The Mutated Crawler Zombie

Henry pulled out his riot shield and the sharpened Katana. With a light jump, he landed on the roof of a sedan parked by the roadside. The cars parked along the roadside were different from the randomly parked cars in the middle of the road.

In the chaos of the disaster, many vehicles in the middle of the road were abandoned with keys still in the ignition, their engines running until all fuel and battery power were depleted. Essentially, they were just heaps of unusable scrap metal.

However, the roadside-parked cars were different. Since they were intentionally turned off, their batteries still retained some charge. When Henry stepped on the roof of the sedan, the car alarm immediately went off:

Whoo-whoo~ beep-beep~~ whoo-whoo-whoo~

"Heh heh..."



"Gigl gigl..."

The piercing sound alarmed the nearby zombies, who shrieked and charged towards Henry from all directions. Henry didn't linger on the sedan, instead, he ran a few steps across the roof, took a running leap, and landed on the roof of a bus.

Snow, agile as ever, followed suit and jumped up after him. Baring its teeth at the approaching zombies, drool dripped tick by tick onto the bus roof.

"Let's see what my combat abilities are like now!" Henry said, a slight smile playing at the corners of his mouth. Lifting a car with his bare hands had boosted his confidence immensely.

The density of zombies in this world was far higher than in "The Walking Dead," where zombies typically appeared in small numbers.

Here, groups of dozens, if not hundreds, were common. The noise Henry had just made easily attracted over a hundred zombies—a dark, bloody mass of clawing undead surged towards him!

Daytime zombies cannot climb.

The first wave of zombies reached the car barricade, only stretching out their arms and howling. The zombies that followed crazily trampled those in front of them and continued to shriek. In this manner, wave after wave of zombies struck like ocean waves, repeatedly crashing against the steel city walls. With each wave, the height of the zombie pile increased. After four or five waves, the first zombie to climb onto the bus appeared!

"Let me handle this, you watch my back!" Henry said to Snow. Strangely enough, although they hadn't been together long, their coordination was impeccable! Snow seemed to understand Henry's words, consciously standing behind him to prevent any zombies from climbing up the sides for a sneak attack!

"Die!" Henry swung his Katana with his right hand, chopping down towards a zombie's head! Whoosh! His blade cleaved vertically through the zombie's skull. Before, at most, it would have split the zombie's head, but this time, the Katana sliced through the zombie as easily as cutting a watermelon, splitting it into two!

"Wow, this power is intense!" Henry was amazed at his own strength increase! Then, three more zombies charged at him. Henry swung horizontally—splat! The heads of the three zombies fell to the ground. Their headless bodies staggered a few steps forward before kneeling and then collapsing on the ground!

"Zombies are too easy!" Getting into the spirit, Henry charged forward, blocking with an anti-riot shield. With a slight exertion of his left arm, he easily pushed two zombies flying a couple of meters away. They fell heavily to the ground with a thud. His right-hand Katana slashed wildly! Wherever it went, flesh and blood flew. The zombies, like watermelons, stood no chance against Henry. What amazed Henry even more was that his reaction speed had also increased by several levels.

Although he charged into the horde of zombies, Henry was able to calmly and effortlessly dodge attacks coming from four or five different directions simultaneously.

Then, he delivered lethal blows to the zombies!

In Henry's view, it all seemed like slow motion.

But to onlookers, Henry appeared as if he were cheating—like a ghost, he swiftly darted into the midst of the zombie horde.

Dodging left, striking right.

This seemingly suicidal behavior made it utterly impossible for the zombies to predict Henry's movements!

Moreover, wherever Henry went, zombies were either decapitated or tossed high into the air—completely powerless to fight back.

Seeing Henry plunge into the zombie crowd, Snow barked and followed him into the fray.

Some zombies, bisected by Henry, weren't quite dead yet.

Snow would follow up to finish them off.

The man and his dog were in perfect sync!

After about fifteen minutes...

The road was left covered in zombie corpses and scattered limbs.

Henry wasn't even out of breath.

It seemed he hadn't even fully enjoyed himself yet!

Blood flowed like a stream, dripping down the blade of the Katana onto the ground.

"Woof... roar... woof!"

All the zombies in front of them were dealt with.

But Snow started barking furiously at a distant restaurant.

Hmm? What's going on?

Henry followed Snow's gaze.

He saw that behind the glass doors of the restaurant, it was packed with zombies—like commuters in a rush hour crush.

They were pressed against one another, countless hands and faces plastered against the glass door.

The scene was utterly terrifying!

Suddenly, a dark shadow quickly flashed past the restaurant's window.

Then, the glass door shattered instantly.

A large cluster of zombies tangled together fell onto the ground.

A four-legged creature stood atop the heap of zombies, emitting a piercing shriek!

"Ah~~~ gigl gigl... Ah~~~~"

It was like the sound of a woman screaming in extreme agony.

Sharp and piercing!

"Is this... the Crawler?!" 

Henry narrowed his eyes.

He had originally planned to encounter this creature at Sun University.

Unexpectedly, he ran into it here!

It seems these creatures are not few in number; there's definitely more than one!

Snow sensed the danger and bared its teeth, positioning itself in front of Henry.

"Leave this one to me, you handle those nuisance regular zombies!"

Henry commanded.

"Woof~ roar..."

Snow reluctantly took a couple of steps to the side.

This dog was a warrior at heart.

The more zombies or stronger the enemy it saw, the more excited and eager it was to join the fight.

"Gigl gigl gigl..."

The Crawler also noticed Henry.

Its inverted head displayed an expression that was hard to tell whether it was laughing or crying.