58, life and death unknown Li Changzhou

"Out of service?" Ethan a tingle in my heart.

If you can't get through temporarily, it's normal, maybe you're busy.

But beyond the service area, there are only two possibilities.

First, it's where my uncle is, and the signal is disturbed.

Second, uncle is in the astral world.

As far as Li Yuan knows, the interior of the astral world is very special, and it seems that it is not in the same space as the normal blue star world, and many scientific and technological weapons will fail, which is extremely inconvenient to contact.

"Don't, uncle has entered the astral range before?" Ethan heart slightly heavy.

According to the previous news about the war in Lop Nur, the military and Wudian fighters have gone deep into the astral world to counterattack.

And I communicated with my uncle, and my uncle always said that he was at the' No.7 base' in the home front.

In a flash, many ideas flashed through Ethan's mind.

"Sissy, don't worry too much. Uncle will be fine." Ethan remained calm on the surface.

Ethan didn't want her sister to be frightened.

"It should be that the signal has been affected, so it is beyond the service area."

"Uncle has been in the rear, and even if there is an accident in the war, he can quickly evacuate." Ethan comforted: "My aunt may be in class and can't answer the phone. Don't worry too much."

Li Qianqian and Li Muhua went to junior high school, which is not the same school as Chen Hui's work school.

"Really? Brother! " Li Qianqian seems relieved, but still full of worries: "Is my dad really in the home front?"

"Nature is true." Ethan smiled: "OK, let's go to class first. I'll tell you if there is any news."

Hang up the phone.

The smile on Ethan's face disappeared. He spoke directly: "Xiaoyu, immediately search for the recent war situation in Lop Nur, and inquire whether the second-level war alert has been started."

The third-level war alert is to mobilize military fighters to reinforce on a large scale.

Level two? Represents the entire astral defense line, which is at risk of being completely breached.

All provinces will inevitably provide large-scale support.

"Yes, master." Auxiliary intelligent response.

Only a few seconds later.

Hum ~ light curtain projection formation.

What is shown above is the news video, which is the military channel and military spokesman of Xia Guo.

The press release time was thirty minutes ago.

The spokesman, dressed in a military uniform, looked solemn and reported with a hint of sadness.

"Compatriots of Xia Guo, the second-level astral Luobuhai in northern Xinjiang Province, are now facing great challenges. Since the war began in September last year, so far, there have been more than 11,000 people ... The people of the whole country have United as one and resisted this disaster. I declare that Xia Guo has officially launched the second-level war alert." The spokesman said dignified.

"I believe that in this battle, Xia Guo will win and mankind will win."

Then, a series of news appeared in the light curtain, which was about the large-scale assembly and mobilization of troops all over the country.

"Field information synthetic army!"

"mechanical corps."

"Air Force."

On the vast wilderness, a multi-functional chariot that keeps galloping forward ...

On the airport runway, fighter planes are constantly taking off ...

On both sides of the high-speed rail line, a continuous army of combat robots is ready to go ...

..... Across the country, the two martial arts halls stationed around the combat readiness fighters team, also began to set off in an emergency.

All directions support.


All this.

All of them show how urgent and dangerous the war in Rob starfish world is.

Looking at the news on the screen, Li Yuan clenched his fists involuntarily, and the veins stood out on the back of his hand were faintly raised.


Ethan thought about the astral disaster he experienced more than ten years ago.

I survived by myself.

But my parents left forever.

Now, this scene is going to be staged again? Uncle, even in the so-called rear area, it is also the rear area of the front line.

Will it be safe?

Thought of here, Ethan subconsciously looked out of the window.

It is still sunny and the cherry blossoms are fragrant.

Through the window, you can see a large number of students on the side of the martial arts teaching building, still practicing martial arts step by step, and many students are even frolicking.

After all, the second-level war alert has just been issued.

Except for the military and the two martial arts halls, I am afraid that most ordinary people are still unclear.

Besides, Northern Xinjiang Province is far from Jiangbei Province.

Second-level war alert, mainly the mobilization of military fighters, the most recruited veterans, will not carry out a general mobilization, will not have a big impact on Jiangcheng City.

"Xiaoyu, put me through to my uncle." Ethan whispered.

"Didi-the target is not in the service area and cannot be contacted." Xiaoyu responded.

"Get through to Aunt." Ethan spoke again.

"Drop-drop-"Every second seems like a long wait.

You're connected.

However, Chen Hui did not open the light curtain, but only showed voice communication.

"Auntie?" Ethan spoke directly: "Luobuhai ..."

"Xiao Yuan, I know, don't worry." Chen Hui's voice was quite calm: "As soon as I received the news, I immediately called a colleague at your uncle's headquarters and asked."

"The No.7 base where your uncle is located has not been attacked. They have begun to retreat, but the signal is estimated to be affected."

Chen Huidao: "It is estimated that he will call us tonight or tomorrow."

"Is that so?" Ethan heart slightly relieved.

What worries him most is that his uncle's place is attacked and lost contact.

"Yes, you don't have to worry too much." Chen Hui's voice was quite relaxed: "OK, I'll have a meeting right away. I'll hang up first."


Hang up the phone.

..... In an office of the school, it was empty, and all the other teachers went to class.

Hang up with Ethan.

"Cheung Chau." Chen Hui's eyes were red with tears, and her fingertips turned the screen.

Another chat screen appeared, and the other party's note name was' Xia Jian 9th Bureau Liu Jingli'.

The last message sent by the other party clearly reads: "Chen Hui, don't worry, the No.3 base where Lao Li and others are located has indeed lost contact, but the company has not confirmed that it has completely fallen. The war base is very solid and there is hope for rescue."

Base 3 is the forward base.


"Be sure to survive." Chen Hui meditated in my heart.

What reverberates in her mind is all the scenes that Li Changzhou has experienced in the past 20 years.

Chen Hui understands that the front line of the war is so dangerous that the whole war base has lost contact ... There is little hope.

But ...

Without accurate information about the complete fall of the base, Chen Hui will still have hope.


Hang up and aunt phone, Ethan relieved in the heart, not so worried just now.

Suddenly, his eyes stared.

No! There's a problem!

"If my uncle is really safe, my aunt will show her concern and even complain to me." Ethan thought like lightning in his mind: "It happened that what my aunt said was too understatement."

This is not my aunt's character.

At the same time, Ethan thought, why didn't my aunt connect the video?

Is it?

After taking a deep breath, Ethan spoke again: "Xiaoyu, help me contact Wang Haoyu. The remark is Uncle Wang."

Wang Haoyu is my uncle's former department colleague and my uncle's good friend.

Ethan remembers that when he was in primary school, Li Changzhou, uncle of Wang Shuhe, often drank and ate together.

However, since my uncle applied for assignment, the contact between them has been much less.

Soon connected, a middle-aged man in a suit appeared on the screen.

"Uncle Wang." Ethan's face was full of anxiety: "How is my second uncle? Can I get in touch?"? Have they withdrawn? "

"Xiao Yuan, you know all about it?" Wang Shu in the video is stunned.

"I basically know." Ethan's face was full of anxiety: "Didn't you say that the war was coming to an end? How could this happen suddenly? Uncle Wang, do you know the latest situation? "

"Since your aunt told you everything, I won't hide it from you." Wang Shu sighed: "Base No.3, although not the first wave of counterattack, is located on the edge of the astral world. Now it is really out of contact and should have been besieged."

Base three? Ethan was struck by lightning.

Uncle is not in base 7, but in base 3?

"But the No.3 base is the forward base, the strongest, and the country is mobilizing strength to rescue." Uncle Wang said in a low voice, "Maybe it can be rescued ... In short, there is still hope."

"In addition."

Uncle Wang hesitated: "Xiao Yuan, I heard that you have achieved success in martial arts and even won the title of' Young Hero'. When I knew it before, I was happy for you."

"When you grow up, if, I mean, if ... is really the worst result, you have to be strong and take care of your aunt, brother and sister, understand?" Wang Shu looked at some silent white teenagers at the other end of the video.

Wang Shuxin couldn't bear it, and even felt that his words were cruel.

He grew up watching Ethan.

But he felt that at this time, the entrust Ethan.

"I understand, I understand." Ethan whispered: "Uncle Wang, don't worry, I will take good care of my family."

"OK, I'll come to see you and your aunt in a couple of days." Uncle Wang finally said, "I'm busy here. Call me if you have anything."

"Well, thank Uncle Wang." Ethan hangs up the phone.

Wudao indoor.

Ethan some get confused, even a little bit dizzy, full of Wang Shu just now, No.3 base!

Lost contact, may fall?

Moreover, he also heard from Wang Shu's words that there is a great probability that his uncle will not come back alive.


"There must be hope."

"Uncle, you must still be alive." Ethan clenched his fists, his heart ached and he was full of despair.

However, Ethan still has a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Stand where you are, motionless.

Ethan was silent for a long time.

Seems to want to know what, Ethan began to some people, including brothers and sisters, respectively, sent some messages.


Ethan bent down gently and picked up the big gun that was still on the ground just now.

"What has happened cannot be changed."

"I can't decide whether my uncle can survive. It depends on the national army and the fighters." Ethan gritted his teeth. He was worried and his heart was shaking.

"I can only pray that my uncle can come back safely."

In Ethan's mind, there is no difference between uncle and father.

"If ... that's the result." Ethan's eyes were reddish: "Just like Uncle Wang said."

"This family, I must support it."

"Uncle, he certainly doesn't want me to be sad and decadent. He wants me to live like a man." Ethan clenched his fists.

His eyes were reddish, and tears never fell.

Ethan didn't continue to call, also didn't read the news.

But practiced the gun again!

A series of gun shadows reappeared.

In the martial arts room, he kept roaring and blooming, and he displayed his unique skills of rock marksmanship, such as rock-based pillars, hidden dragons in rock valleys, and all kinds of mountains.


"kill!" At this moment, Ethan felt the big sandbag in front of him, as if he had become a fish Eldar.

Into that bloodthirsty astral creature.

In Ethan's heart, there is an uncontrollable worry and sadness, and even a trace of anger, and he wants to vent it.

Time goes by, and Ethan's marksmanship is getting faster and faster!

More and more fierce.

Has surpassed the past! Really began to touch a whole new realm.