Catastrophe Diary

July 25, 2012 

The nation's high walls are completed, hard to imagine it only took two months! The media continues to mock, but I have a foreboding feeling. Due to the high number of sick students, the school has canceled exams. That's probably the only good news lately.

August 3, 2012 

All my classmates have gone home. I've decided to stay at school and earn some money part-time during the holiday. Also, there have been frequent violent incidents lately. I definitely don't want to go to crowded places like train stations. But today, I saw the army setting up camp here, saying they were going to conduct drills. I'm curious, why would the army need to conduct drills at a school?

August 12, 2012 

The virus has mutated, and the infected have all turned into zombies! The military has already been dispatched to clear the infected cities. There is a 24-hour curfew in the city, and anyone seen on the streets is shot on sight. It looks like my premonition has come true! But now, it's too late to say anything. To hell with herd immunity! Now the herd has turned into a zombie tide!

August 25, 2012 

Or maybe it's the 26th? I can't remember, and it doesn't matter anymore! The university is now the last refuge. Thanks to my wise decision, I became one of the first residents of the shelter. I never knew there was such a large bomb shelter under the sports field! Every day, thousands of residents outside the walls try to surge in. I pity them, but I am powerless to help. Even... I hope the military won't let them in. If there are any infected among them, our shelter would be completely ruined.

September 29, 2012 

The virus has caused plants to mutate rapidly and has accelerated their growth! Zombies are just a small problem; the mutated insects and plants are the real nightmares for humanity! There are also many monsters that keep reviving even after being killed, emerging from underground. The main force of the army has been annihilated.

All the weapons that humanity once took pride in are ineffective against mutated creatures! Thanks to the influx of refugees into the shelter, our food supplies have drastically decreased and there are problems with the water recycling system. Even if the monsters on the surface haven't discovered us yet, it's only a matter of time before we trap ourselves here to die.

October 12, 2012

Today another soldier ended his life with his own gun. The crime rate in the shelter has skyrocketed, and every day is filled with the cries of women. I've had enough of this place! It's said that there are three fully armed mechs loaded with ammunition in the armory. We've decided to steal them and fight our way back to the land. Wish me luck!

November 7, 2012

Mutated burrowing worms have overrun the shelter, but I successfully stole one of the armed mechs! But this world... it's no longer the world we knew...

This is the last page of the diary. Only this page and the cover are stained with blood. It's not hard to surmise that the owner of the diary died shortly after making this last entry. As for what he saw, he didn't say. However, according to his diary, the armed armor must have been a formidable piece of equipment, but it was instantly destroyed upon emerging on the surface. This indicates that the monsters in this world are far more powerful than the armored armor!

Henry looked solemn as he finished reading the diary. Indeed, zombies are at the bottom of the food chain! He needs to become stronger quickly! If he can't even handle these mutated zombies, then in 30 days, he will face a catastrophic disaster.

The walls enclosing the city? The armed armor? An air-raid shelter beneath Sun University's sports field? Henry's mind raced!

The diary mentioned that food was quickly depleting in the air-raid shelter and that soldiers were stationed there. This implies not only the presence of food but also a significant amount of military weapons!

If Henry could get my hands on these resources, the efficiency of killing zombies would greatly increase! Maybe these weapons are ineffective against mutated creatures, but at this stage, killing zombies to boost my own strength is key! However...

The only problem now is... I can't determine where the entrance to the air-raid shelter is. Moreover, Sun University's campus is densely populated with zombies, including some even more terrifying than the Type II mutated zombies. Rushing in to investigate would certainly not be a wise choice! If only there was something that could allow me to safely scout the conditions on the sports field!

While pondering this, suddenly, Clarissa sent another message:

"Are you asleep yet, Henry?"

"Not yet, what's up?"

"Well, someone wants to trade a longbow for a [Drone with High-Definition Camera]and a remote control device. I've never seen this thing at the trading post before, it's pretty rare!"

"I didn't want to make a decision on my own, so I wanted to ask you first," Clarissa said dutifully.

A drone? That's perfect! Exactly what I need! With this, I could clearly observe the distribution of zombies across the sports field and make the best tactical decisions!

"Yes, I can use that," Henry replied.

"Okay then, I'll go back and negotiate some more!~" Clarissa sent an OK gesture.

After a while, she sent another message:

"I haggled with her for a long time, it seems like that's her bottom price!"

"I guess she doesn't have many resources left!"

"[Drone with High-Definition Camera]*1, [Drone Control Console]*1, [Energy Cores]*3..."

Henry looked at the terms and nodded in satisfaction. Clarissa's sales ability was indeed strong! Energy Cores are as vital to a survivor as food and water. To be able to offer three of them showed a significant commitment.

"Okay, I'll give you the [Precision Longbows], and you can go ahead and trade directly with her." Henry had crafted twenty [Precision Longbows] and handed ten of them over to Clarissa. This girl is full of energy.

She doesn't go out during the day and can rest anytime. But I can't do that. The daily battles put a great strain on my body. I must get enough sleep to maintain good combat effectiveness!

"You directly trade these ten longbows with the buyer, and if you sell them, then you can ask me for more," Henry said.

"Let me trade directly with the buyer?"

"Aren't you afraid I'll keep your weapons for myself?" Clarissa asked playfully.

"Would you?" Instead of answering, Henry countered.

"Of course, I wouldn't! Don't underestimate people!" Clarissa said indignantly.

"Right, I trust that you won't!"

"You... you're cunning!"

"Alright, enough talk, I'm going to rest now, good night!"

"Hmm, have sweet dreams!"