Experience Surge and Continuous Leveling Up

"Hmm? Is this guy only starting to drive now? Was he asleep just now?"

"Shh... It's pointless to start driving now, it's too late, death is certain!"

"The survivors living around the truck can take advantage of the truck drawing the zombies' attention to quickly find a new hiding spot!"

"The truck has drawn all the zombies in the area away, which means everywhere else but this alley is safe!"

"Right, why didn't I think of that? I'm going to move to a different spot now!"

"Damn, the truck actually started moving! The zombies couldn't even block it?!"

"How is that possible? I was trapped in an SUV before, and I know all too well that when there are enough zombies, you just can't drive off!"

"Besides, in his situation, the zombies literally blocked the road!"

Soon, a survivor on the rooftop sent a video!

The heavy truck suddenly accelerated, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

It crushed the zombies blocking the way under its wheels in an instant.

Because of the powerful start and high speed, it even flung several zombies in the distance!

"How is that possible? He actually managed to drive out?!"

"Yeah, the horde was nothing before it... it's so satisfying to watch!"

"The power of a heavy truck should be between 400 and 600!"

"A heavy truck can produce hundreds of horsepower of thrust, a few hundred zombies definitely can't stop it!"

"Damn, isn't this just showing off here? What a madman!"

"I think this guy just loves to show off, wanting us all to pay attention to him!"

As they were talking, the heavy truck had already cleared a bloody path through.

Leaving behind a trail of bloody tire marks!

After this ordeal, only some of the hit zombies died.

Most had their bones broken and were paralyzed on the ground.

Some zombies were still desperately crawling on the ground, trying to catch up to the heavy truck!

"Man, if I had a heavy truck like that, I'd be unstoppable. I could go anywhere, and no zombies would hold me back!"

"What are you dreaming about, upstairs? I did manage to collect some car keys from killing zombies, but there are so many cars on the road, I have no idea which one is which!"

"It's not that easy to just happen to get the keys to a heavy truck and also find the truck. The odds are as low as winning the lottery!"

"Does the handsome guy driving the heavy truck need a girlfriend? I can sit in the passenger seat, help with navigation, and take care of all your needs!"

"I'm in the dorm at Sun University, come save me, please! We are six girls here, all kinds of us!"

"What? What's happening, the big truck is coming back?!"

Amidst a chorus of astonishment.

Henry turned the heavy truck around at the crossroads.

Then he accelerated again and headed back into the alley!

This time, the speed was faster and the impact stronger!

All you could hear was thud, thud, squeal, squeal!

Zombie limbs and bodies constantly slapped against the front of the truck.

The wheels of the heavy truck were huge, over a meter in diameter.

So, the body of the truck was very high.

Zombies could only hit the front of the truck, not even reaching the glass.

Occasionally, some blood splattered on the glass.

But Henry nonchalantly wiped it clean with the windshield wipers!

It was another bout of cutting through the horde like breaking waves.

This time, after the truck rolled over them, the ground was thickly littered with zombies.

Only a few could still stand up; most were lying on the ground with their mouths open, unable to move.

Some zombies' bodies were even folded over front to back.

But since they don't feel pain, they still stretched their hands towards the direction the heavy truck was moving away.

Henry turned around again at another intersection.

Then he came back for another bloody run!

The fewer the zombies, the harder they were to crush.

In the end, there were about thirteen or fourteen zombies left that he just couldn't crush.

Henry didn't sweat the small stuff anymore.

He pulled the truck over to the side of the road.

Then he got out and swung his blade furiously over a dozen times.

He chopped off the heads of the remaining dozen or so zombies!

After that, he began to methodically finish off the zombies on the ground that were not quite dead yet.

At this point, the people in the chatroom finally understood...

Henry wasn't seeking death or trying to show off...

He was killing zombies!

He had come up with such an effective and safe method to kill zombies!

"This... is just too fierce..."

"We've always been thinking about how to avoid being detected by zombies... and here's someone thinking about how to kill them... the gap is just too huge!"

"Terrifying, truly terrifying... his strength must be far above ours already!"

"Looking for a little brother? I can fend for myself, just let me join you in killing zombies, and I'm happy with just a sip of the broth!"

"This guy always keeps quiet, really a man of few words!"

"It's a pity we can't see his face clearly, otherwise we could private message him!"

"Looking to team up, looking for a group..."


Henry didn't know yet that he had become a celebrity in the regional chat channel!

He didn't have time to pay attention to the chat.

The daytime was the best time to kill zombies and enhance his strength!

Wasting such precious time on chatting?

That would be pure madness!

Henry methodically eliminated all the heavily wounded zombies.

Then he began the collection process!

This collection was thrilling!

An entire street's worth of zombie corpses.

Congratulations, you have obtained:

- Energy Cores x236

- Mutant Fertilizer x2132

- Clean Cloth x758

- Damaged Car Keys x34

- Damaged Keys x72

- Crumpled Pollution Source Defense Map x1

- Crushed Cigarettes x33

- Tattered Notebook x3

- Cash $2735...

The resources collected this time were quite devastated.

Apart from the Energy Cores, Mutant Fertilizer, and Clean Cloth, which are the usual items,

most of the other materials were damaged during the repeated crushing by the heavy truck!

"A bit of a pity!"

"But... compared to these heaps of Energy Cores..."

"These losses don't really count for much!"

Henry gave a slight smile and threw all the damaged items onto the ground.

Then, he casually touched the heavy truck.

In a swift moment, the heavy truck was immediately stored into the storage space!

Ding! Upgrade conditions met!

Energy Cores: 251/200, would you like to upgrade now?