Truck Fury


The drone's propellers started spinning rapidly, emitting a sound akin to flying insects fluttering their wings!


Henry quickly adjusted to the drone's response speed and control methods. He watched as the drone erratically danced in the air for a while before stabilizing and swiftly flying towards Sun University.

From the control console's screen, Henry clearly observed the situation below. The number of zombies was as dense as the day before, showing no signs of decrease. Moreover, the zombies were all congregated in open spaces like pathways, sports fields, and small parks, while places like academic buildings and dormitories were nearly devoid of zombies.

It appeared the diary entries were accurate. The zombie virus outbreak had coincided with the summer vacation, so there were few people in the buildings. Most of the zombies on the ground were likely civilians who had breached the defense lines and soldiers from those lines who had turned.

Throughout its flight, the drone attracted countless zombies with its sound. They looked up, raising their pale hands and shrieking. Even through the screen, Henry could almost sense the foul stench emanating from the horde.

"Chuckle, chuckle, chuckle..."

A Crawler lightly leaped, jumping onto the densely packed crowd of zombies. It moved across the zombies' shoulders and heads, its expression bizarre as it eyed the drone in mid-air.

"What a disgusting creature!" Henry gently pushed the joystick, and the drone swiftly flew forward. It circled above the sports field and quickly located the entrance to the air-raid shelter—surprisingly under the flagpole.

The door there had been smashed open. A four-meter-tall armored vehicle was leaning askew against the conductor's podium. The tempered glass of the driver's cabin had completely shattered, and there were large bloodstains on the ground.

"Is this the armored vehicle?"

Henry controlled the drone to slowly move closer to the direction of the armored vehicle. The armor had four arms in total. The top two mechanical arms were firmly holding a two-meter-long thermal weapon.

The bottom two mechanical arms included one modified into an alloy battle saber and the other equipped with a thick shield.

Miniature missile launchers were mounted on the shoulders of the armor, and there was a rocket jetpack on its back, which seemed capable of short-range flight! Such a behemoth was truly a weapon of war!

Perhaps it was vulnerable against uncontained mutant creatures, but at least it was overwhelmingly superior against these zombies.

"If I could get my hands on this big guy... I wouldn't fear any zombie horde!"

Henry said, squinting his eyes. Mechas are the romance of men! Although this was only an armored vehicle, not quite reaching the level of a mecha, it was already far beyond Earth's technology.

Who wouldn't want to command such a behemoth and crush through a zombie tide at will? Just the thought of it felt exhilarating!

Henry controlled the drone to fly towards another part of the campus. Soon, he was attracted by a shimmering supply crate. A level 3 supply crate—about the size of a van! It was surrounded by dozens of Crawlers and Venomous Creature Breeders.

It seemed that the higher the level of the resource box, the greater its attractiveness to these mutant zombies. The area looked like a meeting point for mutant zombies!

"Roar... Ah..."

Henry felt a strong gust of wind coming, making the drone involuntarily tremble. Then, a giant zombie over four meters tall appeared in the drone's camera. This creature was the monster Henry had seen before.

Previously, from a distance, his estimate of its height was not very accurate. Only now, up close, did he realize it was even taller and stronger than he had anticipated!

It retained a human appearance, with dark gray skin all over. It had no hair, and its muscles were bulging with veins. The most fatal aspect was... because the monster was so huge, there were no clothes that could fit it. It was completely naked...

Especially the lower half. This made Henry somewhat uncomfortable... How was he supposed to fight this? Just one glance could inflict ten thousand points of mental damage!

[Mutant Type III Zombie, Giant Tank, possesses immense strength, speed, reflexes, and resilience!]

"Roar~" The Giant Tank roared furiously and leapt high into the air, spreading its fingers wide to deliver a fierce slap. The drone was instantly shattered into pieces. Parts scattered everywhere, and the camera also fell. In the moment before the signal was lost, it captured an image of a security room! Then, the control console's screen was filled with static.

"Indeed, there's another security room on the other side of the school!"

"Based on what Clarissa said, she can see the Crawlers and also has a view of the level 3 supply crate... She's likely in that security room!" Henry nodded, confirming Clarissa's location.

The immediate priority now was how to obtain the armored mecha, then how to eliminate the zombie horde and mutant creatures, and successfully retrieve the level 3 supply crate! He took out the [Map of Sun University Campus] and reconstructed the zombie distribution based on the previous scouting done by the drone. There were at least a few thousand zombies here, possibly more!

If he tried to attract them in batches with sound and kill them off little by little, it could take days! That would be too long. Delays could lead to complications! That glaringly shiny level 3 resource crate—no telling how many survivors were eyeing it!

It had to be a quick and decisive battle! Henry pondered for a moment, then his eyes lit up. "I've got an idea!" Henry jumped down from the bus and then pushed the cars on the road to one side. With his current strength, moving a ton-heavy car was as easy as an ordinary person lifting a water cooler bottle. A bit tiring, but not difficult!

After clearing this road, Henry continued to clear the adjacent road, leaving a path wide enough for two rows of cars to pass through. Everything was ready!

Henry then retrieved a heavy truck from his storage space. He got into the truck—Boom!

Previously, when driving a heavy truck, Henry would just rush forward and then awkwardly turn around to head back. But after obtaining proficiency in driving, the moment Henry gripped the steering wheel, a surge of confidence arose. It felt as if he had been driving this truck for many years!

Start up, charge! With the roar of the engine, the heavy truck instantly accelerated to 60 mph, then made a high-speed turn. The rear of the truck swung like a pendulum, tracing a long arc on the ground and leaving a lengthy mark.
