49, at the invitation of budo university

Last September.

When Mr. Xu Bo helped to win the second-class grant, he promised Ethan that he would reward the first-class grant with 100,000 blue star coins as long as he rushed into the top ten of the grade.

If you rush into the top five of the grade, you will be rewarded with a special grant, 500 thousand blue star coins.

"Just one less." Ethan dark sigh.

He is not lost in his heart, and he has done his best to do it, so there is no need to dwell on it.

You can't expect others to play badly.

"That's enough."

"At least, you can get 100,000 blue star coins." Ethan pondered: "Besides, I met the left temple master in Wudian a few days ago. The left temple master said that the recognition and reward of Wudao Hall and Wudian are coming soon, and it is estimated that there is a lot of money."

Ethan bank account, there are still many blue star coins, Wu Dian points.

However, his martial arts practice can be called a golden cave, and it is also fast to spend.

Naturally, we have to find a way.

"Ethan, keep it up." Teacher Chen on the podium looked at Ethan before continuing: "I hope other students can learn more from Ethan."

"I will read other people's martial arts achievements and listen well."

"Li Tianyou, 685 points." Teacher Chen said.

Li Tianyou followed Ethan, ranking second in the martial arts class.

However, although he ranked second, the score gap with Ethan was amazing.

"685 points?" Li Tianyou's face eased slightly.

But it's not very nice.

685 points, plus his cultural conversion score of 59 points, the total score of Wudao is only 744 points, and the hope of being admitted to Wudao University is still very slim.

"Don't I work hard enough?" Li Tianyou clenched his fist secretly, quite unwilling: "If I can get more training resources and more teachers' guidance, my score will definitely be much higher."

Li Tianyou is not stupid.

He is crazy in practice, even his body can't bear it, and his heart is like a mirror with occasional kind reminders from other students.

It's just that I don't have that much money at home. What can I do?

"Gu Yaoyao, 664 points." Teacher Chen continued to read the scores.

Most of the students' martial arts achievements are very ordinary, and there is not much fluctuation.

Practicing martial arts requires talent and resources.

If we talk about the cultural examination, there are occasional "flashes of light" and "extraordinary play".

Then, there are only two possibilities for martial arts assessment: normal play and abnormal play, and there is no extraordinary play.

Strong is strong, weak is weak.


After reporting the scores, it is to distribute test papers and talk about topics.

Ethan listened carefully.

"I spend less time in culture class, so I have to be serious in class." Li Yuan thought very thoroughly: "If you want to be admitted to five famous schools, you must strive for every point. If you can divide the culture into a few points, your hope will be even greater."

One point trumps thousands of people, and it is never empty talk.

Like Ethan this time.

The total score of martial arts can exceed 900 points, and the cultural conversion score has improved by ten points, which is indispensable.


It's ten o'clock in a blink of an eye, and we have a fifteen-minute break between classes.

Teacher Chen first posted three report cards on the' score column' next to the blackboard, and then turned around and said, "Ethan, Li Tianyou and Wang Zihan, come to the office with me three or two."

"Everyone else, class is over."

Right away.

Hua la ~ the classmates have flooded to the front of the achievement column and started to look at their rankings.

Just now, Mr. Chen only reported the scores and announced the rankings.

The posted transcripts will be marked with grades, regional and city rankings.

"Steady! The top ten thousand in the city. "

"Wocao, almost one point, the city ranked worse than one hundred? Are there so many animals? "

"Hey, going home will be told by my parents again."

"I didn't play well this time, and the total score of culture was only ranked thirteenth in the grade, but I didn't even enter the top ten in the grade."

Students talk to each other, some are happy and some are sad, but most of them are dissatisfied, and most of them are thinking,' If this subject can get five points higher and the other subject can get ten points higher, my ranking will be sure ...'

Ethan and Li Tianyou have gone to her office with Miss Chen.

Ethan very calm, Li Tianyou two people very uneasy.

"You two wait outside first." Teacher Chen ordered a sentence: "Ethan, come in with me."

Entering the office, Mr. Chen sat down, sorted out the papers and greeted the teachers around him, as if he had forgotten the existence of Ethan.

This is the usual way for old teachers to educate students.

Let the students hang for a while first, then give them a cold look occasionally, and continue to ignore them, which makes the students more and more worried.

Finally, the students themselves admit their mistakes without even asking the teacher.

But ...

After a big exam, I was called to the office alone. Most of them have only two situations-great progress and great retrogression.

Ethan considers himself the former.

"Cough ~ cough ~" Ethan coughed and reached for the glass: "Teacher, the water is cold, I'll add some hot water for you."

Before Mr. Chen could respond, Ethan had picked up the cup and walked to the water dispenser.

Li Yuan poured cold water out first, then added hot and cold water again, and estimated the suitable temperature by hand.

Beat the water and turn the lid of the cup.

Wipe the water stain on the surface of the water cup with a paper towel, return to the desk, and gently put the water cup on the left hand side of Teacher Chen.

Ordinary people are used to holding a cup in their left hand and screwing the lid in their right hand.

"Teacher, the water temperature is just right." Ethan smiled and said, "Why don't you drink first?"

"You!" Teacher Chen watched the whole process and shook his head, but he could see that he was in a good mood.

Teachers, in fact, like students who come to the meeting and have sweet mouths.

"Call you, there are some things." Teacher Chen picked up the cup and said while drinking water, "You did well in this exam, and your grade was sixth, especially your martial arts score. In previous years, you could compete for the top spot in the city's single subject."

Ethan, listen.

"Unfortunately, this year, there was a talented student in the middle school attached to Teachers College." Teacher Chen said with some regret, "I got full marks in martial arts."

"Full marks in skills?" Ethan heart slightly surprised.

The physical fitness score is 500 points, and the perfect score is 10.0 physical fitness.

Ethan didn't know the requirement of 400 points in martial arts, but he guessed that it should require four skills.

"What's your name?" Li Yuan asked.

"Wu Dongdong." Teacher Chen said: "He is also the first in the total score of martial arts in the city this January. His martial arts score is 900, and the total score of martial arts is 1077."

"Two full marks? Really amazing! " Ethan sincerely regrets.

This is an extremely exaggerated achievement.

It's much more exaggerated than Lin Lanyue's performance.

The score of 900 points in martial arts means that the physical quality of the other party is at least 10.0, and the culture class is also good.

The middle school attached to Teachers College has always been the best high school in Jiangcheng, and it is famous all over the country. It is normal to have such a martial genius.


Ethan is not surprised that someone can surpass himself.

You know, Wudian signed the contract in advance, and the highest is the S-level contract, which means that someone must have signed it.

And Ethan, even if he awakens martial spirit, is only qualified to sign an A-level contract.

In this world, there is no shortage of geniuses, which is the truth that Ethan understood at an early age.

"No matter others."

"You are actually very good." Teacher Chen said, "After the entrance examination in January, at the beginning of March, Jiangbei Wudao University held an invitation to visit. Our school has ten places, and all the students with the top ten scores in the entrance examination in January can go."

"Would you like to go?" Teacher Chen looks at Ethan.

"The invitation of Jiangbei Wudao University?" Ethan paused.

"Yes, they will invite Wu Daosheng, an elite senior three student in the whole city or even the whole province, with an estimated number of nearly 1,000 people for five days." Teacher Chen smiled and said, "If the school professor takes a fancy to you and thinks you are suitable for cultivation, you will be invited to Wudao University immediately after the college entrance examination, and special training will begin in the summer vacation."

"After all, martial arts practice and cultural classes are different. The three months of your age are very important and used properly, which is enough to improve the strength of martial arts."

"hmm." Ethan couldn't help nodding.

Indeed, from the age of sixteen, with physical development and vigorous qi and blood, martial arts cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds.

"Teacher, my college entrance examination goal is' Kunlun Wudao University'." Li yuandao.

The five famous martial arts schools in Xiaguo are named after Xiajing, Nanhai, Kunlun, Donghai and Polar Star respectively.

Kunlun Wudao University, which has the largest number of enrollment places in Jiangbei Province every year, is the first choice for top students in Jiangbei Province.

"I know."

"Kunlun budo university, if you can be admitted, it is definitely the first choice, and your grades are also expected to be admitted, but you have not awakened the spirit of budo. Are you 100% sure?" Teacher Chen asked Ethan.

Ethan is not silent.

"Your goal is to sprint Kunlun Wudao University, but Jiangbei Wudao University is the guarantee. It won't do you any harm to visit, feel and get to know the university teachers." Teacher Chen put down the glass: "Right?"

Ethan couldn't help but nod. What Teacher Chen said is actually reasonable.

"All right, I'll send you the application form and the specific itinerary, and then give it to me after filling out the telegram." Teacher Chen said, "By the way, after the school mobilization meeting this afternoon, your scholarship to enter the top ten of the grade will be sent to your account. Remember to check it."

"Well, thank you." Ethan nodded.

For such a large-scale exam, the total score of martial arts will enter the top ten of the grade, and there will be 5 thousand blue star coins, plus several bottles of qi and blood medicine as scholarship awards.

At the same time, you can get an independent budo room, but Ethan already has it.


Of the three people, the last one who came into the office was Li Tianyou, who was much more nervous than Ethan.

"teacher." Li Tianyou came to the desk.

"Nothing, I didn't call you here to criticize you. You did well in this exam." Teacher Chen smiled and said, "Remember what I told you last time about applying for a third-class grant?"

Li Tianyou shines at the moment.

"In this exam, your grades are combined with your family ... The application was successful." Teacher Chen smiled and said, "I know you are hard-working, but you have to combine work and rest. Don't work too hard. The 20,000 grant will come to your account today."

"Thank you, Teacher." Li Tianyou was very excited and his eyes were reddish.

"Well, go ahead, don't tell anyone about it, just know it yourself." Teacher Chen got up and patted Li Tianyou on the shoulder and watched the other side leave.

Sit back in the chair.

Teacher Chen's smile disappeared, and she opened the smart ring watch, staring at the above documents slightly lost in thought-"The third-class grant application review opinion: it will not be passed."


Teacher Chen sighed lightly.

After thinking about it, I forwarded this document to Xu Bo.

This grant application was made by her and Xu Bo for Li Tianyou.


After lunch, Ethan returned to the 4011 budo room and directly entered the virtual network cabin.

Consciousness connection.

"Personal space." Ethan standing in the empty personal space, check up that a jiangbei budo university invitation:

Dear Ethan ...

"It's all nonsense." Ethan frowned and quickly swept the first few pages.

Suddenly, Ethan suddenly stopped and stared at the itinerary.

Day 4 itinerary: actual combat assessment: hunting astral creatures.


Thinking for a while.

Ethan quickly filled in his information.

Electronic signature.

Click to accept the invitation!

"I hope, don't let me down." Ethan muttered to himself, leaving the virtual network.