts teaching.

Li Qianqian and Li Muhua are all his students.

Therefore, we are more familiar with Ethan.

After more than two months, in the circle of fighters in Guanshan Sub-Hall of Spark Wudian, it is basically known that Ethan is a B-level budo genius who signed Wudian in advance.

B-level signing, at least 16 fighters in the future, with a certain probability of becoming a source fighter, has great potential.

Secondly, even the "instructor Xing", as the chief instructor, is extremely warm and polite every time he sees Ethan, not to mention these ordinary fighters and instructors?

"In the past, I was just an ordinary student. When I came to Wudian Building, I couldn't even get in the door. Who would look at me?" Ethan andao.

"Now? Brother Liu will be more enthusiastic than teaching other junior high school students when instructing Qian Qian and Mu Hua to practice. "

If you are strong, people around you will become amiable.

..... The elevator door opened and Li Yuanzheng was about to enter. Suddenly, his eyes were set.

Have acquaintances.

Ethan?' The girl standing in the elevator seems to have some accidents.

"Lin Yuyue, long time no see." Ethan generous, greeting.

A few months ago, their virtual contract war caused a storm in the school.

But after such a long time, Ethan didn't say anything. In addition, the study of senior three became more and more tense, and all kinds of rumors had long since vanished.

On the contrary, the two occasionally meet at school and can say hello to each other.

Today, Lin Lanyue doesn't wear martial arts clothes. On the contrary, she is dressed in casual clothes. Her upper body is a long coat with cashmere texture and a slim turtleneck sweater, which makes her skin white and red. The lower part is wearing a pair of light blue jeans, which outlines her slender and curvy legs.

There is a clear difference between the usual student dress.

"Ethan, why are you in Wudian?" Lin Lan month slightly confused.

"Something happened." Ethan laughed and didn't explain much.

Neither the principal nor Mr. Xu Bo has said anything about signing the Spark Martial Hall in advance.

It didn't spread at school at all.

It's not good, Ethan also don't want to conspicuous, natural won't say.

"Month, this is your classmate? I don't think I have seen it. " A young woman with a face of about thirty, wearing a mink coat, flashed a trace of vigilance in her eyes.

In her impression, Lin Lanyue rarely takes the initiative to say hello to boys.

"He is in Class Two, Grade Three." Lin Yuyue explained.

"Senior three (second) class?" The young woman frowned slightly.

Ordinary class students?

How did the two meet?

"Ethan, this is my aunt." Lin Lanyue took the initiative to introduce.

Ethan, who can beat himself in martial arts, is recognized and admired by Lin Lanyue.

Besides, in the past few months, Ethan has never taken the initiative to contact himself again, which also made Lin Lan realize that Ethan is really different from those boys who try to chase after him.

"Good aunt." Ethan, of course, greeting.

Young woman smell speech one leng, aunt?

How old are you?

Drop ~ the elevator door is open.

"I have something to do. I have to go first." Ethan smiled and said, "See you at school."

Straight out of the elevator.

"See you at school." Lin Lan month nodded, and then with the young woman leisurely out of the elevator.

They didn't hurry to go, but watched Ethan go far.

"Every month, I will have less contact with boys in this ordinary class in the future." The young woman frowned.

Lin Lanyue was stunned first, and immediately smiled: "Aunt, remember the last time I was defeated in the Star Fighting Network?"

"hmm? Xiaoqiang said. " The young woman reacted: "Is it him?"

"hmm." Lin Lanyue nodded and looked away at Ethan: "His marksmanship is very powerful, and I am no match for him in virtual combat."

"What about the skill?"

"I didn't wake up to the spirit of martial arts. I was admitted to Jiangbei Wudao University at most. Can I still be admitted to five famous schools?" The young woman snorted.

Lin Lan month smile, also didn't refute.

She knew her aunt's character, and she didn't look down on Ethan, but she was not satisfied with Ethan's call "Aunt" just now.

"Well, instructor Xing is over there." The young woman suddenly brightened up: "Come on, come with me and say hello."

"Oh." Lin Lan month nodded.

She seldom comes to Xinghuo Wudian on weekdays and doesn't care about any instructors.


"That boy?" The young woman frowned, slightly puzzled: "Instructor Xing took the initiative to stop and say hello to him?"

"Really?" Lin Lan month also surprised.

Not far away.

Xing instructor stopped Ethan, talking with Ethan with a smile, giving the feeling of outsiders, not like the elders treating the younger generation, but more like the communication between peers.

For a while.

Xing instructor waved Ethan out of the building, and then walked to the elevator.

Young woman pulling Lin Lan month, take the initiative to meet up.

"Instructor Xing." The young woman gave a bright smile.

"Miss You." Instructor Xing recognized the young woman and said with a smile, "Are you here for physical therapy again today?"

Instructor Xing looked at Lin Lanyue: "You ... should be the daughter of Lin Dianzhu, Lin Lanyue?" "

"Do you know me?" Lin Lan month surprised way.


"When Lin Dianzhu was still in Jiangcheng, I met you when you were a child." Instructor Xing smiled and said, "Last time I visited your school, I was there, but there were too many people to say hello to you."

"Later, our Wudian sent you an invitation to sign a C-level contract, but you didn't agree."

Lin Lan month couldn't help laughing.

Her father is a member of the starry sky Wudian, so naturally he won't agree to the early signing invitation of Spark Wudian.

"Instructor Xing, who is that boy just now?" The young woman pointed to Li Yuandao who had just walked out of the building.


"You said Ethan?" Xing instructor looked back at his eyes and smiled: "It's the same school as Kobayashi. Doesn't Kobayashi know?"

"Not very well." Lin Lan month shook his head.

"He is a B-level signing member of our Wudian." Instructor Xing smiled and said, "This young man is excellent."


Instructor Xing walked into the elevator.


"You lie to me? Didn't you say he was in a regular class? Can we sign the Spark Martial Hall in advance? Or a B-level signing? "

The young woman stared blankly for a long time and looked at Lin Lanyue with suspicious eyes: "Are you in trouble, or why did you lie to me?"

"Aunt, I really didn't lie to you." Lin Lanyue's bright eyes are also full of doubts, affirming: "Ethan is really in Class Two, Grade Three."

"I haven't heard that I haven't awakened to the spirit of martial arts and can sign the B level in advance." The young woman shook her head: "Your grades are so good, and the last test was only C-level."

Lin Lan month has been too lazy to respond to his aunt, bowed their heads and frown deep in thought.

Yes, I'm only a C!

Why did Ethan sign up for Class B?