47, only want no regrets

"17.8 m//s?"

"I am not mistaken."

"How can so fast? Too exaggerated, is he in an ordinary class? "

"Brother Yuan is awesome!"

"Li Yuan is too powerful." Hundreds of students outside the test site suddenly burst into screaming.

The students in Grade Three (Grade Two) of Senior High School, as classmates of Ethan, are mostly shocked and excited, which can be described as' Li Yuan is becoming more and more awesome' in a word.

However, students in elite classes are all shocked, but more performance is' Is this Ethan so awesome?' .

"He really didn't wake up the martial spirit?"

"This kind of physical quality is almost 8.0, maybe 8.0." The students in the elite class are talking about it, and some can't believe it.

You know, as an elite class student, most of them are superior to ordinary class students.

Before, they knew that Ethan was powerful, especially his martial arts skills were extremely bright, and even Lin Lan was not as good as Ethan.

However, they didn't wake up to the spirituality of martial arts. In their subconscious mind, the cultivation speed was a lot slower.

But Ethan's performance now? Most of the elite students have been crushed.

"Lie trough! A little faster than me, his physical quality is almost the same as mine? How can it progress so fast? "

Gu Xiong glared: "Isn't it that his naked score is going to get rid of me?"

Gu Tough, Senior 2 final exam, third in martial arts grade.

However, the ancient powerful 40-meter burst speed measurement is only 17.6 meters//second.

"Lan Yue, him?"

The mouth of the chubby girl standing next to Lin Lanyue has become a circle: "This kind of explosion speed can rank third in our class."

Lin Lanyue ignored her best friend, and she was lost in thought: "How did he do it? Is this the reason why he can sign the Spark Wudian? "

In winter, the sun is just right and the breeze is not dry.

The girl stared at the handsome boy in white martial arts suit in the crowd.

The teenager showed a bright smile and was receiving warm cheers from his classmates, but he never looked at the girl.

"Lanyue, don't be in a daze."

The chubby girl couldn't help pushing the girl's hand: "I admit that Ethan is very handsome, which seems to be more handsome than the boys in our class, but you don't have to be so anthomaniac."

"You are an anthomaniac." Lin Lanyue glanced at his best friend: "I'm just curious about why he can make such rapid progress."


Peng Qiqi, a chubby girl, laughed and said, "Curiosity is the first step in the fall. If you don't want a handsome guy, I won't be polite."

"I think you are about to fall." Lin Lanyue looked up: "Besides, I didn't think Li Yuanshuai. We are martial arts students. The first thing we look at is strength, but appearance is not important."

"This is not handsome?" Peng Qiqi teased: "Then you don't look up to any boys in our school."

"Let me take a fancy to it. They should at least go to the podium first." Lin Lanyue's mouth was slightly bent, and she took her girlfriend's hand: "Let's go and gather for the 100-meter test."


"Lan Yue, listen to what you are saying?" Peng Qiqi pretended to exaggerate: "Only the first grade in martial arts can be on the rostrum. Who can compete with you?" Oh, I see, are you attracted to your senior one and senior two? "

"So you like tender!"


"Young man, are you really a student in an ordinary class?" Two invigilators from other schools were equally surprised by Ethan's strength.

Among the senior three students, it is rare that they have not awakened the spirit of martial arts and their physical fitness can exceed 6.5.

What's more, it is a level of 7.9 and 8.0.

Two teachers temporarily stopped the exam and checked the instruments, while reconfirming their identities to Ethan in the distance.

"Yes." Ethan nodded.

"Awesome, there is another good seedling in Guanzhong." One of the older martial arts teachers couldn't help but say, "Young man, work hard, there is no spiritual bonus. According to your physical fitness, there is also hope to enter the warrior class of Jiangbei Wuda University."

"Thank you, Teacher." Ethan laughed.

The fighters class of Jiangbei Wudao University, similar to the elite class, will be best cultivated by Jiangbei Wudao University.

However, that's not Ethan's goal.


As time went by, the 100-meter, 1-kilometer and 10-kilometer physical measurements were carried out one after another.

Lin Lanyue is the most eye-catching.

Her physical fitness, which is truly cliff-leading, not only throws off all the elite students, but also is much higher than the second place.

And the degree of attention is second only to hers, that is, Ethan.

On the measured data of the body, there are several students in the elite class who are similar to Gu Tough, no less than him.

However, Ethan is too special. He is just a student in the ordinary class, unable to practice advanced practice ... but his physical quality has surpassed more than 90% of the students in the elite class.

"Ethan's progress is too exaggerated."

"He really didn't wake up budo spirituality? How can physical fitness improve so fast? "

"I just checked. At the end of the second year of high school, according to the score, his physical fitness should be only 6.0."

"In just half a year, my physical fitness has improved by almost 2 levels, which is more exaggerated than the top students in the elite class."

"By the time of the college entrance examination, how many grades did he get in physical fitness? Grade 9? There will always be no direct success. "

"martial arts skills, he is the first, and his physical fitness is so awesome?"

"His budo score, how much will the transfer exam be? I feel that I can rush into the top 20 of the grade. "

"The top 20 will definitely enter, maybe you can reach the top ten in the grade."

"Top ten grades? No way. "

"He didn't wake up to the spirituality of martial arts. The top ten grades have spiritual points. It is too difficult for Ethan to think of the top ten. No matter how high his skill score is, he can't be a perfect score." Many students in grade three are talking about it.

At that time, Ethan simply became the man of the hour in the school, which attracted much attention.

The counterattack of the weak has always been the most popular topic for the public.

Ethan is not a weak man, but he has been able to resonate with most ordinary students without awakening the spirit of martial arts.

Even a sense of substitution-what if you don't wake up? Still awesome.

..... The three-day January exam is over.

The evening is a self-study class, and the exam results will be announced in class the next day.

After seven o'clock in the evening.

Spark Wudian Guanshan Branch Hall, 7024 Wudao Indoor.


"Hoo!" "Bang!" Ethan, wearing loose martial arts clothes, is playing Rock Fist.

This is a boxing method that is compatible with the Rock Practice Method, or in other words, the boxing method is a direct evolution of the practice method Gong Zhuang and the practice method.

One stroke, one style, seems to be slow, but the sudden outbreak between movement and static is extremely sharp.

"Boxing, practicing is the control of the body."

"marksmanship is the control of weapons."

"At the beginning, the breakthrough in marksmanship was three paragraphs, which was the first step in boxing." Ethan practiced meditation, and Yu Guang subconsciously glanced at the eye palace panel: "The marksmanship has just broken through to 90/% in three stages, but the boxing has already reached 99/% in three stages."

"The marksmanship is four paragraphs, paying attention to the integration of body and mind."

"But the four stages of boxing are just the unity of body and mind." Ethan pondered silently: "If I can't even achieve the perfect integration of body and mind, how can I achieve the integration of body and mind?"

The unity of body and mind is the basis of the unity of body and mind.

Guns and fists are not separated.

Practicing guns is essentially practicing boxing, but Ethan will occasionally practice boxing.

"On the Jingu panel, my physical fitness is 7.8, but according to the measured data of my performance today, it should be similar to other students of 7.9." Ethan's thoughts diverged: "According to the college entrance examination standard, my physical fitness score should be about 435."

"The skill score, I didn't make any mistakes today, definitely more than 380 points." Ethan dark sigh.

360 points is a three-stage standard.

If you want to reach 380 points, Ethan estimated that you should reach three intermediate and above skills.

How many points can you get with your close to three perfect marksmanship skills? Ethan heart also have no idea.


"According to the most conservative estimate, as long as the culture and literature exceed 65 points, my total score of martial arts is at least 880 points." Ethan mused: "There is hope of rushing into the top ten."

Rushing into the top ten of the grade, Li Yuan is sure.

But the top five?

"The hope is very small, not extravagant." Ethan suddenly blew out with one punch, which made the surrounding air faint.

There is nothing lost in Ethan's heart.

What should be done, what has been done with all one's strength, and what remains is waiting.

"No matter what the result is, there is no regret. Why bother yourself?" Ethan is calm as water, practicing boxing silently.

The heart of a warrior wants nothing but regret.


At nine o'clock in the evening, the first high school in Guanshan District, the principal's office.

Principal Tan Zhenlong is still working overtime.

"Didi-"the intelligent assistant voice sounded: "Master, Teacher Xu Bo called you by video."

"Xu Bo?"

"This guy can't wait for a quarter of an hour." Tan Zhenlong shook his head and put down his report card and said, "Xiao Jiu, get through."

Hum ~ a lot of light converge and a light curtain forms.

Xu Bo, like an iron tower, appears in the light screen projection.

"Old Tan, have you seen the results of the January exam?" Xu Bo's face is full of smiles.

"I saw it."

Tan Zhenlong nodded and said indifferently, "Teacher Xu came to see me so late. What can I do for you?"

"Ethan's business." Xu bodao.

Ethan?' Tan Zhenlong nodded: "He played very well."

"So?" Xu Bo looked at Tan Zhenlong.

"So what?" Tan Zhenlong corners of the mouth smile, looking at Xu Bo.

"What's your attitude?" Xu Boyi glared: "You old melon skin, don't pretend to understand me. I had a video to prove it last time."

"Hold on tight."

"I have already sent you the grant application, and I will quickly approve it."